• Q : Determining the electric potential energy of the system....
    Physics :

    Three equal point charges, each with charge 1.00 , are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are of length 0.350 . What is the electric potential energy of the system? (Take

  • Q : What horizontal acceleration....
    Physics :

    If you place the box on a dolly of mass 5.3 {rm kg} and with coefficient of rolling friction 1.3×10-2, what horizontal acceleration would that 171 {rm N} force provide?

  • Q : Total gravitational force on the mass....
    Physics :

    Three identical masses of 420 each are placed on the x axis. One mass is at = -13.0 , one is at the origin, and one is at = 41.0 . What is the magnitude of the net gravitational force on the mass a

  • Q : What is the velocity of the gold puck after the collision....
    Physics :

    A gold puck has a mass of 12 kg and a velocity of 5i - 4j m/s prior to a collision with a stationary blue puck whose mass is 18 kg. After the collision, the blue puck has a velocity of 2i - 2j m/s.

  • Q : Determine the displacement of the car....
    Physics :

    A car is driven 145 km west and then 25 km southwest. What is the displacement of the car from the point of origin (magnitude and direction)?

  • Q : What will be the length of the wire....
    Physics :

    Suppose that you wish to fabricate a uniform wire out of 1.00 g of copper. Assume the wire has a resistance R = 0.700 , and all of the copper is used. (a) What will be the length of the wire?

  • Q : Also explain what atoms on mars must be composed of....
    Physics :

    Explain, in detail, why the dust clings to the wheels. Be sure to describe forces by name and mention charging by induction, conducting, or rubbing, if it is appropriate. Also explain what atoms on

  • Q : What is the mass of the block....
    Physics :

    A cubical block of wood 10cm on a side floats at the interface between the oil and water with its lower surface 2cm below the interface. The density of the oil is 750kg/m3.(a) what is the gauge pres

  • Q : Determine the braking force must its rockets provide....
    Physics :

    A 75,600 spaceship comes in for a vertical landing. From an initial speed of 1.00 , it comes to rest in 2.00 with uniform acceleration. What braking force must its rockets provide? Ignore air resist

  • Q : Determine kinetic energy of the baseball-trajectory motion....
    Physics :

    A baseball outfielder throws a 0.150 kg baseball at a speed of 36.0 m/s and an initial angle of 33.0°. What is the kinetic energy of the baseball at the highest point of its trajectory?

  • Q : Ball is thrown downward with an initial speed....
    Physics :

    A ball is thrown downward with an initial speed of 25 m/s from the top of a 210 m tall building. At the same time another ball is thrown upward from ground level with a speed of 25 m/s At what dista

  • Q : Drops a stone from rest into a hole....
    Physics :

    A spelunker (cave explorer) drops a stone from rest into a hole. The speed of sound is 343 m/s in air, and the sound of the stone striking the bottom is heard 2.34 s after the stone is dropped. How

  • Q : Find the x-y components of the position of satellite....
    Physics :

    A radar antenna is tracking a satellite orbiting the earth. At a certain time, the radar screen shows the satellite to be 158 km away. The radar antenna is pointing upward at an angle of 62.3° f

  • Q : How much time does it take to lift the piano....
    Physics :

    A 140 kg piano is being lifted at a steady speed from ground level straight up to an apartment 16.0 m above the ground. The crane that is doing the lifting produces a steady power of 400W. How much

  • Q : What is the net work done on the weight....
    Physics :

    A weight lifter lifts a set of weights vertical distance 2.00 m. If a constant net force of 350 N is exerted on the weights, what is the net work done on the weight?

  • Q : What was the speeders speed....
    Physics :

    If the police car accelerates uniformly at 3.00m/s^2 and overtakes the speeder after accelerating for 9.00 s, what was the speeder's speed?

  • Q : What is the safe coefficient of kinetic friction on floor....
    Physics :

    Bonnie and Clyde are sliding a 360 kg bank safe across the floor to their getaway car. The safe slides with a constant speed if Clyde pushes from behind with 405 N of force while Bonnie pulls forwar

  • Q : Calculate the speeds of the tips of both rotors....
    Physics :

    The respective rotational speeds are 450 rev/min and 4 138 rev/min. Calculate the speeds of the tips of both rotors. Compare these speeds with the speed of sound, 343 m/s.

  • Q : Determining the tension in the wire....
    Physics :

    A C note (f=256 Hz) is sounded on a piano. If the length of the piano wire is 1.00 m and its mass density is 2.50 g/m, what is the tension in the wire?

  • Q : Magnitude of the angular velocity of the disk....
    Physics :

    A sanding disk with rotational inertia 2.5 x 10-3 kg·m2 is attached to an electric drill whose motor delivers a torque of magnitude 42 N·m about the central axis of the disk. About tha

  • Q : At what height above the cannon should the net be placed....
    Physics :

    A daredevil is shot out of a cannon at 45.0° to the horizontal with an initial speed of 26.0 m/s. A net is positioned a horizontal distance of 52.0 m from the cannon. At what height above the ca

  • Q : What is the tension in the net....
    Physics :

    The two wires are anchored to the ground 2 m apart and each 2 m from the pole. The tension in each wire is 85 N. What is the tension in the net, assumed horizontal and attached at the top of the pole?

  • Q : Magnitude of the normal force which the floor exerting....
    Physics :

    A chair of weight 140 lies atop a horizontal floor; the floor is not frictionless. You push on the chair with a force of = 44.0 directed at an angle of 34.0below the horizontal and the chair slides

  • Q : Distance between the double slit and the screen....
    Physics :

    In a Young's double-slit system,the slit spacing is 1000 wavelength and the fringe spacing is 10000 wavelength,what is the distance between the double slit and the screen?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the initial acceleration....
    Physics :

    The third sphere (mass unknown) is released from rest. Considering only the gravitational forces that the spheres exert on each other, what is the magnitude of the initial acceleration of the third

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