• Q : Biological influences of psychology....
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    Develop a short presentation describing the biological influences of psychology. In your presentation you may include elements such as:

  • Q : Question regarding insulin....
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    For most people, insulin levels tend to be higher during the day than at night. Use this fact to explain why people grow hungry a few hours after a daytime meal but not so quickly at night.

  • Q : Fields in psychology and neuroscience....
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    Describe the relationship between biological psychology and other fields in psychology and neuroscience.

  • Q : Aspects related to psychopharmacology....
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    What is psychopharmacology? What are some positive aspects related to psychopharmacology?

  • Q : Psychologists attempting to explain human behavior....
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    What are some of the ways that psychologists attempt to explain human behavior? One of the major debates within the field of Psychology is the degree to which nature versus nurture shape human behav

  • Q : Factors influencing the perception of attraction....
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    What influence do the media and one's peers have on the concept of beauty? What other factors influence the perception of attraction?

  • Q : Central issues associated with biological psychology....
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    What are the central issues associated with biological psychology in the context of human development and psychological function? Which one of these do you feel is the most important? Why?

  • Q : Psychopharmacology-study of drugs and behaviour....
    Other Subject :

    Psychopharmacology is the study of drugs and how they affect behaviour. If you break down the word, it tells you exactly what it means.... "psycho" like psychology, or the study of behaviour,

  • Q : Difference between intelligence and wisdom....
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    Examples of the difference between intelligence and wisdom are generally easy to find in the news. Find an example of an intelligent person who acted unwisely and had to pay the consequences such as

  • Q : Men and women patterns of work....
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    What are men's and women's patterns of work? How do these patterns relate to on-the-job achievement and income?

  • Q : Biological foundations of psychology....
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    Identify the major schools of thought in psychology and examine their assumptions. Describe the biological foundations of psychology.

  • Q : Structures of the brain....
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    Write a paper in APA format describing the five major structures of the brain and each structure's function(s) in the human body. Be sure to include the following brain structures:

  • Q : Advantages-drawbacks of using case study method....
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    What are the advantages and drawbacks of using the case study method? Do you think that the advantages to using this method are greater than the drawbacks? Why or why not?

  • Q : Appropriate response to statements....
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    What would be an appropriate response to those who make the following statements?

  • Q : Approaches of multiculturalism....
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    How might you apply approaches of multiculturalism and/or diversity to increase understanding and sensitivity toward culturally diverse individuals? Explain in at least 200 words.

  • Q : Concept of ethical decision-making....
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    Please provide assistance with this. Locate a current article that concerns the concept of ethical decision-making. Read the article and provide a short summary of its main points as a response.

  • Q : Impact of nature and nurture....
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    In learning and cognition, one of the major areas of discussion is the impact of nature and nurture. What is the concept of nature versus nurture?

  • Q : Concepts associated with classical conditioning....
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    Using a current article that illustrates concepts associated with classical conditioning (i.e. a current situation with conditioned response or conditioned suppression)..

  • Q : Thorndike and skinner beliefs concerning conditioning....
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    Compare and contrast Thorndike's and Skinner's beliefs concerning conditioning. Whose approach to conditioning do you relate to better? Why?

  • Q : Introduction to lifetime repercussions....
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    What happens if a person fails to successfully navigate through one of the stages in his/her development? Are there any lifetime repercussions and if so, what are they?

  • Q : Evolutionary theory of development of human species....
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    I am just learning indepth information about evolution and need guidance on how to think about the evolutionary theory of the development of the human species.

  • Q : Neurological foundations-taste-touch and smell....
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    The way the brain perceives stimuli says something about how taste, smell and touch affect behavior. Most stimuli that are perceived positively are, in fact, good for people;

  • Q : Neural basis of the communication of emotions....
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    The neural basis of the communication of emotions consists of recognition and expression. The right hemisphere of the brain plays an important role in recognition.

  • Q : Role of neurotransmitters in brain function....
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    Neurotransmitters are the chemicals emitted by the body that send messages between neurons and other cells. There are primary neurotransmitters that play a role in brain function and behavior.

  • Q : Psychopharmacology-medical treatment of mental illness....
    Other Subject :

    Psychopharmacology is the basis for the medical treatment of mental illness. As such, it raises ethical questions involving the rights of the mentally ill to determine their own course of treatment

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