• Q : How many centimeters of remaining ice extend above level....
    Physics :

    On cm extends above the water level. If you shaved off the 1 cm part, how many centimeters of the remaining ice would extend above water level?

  • Q : What will the vertical position of the boat....
    Physics :

    In the deep ocean, a water wave with wavelength 95 {rm m} travels at 12 {rm m}/{rm s}. Suppose a small boat is at the crest of this wave, 1.5 {rm m} above the equilibrium position. What will the ver

  • Q : Find the electric potential at the empty corner....
    Physics :

    Find the electric potential at the empty corner of the three charges are held in place in the figure below, where length x = 0.15 m and height y = 0.10 m

  • Q : Find the kinetic energy stored in the flywheel....
    Physics :

    A car is designed to get its energy from a rotating flywheel with a radius of 2.0 m and a mass of 600 kg. Before a trip, the flywheel is attached to an electric motor, which brings the flywheel's ro

  • Q : What must be minimum mass of neutron....
    Physics :

    Certain neutron stars (extremely dense stars) a believed to be rotating at about 1 rev/s. If such a star has a radius of 16 km, what must be its minimum mass so that material on its surface remains

  • Q : What is the radius of the pen....
    Physics :

    You decide to make a circular pen, because if you wish to enclose an area using a given length of fencing, then a circular fence encloses a larger area than a fence of any other shape. What is the r

  • Q : Balloon at the top of trajectory....
    Physics :

    A cannonball launched with an initial velocity of 151 m/s at an angle of 50° follows a parabolic path and hits a balloon at the top of its trajectory. Neglecting air resistance, how fast is it

  • Q : Wave frequency-amount of energy....
    Physics :

    A wave in the ocean has amplitude of 3 m. Winds pick up suddenly, increasing the wave's amplitude to 6 m. How does this change in amplitude affect the wave's frequency and the amount of energy it t

  • Q : Magnitude of the electric field at p multiplied....
    Physics :

    A non-conducting rod with a uniformly distributed charge +Q. The rod forms a 10/21 of circle with radius R and produces an electric field of magnitude Earc at its center of curvature P. If the arc

  • Q : Horizontal surface at a constant velocity....
    Physics :

    A 16.0 kg sled is being pulled across a horizontal surface at a constant velocity. The pulling force has a magnitude of 81.5 N and is directed at an angle of 30.0° above the horizontal. Determi

  • Q : Find spring constant if air-track glider is attached to it....
    Physics :

    The glider is pushed in 10.2 cm and released. A student with a stopwatch finds that 12 oscillations take 14.5 s. What is the spring constant?

  • Q : Vaulter horizontal component of velocity....
    Physics :

    A 55.0 kg pole vaulter running at 8.0 m/s vaults over the bar. Assuming that the vaulter's horizontal component of velocity over the bar is 1.0 m/s and disregarding air resistance, how high was the

  • Q : Finding out the coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    A 16.0 kg sled is being pulled across a horizontal surface at a constant velocity. The pulling force has a magnitude of 81.5 N and is directed at an angle of 30.0° above the horizontal. Determi

  • Q : What is the force of air resistance....
    Physics :

    What is the force of air resistance on a 100kg sky-diver who is falling with a constant acceleration of 4m/s/s?

  • Q : Compute the period of oscillation....
    Physics :

    A 1.00 g cork ball with charge 2.00 uC is suspended vertically on a 5.00 m long, light string in the presence of a uniform, downward-directed electric field of magnitude E = 1.00 x 10^5 N/C. If th

  • Q : For what values will sound person hears maximally reinforced....
    Physics :

    For what values x will the sound this person hears be (a) Maximally reinforced, (b) cancelled? Limit your solution to the cases where x is less then or equal to 1.5 m.

  • Q : How fast should the bat fly to hear a beat frequency....
    Physics :

    A bat flies toward a wall, emitting a steady sound of frequency 2.00kHz . This bat hears its own sound plus the sound reflected by the wall. How fast should the bat fly in order to hear a beat freq

  • Q : Effective coefficient of kinetic friction problem....
    Physics :

    A 340 piano slides 3.8 down a 32 incline and is kept from accelerating by a man who is pushing back on it parallel to the incline (see the figure ). The effective coefficient of kinetic friction is

  • Q : What is the maximum rise in temperature of the water....
    Physics :

    From a height of 35.0 m, a 1.25 kg bird dives (from rest) into a small fish tank containing 50.0 kg of water. What is the maximum rise in temperature of the water.

  • Q : What is the linear charge density along the arc....
    Physics :

    A charge -342e is uniformly distributed along a circular arc of radius 4.10 cm, which subtends an angle of 68o. What is the linear charge density along the arc?

  • Q : Block attached free end of the spring....
    Physics :

    A spring is hung from the ceiling. A 0.550 kg block is then attached to the free end of the spring. When released from rest, the block drops 0.130 m before momentarily coming to rest.

  • Q : How far horizontally is deflected by earth-s magnetic field....
    Physics :

    An Electron gun emits a beam of 12.0 kev electrons toward the screen. How far horizontally is the deflected by the Earth's magnetic field if the electron gun is 20cm from the screen.

  • Q : What is the initial velocity of the ball....
    Physics :

    A ball rolls horizontally off the edge of a tabletop that is 0.72 m high. It strikes the floor 2.80 m away from the edge of the table. What is the initial (horizontal) velocity of the ball? Ignore

  • Q : Amount of heat needed to raise the temp....
    Physics :

    Heat capacity of copper is .092 calories per gram per degree Celsius. Show that the amount of heat needed to raise the temp of a 10-gram piece of copper from 0 degree Celsius to 100 degree Celsius i

  • Q : What is the electric field strength at the points....
    Physics :

    An electric dipole is formed from pm 1.0;{rm nC} charges spaced 3.00 mm apart. The dipole is at the origin, oriented along the y-axis. What is the electric field strength at the points

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