• Q : Historical and contemporary discriminatory....
    Other Subject :

    Can you assist me with the major historical and contemporary discriminatory practices toward GLBT people and respond to the following:

  • Q : Examining the societal discriminatory....
    Other Subject :

    Need assistance with examining the societal discriminatory practices toward older Americans and people with disabilities.

  • Q : Current challenges for the aging worker....
    Other Subject :

    Need assistance with developing a list of current challenges for the aging worker.

  • Q : Strength and direction of the correlation....
    Other Subject :

    Assuming that we get a correlation of r = -.60, what does this tell us about the strength and direction of the correlation between satisfaction and calling in sick to work?

  • Q : Organizational psychology concepts....
    Other Subject :

    Utilize organizational psychology concepts to make recommendations to improve the environment within your selected virtual organization.

  • Q : Culture play in defining intelligence....
    Other Subject :

    What is intelligence? What role does culture play in defining intelligence? Describe the concept as it relates to two different cultures to validate your point. I need 2 sources please.

  • Q : Creating a slection system for team members....
    Other Subject :

    In the modern-day work environment, organizations are increasingly relying on team based work. How would you go about creating a slection system for team members?

  • Q : Influence and power of management....
    Other Subject :

    Describe how the floor workers view the influence and power of management. Discuss how this is negatively and/or positively impacting the workplace and changes you would recommend.

  • Q : Observational research methods....
    Other Subject :

    Do you think that observational research methods are too subjective? Why or why not? How can observer bias be controlled?

  • Q : Illustrations of of a multicultural experience....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss your preconceived notions about the experience. Explain how your notions were impacted by group influence.

  • Q : Definition to multicultural psychology....
    Other Subject :

    What is the definition to multicultural psychology? What is the role of multicultural psychology in society?

  • Q : Application of cross cultural psychology....
    Other Subject :

    I need help discussing the application of Cross Cultural Psychology to the following disciplines: 1. Abnormal Psychology 2. Humanistic Psychology 3. Developmental Psychology 4. Cognitive Psychology

  • Q : Strengths and weaknesses of each approach....
    Other Subject :

    Organizations may deal with changing jobs and job requirements by either retraining current employees or by replacing them. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each approach?

  • Q : Person racial background or ethnicity....
    Other Subject :

    It is important to understand the relationship between culture and behavior, especially for those in the field of psychology, because culture is not limited to a person's racial background or ethnic

  • Q : Aims to cross-cultural psychology....
    Other Subject :

    Cross-cultural psychology aims to explore relationships between (individual-level) psychological variables and (culture-level) socio-cultural, ecological, and biological variables. Discuss.

  • Q : Management positions in various types of companies....
    Other Subject :

    The list below identifies individuals in key management positions in different types of companies. From this list, choose three individuals and then suggest a research study that someone in that pos

  • Q : Job opportunities or career growth....
    Other Subject :

     In light of the recent economic downturn, what do you think about training and development needs in terms of prospects of new job opportunities or career growth during this current period of r

  • Q : Psychological testing used in the workplace....
    Other Subject :

    Please can someone help me out with some information on three types of psychological testing used in the workplace and differentiate between those used for pre-employment or retention.

  • Q : Impact on employee satisfaction....
    Other Subject :

    When answering this question, one must define these factors before discussion the commitment of the organization and its impact (or lack of) on employee satisfaction.

  • Q : Patient-therapist relationship....
    Other Subject :

    According to Freud, which is more important: the patient-therapist relationship or the therapeutic technique used?

  • Q : Premise of business psychology and hawthorne effect....
    Other Subject :

    Explain the premise of business psychology. Include in your posting the origins of this field and how you think the Hawthorne Effect may apply today.

  • Q : Performance appraisal methods....
    Other Subject :

    Evaluate different performance appraisal methods that might be applied to your chosen job.

  • Q : Significance in understanding cultural differences....
    Other Subject :

    I need help starting on a paper in which I analyze selected multicultural concepts. I need to point out their significance in understanding cultural differences.

  • Q : Extent of internal and external validity....
    Other Subject :

    To what extent does the type of research design used impact the extent of internal and external validity? What research design might you choose to study this topic?

  • Q : Illustrations of cultural expressions....
    Other Subject :

    Identify two to three online videos or movies representative of this culture. These could be examples of cultural expressions such as a Bollywood movie from India or Anime videos from Japan.

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