• Q : Find the x component of the force vector....
    Physics :

    A force vector points at an angle of 52° above the +x axis. It has a y component of +290 newtons. Find (a) the magnitude and (b) the x component of the force vector.

  • Q : How long will it take to fill pool to a depth....
    Physics :

    A 5/8 inch (inside) diameter garden hose is used to fill a round swimming pool 6.1m in diameter. How long will it take to fill the pool to a depth of 1.2m if water issues from the hose at a speed

  • Q : Problem bsed on straight-line distance....
    Physics :

    An airplane flies 200 km due west from city A to city B and then 240 km in the direction of 33.5° north of west from city B to city C. In straight-line distance, how far is city C from city A?

  • Q : Calculate the magnitude of the damping coefficient....
    Physics :

    A 50.0g hard-boiled egg moves on the end of a spring with force constant k = 25.0 N/m. Calculate the magnitude of the damping coefficient b.

  • Q : Magnitude of the total electrostatic force....
    Physics :

    There are four charges, each with a magnitude of 1.5 µC. Two are positive and two are negative. The charges are fixed to the corners of a 0.26 m square, one to a corner, in such a way that the

  • Q : What is the mass of the child....
    Physics :

    A uniform plank of length 2 L is balanced at its center of mass. A mother with a mass of 50 kg sits at a distance L/5 from the center of mass and is balanced with her child sitting at the opposite e

  • Q : In what direction are the electrons traveling....
    Physics :

    This spark is caused by the movement of electrons through the air between the battery terminals. In what direction are the electrons traveling?

  • Q : Total combination is connected across....
    Physics :

    A 57.0- resistor is connected in parallel with a 123.0- resistor. This parallel group is connected in series with a 24.0- resistor. The total combination is connected across a 15.0-V battery. Find

  • Q : Determine the apparent weight....
    Physics :

    A Ferris wheel with a radius of 8.0 m rotates at a constant rate, completing one revolution in 30.0 s. What is the apparent weight of a 60.0-kg passenger when she is at the top of the wheel?

  • Q : Descibe how fast are the waves moving....
    Physics :

    A shipwreck survivor is lying on a raft in the middle of the ocean. The survivor trying to pass the time counts 15 crests that pass the raft in 45 seconds. From crest to the trough of the same wave,

  • Q : Find uncertainty in position of baseball due to uncertainty....
    Physics :

    A baseball (0.15 kg) and an electron both have a speed of 42 m/s. Find the uncertainty in position of the baseball, given that the uncertainty in their speed is 7.0%.

  • Q : Acceleration of the box and hanging mass....
    Physics :

    0.50 kg mass hangs from a string which is attached to a 1 kg box. The coefficient of friction between the box and the table top is 0.12. When the hanging mass is allowed to fall freely, the system a

  • Q : What is the force on q....
    Physics :

    Twelve equal charges, q, are situated at the corners of a regular 12-sided polygon (for instance, one on each numeral of a clock face). What is the net force on a test charge Q at the center? Suppo

  • Q : How long will your friend wait for you at the end of trip....
    Physics :

    You and a friend each drive 50.0 km. You travel at 89.0 km/h; your friend travels at 92.0 km/h. How long will your friend wait for you at the end of the trip?

  • Q : How many minutes it takes sun to move one solar diameter....
    Physics :

    How does your answer compare with the time it takes the sun to disappear, once its lower edge meets the horizon at sunset?

  • Q : Determine the mass of the fish....
    Physics :

    The scale of a spring balance reading from 0 to 250{N} has a length of 11.0{cm}. A fish hanging from the bottom of the spring oscillates vertically at a frequency of 2.80{Hz}. What is the mass of th

  • Q : Concentric conducting spherical shells....
    Physics :

    Consider two thin concentric conducting spherical shells (the outer shell and the inner shell) with radius a and b, respectively. We deposit charge q on the outer shell and -2 q on the inner shell.

  • Q : What is the speed of the water when it hits the bottom....
    Physics :

    The falls are approximately 108 m high. If the river is flowing horizontally at 3.60 m/s just before going over the falls, what is the speed of the water when it hits the bottom? Assume the water is

  • Q : What is the velocity of the current....
    Physics :

    A river flows toward the east. Because of your knowledge of physics, you head your boat 44° west of north and have a velocity of 8.0 m/s due north relative to the shore. (a) What is the velocity

  • Q : What is the distance between the two aircraft....
    Physics :

    An air-traffic controller observes two aircraft on his radar screen. The first is at altitude 900 m, horizontal distance 19.9 km, and 25.0° south of west. The second aircraft is at altitude 1300

  • Q : Calculate linear speed due to earth-s rotation for a person....
    Physics :

    Calculate the linear speed due to the Earth's rotation for a person at a location of 40 degrees N latitude of the Earth. The radius of the rotation at this location is 5.00x10^6m.

  • Q : What charge must be on each plate....
    Physics :

    An electric field of 2.60 × 105 V/m is desired between two parallel plates each of area 23.0 cm2 and separated by 0.250 cm of air. What charge must be on each plate?

  • Q : Determine the horizontal component of pendulums displacement....
    Physics :

    A 15 g rifle bullet traveling 250 m/s buries itself in a 3.0 kg pendulum hanging on a 2.9 m long string, which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc. Determine the horizontal component of the p

  • Q : How far will the crew have to fly to reach the aircraft....
    Physics :

    A plane leaves the airport in Galisto and flies 135 km 68 degrees east of north and then changes direction to fly 219 km at 48 degrees south of east, after which it makes an immediate emergency land

  • Q : What is the unstretched length of the spring....
    Physics :

    What is the unstretched length of the spring? What would be the length of the spring if an additional 0.8 kg was added?

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