• Q : What is the electric flux through the rectangle....
    Physics :

    A uniform electric field with a magnitude of 125,000 N/C passes through a rectangle with sides of 2.50 m and 5.00 m. The angle between the electric field vector and the vector normal to the rectangu

  • Q : Free end on a frictionless slope....
    Physics :

    A spring (70 N/m) has an equilibrium length of 1.00m. The spring is compressed to a length of 0.50} and a mass of 1.8 k is placed at its free end on a frictionless slope which makes an angle of 41 d

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction-flight bag-floor....
    Physics :

    A flight attendant pulls her 69 N flight bag a distance of 246 m along a level airport floor at a constant velocity. The force she exerts is 37 N at an angle of 58° above the horizontal. Find t

  • Q : Component of the submarine displacement problem....
    Physics :

    A submarine dives 155.0 m at an angle of 12.0? below the horizontal. What is the horizontal component of the submarine's displacement?

  • Q : Average tangential speed at the edge of the grindston....
    Physics :

    A grindstome of radius 4m is initially spinning with an angular speed of 8 rad/s. Angular speed is the increased to 10 rad/2 over the next 4 seconds. What is the average tangential speed at the edge

  • Q : What is the length of a pendulum....
    Physics :

    The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.62 {rm{ m/s}}^{rm{2}}. What is the length of a pendulum whose period on the moon matches the period of a 1.60-m-long pendulum on the earth?

  • Q : Determining center of mass of the two-stone system....
    Physics :

    A stone is dropped at t = 0. A second stone, with 6 times the mass of the first, is dropped from the same point at t = 59 ms. (a) How far below the release point is the center of mass of the two st

  • Q : Calculate speed of water just before striking the turbines....
    Physics :

    Water flows over a dam at the rate of 680 and falls vertically 86 before striking the turbine blades. Calculate the speed of the water just before striking the turbine blades (neglect air resistance

  • Q : What vertical height will he attain....
    Physics :

    A basketball player achieves a hang time of 0.61 s in dunking the ball. What vertical height will he attain? The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s². Answer in units of m.

  • Q : Coefficient of friction between block and plane....
    Physics :

    A block of mass m is kept on a rough plank at a distance l from one of its end.if the plank is rotated with certain angular acceleration "alpha",the block slides when the plank makes an angle "theta

  • Q : Mass of the dog and basket....
    Physics :

    Children in a tree house lift a small dog in a basket 4.70 m up to their house. If it takes 201 J of work to do this, what is that combined mass of the dog and basket?

  • Q : Newtons on the arrow over a distance....
    Physics :

    An 87 gram arrow is fired from a bow whose string exerts an average force of 130 Newtons on the arrow over a distance of 82 centimeters. What is the speed of the arrow as it leaves the bow?

  • Q : Determine the average total force acted on the car....
    Physics :

    A 2000 kg car is slowed down uniformly from 16.0 m/s to 10.00 m/s in 3.60 s. (a) What average total force acted on the car during that time?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the change in the magnetic flux....
    Physics :

    A rectangular loop of wire is moving toward the bottom of the page with a speed of 0.025 m/s (see the drawing). The loop is leaving a region in which a 2.8 T magnetic field exists; the magnetic fiel

  • Q : Determining the feed rate and time to complete the cut....
    Physics :

    An end milling operation is performed on a NC machining center. The total length of travel is 625mm along a straight line path to cut a particular workpiece. Cutting speed = 2.0m/s and chip load (fe

  • Q : Find the total internal energy of gas....
    Physics :

    A container of volume 0.42 m3 contains 2.8 mol of argon gas at 31°C. Assuming that argon behaves as an ideal gas, find the total internal energy of this gas.

  • Q : Determine the feed rate and time to complete the cut....
    Physics :

    An end milling operation is performed on a NC machining center. The total length of travel is 625mm along a straight line path to cut a particular workpiece. Cutting speed = 2.0m/s and chip load (fe

  • Q : Analyze the modern-day relevancy of the models....
    Physics :

    Analyze the modern-day relevancy of the models, such as in media advertisements or education.

  • Q : Find the average acceleration of the plane....
    Physics :

    A steam catapult launches a jet aircraft (from rest) from the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis, giving it a speed of 165 mi/h in 2.00 s. Find the average acceleration of the plane.

  • Q : What is the average power of the elevator....
    Physics :

    A 661-kg elevator starts from rest and moves upward for 2.50 s with constant acceleration until it reaches its cruising speed, 1.62 m/s. (a) What is the average power of the elevator motor during th

  • Q : Rock is dropped from a sea cliff....
    Physics :

    A rock is dropped from a sea cliff and the sound of it striking the ocean is heard 5.4 seconds later. If the speed of sound is 340 m/s, how high is the cliff?

  • Q : Tractor beam exerts a constant force....
    Physics :

    A Federation starship ( 2.00×106 kg) uses its tractor beam to pull a shuttlecraft ( 2.00×104 kg) aboard from a distance of 15.0 km away. The tractor beam exerts a constant force of 4.0 t

  • Q : Determine the initial velocity of the bullet....
    Physics :

    A 10 gram bullet is fired horizontally from a gun and embeds itself into a 50 gram block of wood initially at rest on a wooden horizontal surface. After this collision the wood block slides 100 met

  • Q : What resistive force does the wood exert problem....
    Physics :

    A rifle with a barrel length of 57 cm fires a 8 g bullet with a horizontal speed of 370 m/s. The bullet strikes a block of wood and penetrates to a depth of 14 cm. What resistive force (assumed to

  • Q : Calculate the speed of toy car y after the collision....
    Physics :

    A toy car X of mass 0.200 kg moves along a frictionless surface with a velocity of 0.180 m/s. It collides with another toy car Y, with a mass of 0.250 kg and a speed of 0.130 m/s in the same direct

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