• Q : What is the speed of the water in the pipe....
    Physics :

    Water flowing through a 2.0 cm diameter pipe can fill a 280 L bathtub in 5.0 minutes. What is the speed of the water in the pipe?

  • Q : Fundamental frequency of the wire....
    Physics :

    A 41-cm length of wire has a mass of 6.0 g. It is stretched between two fixed supports and is under a tension of 160 N. What is the fundamental frequency of this wire?

  • Q : What is the radius of the track....
    Physics :

    A horse races once around a circular track in a time of 130 s, with a speed of 26 m/s. What is the radius of the track?

  • Q : Purpose of the thermal conductivity of gases....
    Physics :

    What is the purpose of the 'thermal conductivity of gases' experiment in lab?

  • Q : Maximum speed of the car problem....
    Physics :

    Suppose the highway is icy and the coefficient of friction between the tires and pavement is only one-third what you found in part A. What should be the maximum speed of the car so it can round the

  • Q : Determine the linear acceleration of the bicycle....
    Physics :

    A bicycle has wheels with a diameter of 0.67 m. It accelerates uniformly and the rate of rotation of its wheels increases from 191.0 rpm to 260.0 rpm in a time of 21.7 s. Find the linear accelerati

  • Q : Gravitational potential energy at point....
    Physics :

    A skier with a mass of 84 kg hits a ramp of snow at 32 m/s and becomes airborne. at the highest point of flight, the skier is 4.7 m above the ground. what is the skier's gravitational potential ene

  • Q : Launch pad in a space vacuum....
    Physics :

    Suppose the shuttle was launched from a launch pad on the moon. What changes would we observe? suppose it was launched form a launch pad in a space vacuum. Would it work? What changes would we obser

  • Q : Change in entropy of universe resulting from collision....
    Physics :

    Two 1800-kg cars, both traveling at 18 m/s, undergo a head-on collision and stick together. Find the change in entropy of the Universe resulting from the collision if the temperature is 20°C.

  • Q : What should be the maximum speed....
    Physics :

    Suppose the highway is icy and the coefficient of friction between the tires and pavement is only one-third what you found in part A. What should be the maximum speed of the car so it can round the

  • Q : Mutual inductance of combination of two coils....
    Physics :

    A 10.0 -long solenoid of diameter 0.400cm is wound uniformly with 800 turns. A second coil with 50.0 turns is wound around the solenoid at its center. What is the mutual inductance of the combinati

  • Q : What was the initial speed given to the rock....
    Physics :

    A soccer player kicks a rock horizontally off a cliff 39.0 m high into a pool of water. If the player hears the sound of the splash 3.19 s later, what was the initial speed given to the rock? Assume

  • Q : Find the speed of the cylinder at the top of the loop....
    Physics :

    A uniform solid cylinder (m=0.590 kg, of small radius) is at the top of a similar ramp, which has friction. The cylinder starts from rest and rolls down the ramp without sliding and goes around the

  • Q : With what force must you pull....
    Physics :

    Because of the cramped space under the hood, you'll need to pull at an angle of 105 with respect to the wrench shaft. With what force must you pull?

  • Q : Collision is the impulse on the cart greater....
    Physics :

    Cart traveling at 0.3 m/s collides with stationary object. After the collision, the cart rebounds in the opposite direction. The same cart again traveling at 0.3 m/s collides with a different statio

  • Q : Between the beam and the cable....
    Physics :

    A 34.0 kg uniform beam is attached to a wall with a hinge while its far end is supported by a cable such that the beam is horizontal. If the angle between the beam and the cable is q = 66.0° what

  • Q : How far must the stone fall....
    Physics :

    A frictionless pulley has the shape of a uniform solid disk of mass 4.00 kg and radius 28.0 cm. A 3.90 kg stone is attached to a very light wire that is wrapped around the rim of the pulley , and th

  • Q : What is the spring stiffness constant....
    Physics :

    A bungee jumper with mass 62.0 jumps from a high bridge. After reaching his lowest point, he oscillates up and down, hitting a low point eight more times in 44.0 . He finally comes to rest 22.0 belo

  • Q : Speed of a transverse wave on the rope....
    Physics :

    A uniform rope of mass 46 g and length 120 cm hangs from a ceiling. (a) Find the speed of a transverse wave on the rope at 39 cm from the lower end. (b) Find the time a transverse wave takes to tra

  • Q : Tangential speed at the widest part....
    Physics :

    if a 10 inch wide top is spinning at 300 rpm, what is the tangential speed at the widest part?

  • Q : Find the new pressure applied by the piston....
    Physics :

    When additional mass is added to the piston, the height of the piston decreases to 16.4 cm. Find the new pressure applied by the piston.

  • Q : Distance between earth and the moon....
    Physics :

    The mass of the Moon is 7.35 x 10^22 kg. At some point between Earth and the Moon, the force of Earth's gravitational attraction on an object is cancelled by the Moon's force of gravitational attra

  • Q : Find the air temperature inside the tires at the end of trip....
    Physics :

    At the start of a trip, a driver adjusts the absolute pressure in her tires to be 2.83 105 Pa when the outdoor temperature is 285 K. At the end of the trip she measures the pressure to be 3 105 Pa.

  • Q : Best and most efficient method to create compressed air....
    Physics :

    We have a 10,000 pound weight (of any configuration, size or shape) lifted to a height of 50 feet by a construction crane. What is the best and most efficient method to create compressed air with such

  • Q : Find the mass of the lead block....
    Physics :

    A 1 kg toy raft floats on water with 68% of its volume submerged. A lead block is placed on the raft and the raft is then fully submerged with the lead block just above the surface of the water. Fi

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