• Q : What is the total charge on earth surface....
    Physics :

    The electric field just above the surface of Earth has been measured to typically be 158 N/C pointing downward What is the total charge on Earth's surface implied by this measurement?

  • Q : Find out the tensions in the rope....
    Physics :

    A stunt man whose mass is 70 kg swings from the end of a 4.0 m long rope along the arc of a vertical circle. Assuming that he starts from rest when the rope is horizontal, find the tensions in the r

  • Q : What is magnitude and direction of the car''s acceleration....
    Physics :

    A car traveling east at 40 m/s passes a trooper hiding at the roadside. The driver uniformly reduces his speed to 25 m/s in 3.5 s. What is the magnitude and direction of the car's acceleration ?

  • Q : What is the balls initial speed....
    Physics :

    A baseball is seen to pass upward by a window 27 above the street with a vertical speed of 11. What is the balls initial speed?

  • Q : What is the constant tension....
    Physics :

    The tension is such that the block just comes to rest when it reaches the bottom of the incline. (The person's force is nonconservative!) What is this constant tension?

  • Q : Question regarding speed of the bullet....
    Physics :

    An experiment that can be used to measure the velocity of a bullet is to have two cardboard disks attached to a rotating shaft some distance apart and to measure the angular separation of the holes

  • Q : Angle between the beam and the horizontal....
    Physics :

    A load is suspended by cable fro a beam supported by another cable. The angle between the beam and the horizontal is 66 degrees and the angle between supporting cable and the horizontal is 39 degree

  • Q : Determine how many revolutions will car have gone through....
    Physics :

    A car starts from rest on a curve with a radius of 190 m and accelerates at 1.30 m/s^2. How many revolutions will the car have gone through when the magnitude of its total acceleration is 2.40 m/s^2

  • Q : How fast the bucket must move at the top of the circle....
    Physics :

    A bucket of mass 2.50 kg is whirled in a vertical circle of radius 1.45 m. At the lowest point of its motion the tension in the rope supporting the bucket is 33.0 N. Find the speed of the bucket, an

  • Q : What is the angular displacement of the ball....
    Physics :

    A ball of radius 0.200 m rolls with a constant linear speed of 3.39 m/s along a horizontal table. The ball rolls off the edge and falls a vertical distance of 2.00 m before hitting the floor. What i

  • Q : How much energy is needed to pop grams of corn....
    Physics :

    How much energy is needed to pop 95.0 grams of corn if 14 percent of a kernel's mass consists of water? Assume that the latent heat of vaporization for water at 175 degrees Celsius.

  • Q : Will a friction force be required....
    Physics :

    A 1100 kg car rounds a curve of 59 m banked at an angle of 18 degrees. If the car is traveling at 98 km/h, will a friction force be required? If so, in what direction?

  • Q : How far does the tongue reach....
    Physics :

    Chameleons catch insects with their tongues, which they can rapidly extend to great lengths. In a typical strike, the chameleon's tongue accelerates at a remarkable 250 m/s^2 for 20  ms, then t

  • Q : Ground that block lands from the base of the table....
    Physics :

    A 15 g bullet traveling at 489 m/s strikes an 0.82 kg block of wood that is balanced on a table edge 0.82 m above the ground. If the bullet buries itself in the block, find how far along the ground

  • Q : Find total mechanical energy of ball when it is at height....
    Physics :

    Find the total mechanical energy of the ball when it is a height h above the equilibrium position of the spring. Assume that h < h_{rm max} , so that the ball has some velocity v.

  • Q : Determine the average force exerted on ball by the wall....
    Physics :

    A 2.70 kg steel ball strikes a wall with a speed of 10.0 m/s at an angle of 60.0° with the surface. It bounces off with the same speed and angle. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0.22

  • Q : Find the magnitude and direction of the initial velocity....
    Physics :

    Find the magnitude and direction of the initial velocity. Express the direction as an angle with respect to the +x axis.

  • Q : How many photons per second enter the eye....
    Physics :

    If light with this intensity and wavelength enters the eye when the pupil is open to its maximum diameter of 7.5 mm, how many photons per second enter the eye?

  • Q : Displacement and average velocity....
    Physics :

    At one instant a bicyclist is 75 m due east of a park's flagpole, going due south with a speed of 12 m/s. Then, 25 s later, the cyclist is 45 m due north of the flagpole, going due east with a speed

  • Q : Compute magnitude of the runner''s total displacement....
    Physics :

    A football player runs directly down the field for 19 mbefore turning to the right at an angle of 29 from his original direction and running an additional 24 m before being tackled. a) What is the

  • Q : Where should the parent push with a force....
    Physics :

    A school yard teeter-totter with a total length of 5.4 and a mass of 36 is pivoted at its center. A 16 child sits on one end of the teeter-totter. Where should the parent push with a force of 330?

  • Q : Find the maximum height reached by the rocket....
    Physics :

    Find the maximum height reached by the rocket. Ignore air resistance and assume a constant acceleration due to gravity equal to 9.80. Write your answer numerically in units of meters.

  • Q : Smallest angle of incidence with respect to the top mirror....
    Physics :

    A laser beam is directed at the top mirror from the left edge of the bottom mirror. What is the smallest angle of incidence with respect to the top mirror, such that the laser beam.

  • Q : Determining moment of inertia....
    Physics :

    A small grinding wheel has a moment of inertia of 4.0×10-5 {rm kg}cdot{rm m^{2}}. What net torque must be applied to the wheel for its angular acceleration to be 150 {rm rad}/{rm s^{2}}?

  • Q : What is the tension in the telephone cord....
    Physics :

    The pulse makes four trips down and back along the cord in 0.650 s. What is the tension in the cord? Your answer differs from the correct answer by 10% to 100%. 

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