• Q : Difference between ethnicity and nationality....
    Other Subject :

    What is the difference between ethnicity and nationality? How are these concepts understood in the United States? What is ethnocentrism? Is it possible to avoid ethnocentrism?

  • Q : Relationship between behavior and culture....
    Other Subject :

    What is the relationship between behavior and culture? Why is it important to understand this relationship? What is the role of research in cross-cultural psychology?

  • Q : Reinforcement-punishment and extinction....
    Other Subject :

    Answers the question as to what operant conditioning is, and explains the terms reinforcement, punishment, and extinction and how they operate in operant conditioning.

  • Q : Conditioned and unconditioned response....
    Other Subject :

    This solution explains the difference between a conditioned and an unconditioned response with 3 examples of each.

  • Q : Decisions often depend on judgments....
    Other Subject :

    Decisions often depend on judgments. Decision making is inherently subjective. What is your view on this notion? Provide an example of how your government has made a decision that seemed more subjec

  • Q : Use of nonhuman animals in research....
    Other Subject :

    Summarize the study of the guidelines for ethical care in the care and use of nonhuman animals in research.

  • Q : Productive behavior and counterproductive behavior....
    Other Subject :

    Define productive behavior and counterproductive behavior, explain the impact that productive and counterproductive behaviors have on job performance and the overall performance of an organization

  • Q : Risk assessments are subjective....
    Other Subject :

    Do you agree that most risk assessments are subjective and not objective? Explain.

  • Q : Human psychology-business practices of an organization....
    Other Subject :

    Do you believe that human psychology plays an important part in determining the business practices of an organization?

  • Q : Leadership and management concepts....
    Other Subject :

    This solution was inspired by the following question, "Explain the differences between leadership and management and how it affects an organization like Kudler Fine Foods?"

  • Q : Psychological disorders universal or culturally specific....
    Other Subject :

    Are psychological disorders universal or culturally specific? I feel they are both with more weight being universal and perhaps the cultural standpoint having a triggering effect to the disorder.

  • Q : Models of group development....
    Other Subject :

    What are some of the similarities and differences among the different models of group development discussed in text are forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning?

  • Q : Role of organizational leadership....
    Other Subject :

    I need to explain how can motivational theories be applied to the situation, analyze the role of organizational leadership in the situation, and the role of power and influence in the situation. usi

  • Q : Similarities-differences of sexual attitude and behavior....
    Other Subject :

    Compare the similarities and differences of one sexual attitude and one sexual behavior in Pakistan and America. The cultural factors that influence those and how sexual attitudes and behaviors are

  • Q : Assessment of alcohol and other drugs....
    Other Subject :

    What role does discrimination play in perpetuating the assessment of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) problems among diverse populations?

  • Q : Various stakeholder perspectives....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss pros/cons of this practice from various stakeholder perspectives e.g. employees, co-workers, management, tenure vs. non-tenure employees, etc.

  • Q : Culturally different ways of thinking and behaving....
    Other Subject :

    Do you think a leader that has never had experience with people different from him or herself can develop the ability to smoothly adapt to culturally different ways of thinking and behaving?

  • Q : Transformational and charismatic leadership....
    Other Subject :

    Evaluate what you consider the most important difference between transformational leadership and transactional leadership and between transformational and charismatic leadership?

  • Q : Strategic vision and strategic action....
    Other Subject :

    In terms of strategic vision and strategic action, they are both needed for effective leadership; which do you think you are better at doing and why?

  • Q : Change cultural values when necessary....
    Other Subject :

    What are some techniques leaders might use to influence and change cultural values when necessary?

  • Q : Influence of culture on the client perception....
    Other Subject :

    It has been recognized information regarding the influence of culture on the client's perception of drug use is vital; it helps in assessing whether a client meets the criteria for a disorder relate

  • Q : Psychosexual stages of development....
    Other Subject :

    Briefly outline Sigmund Freuds basic concepts with one or two sentences each; Endopsychic conflicts; Defense mechanism; The conscious continuum; and The psychosexual stages of development.

  • Q : Multiculturally competent practitioner....
    Other Subject :

    What are the characteristics, beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge of a multiculturally competent practitioner?

  • Q : Ignoring cultural biases as a therapist....
    Other Subject :

    should the therapist practice keeping his or her mind open while electing to work with the client, or should the therapist refer out until he or she has worked through the biases?

  • Q : Role of a forensic psychology professional....
    Other Subject :

    A discussion of the role of a forensic psychology professional in addressing multicultural differences and meeting the needs of a diverse set of clients.

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