• Q : What is the accounts receivable turnover....
    Other Management :

    1) What is the accounts receivable turnover for 2011? 2) What is the inventory turnover for 2011?

  • Q : Characteristics of emotional intelligence....
    Other Management :

    Discuss in detail characteristics of "emotional intelligence" and how these characteristics play a key role in bringing the competencies needed from today's desirable manager.

  • Q : Non-market environment analysis....
    Other Management :

    Using the fours I's—issues, institutions, interests and information—that characterize the non-market environment, develop an analysis of the fast food industry using McDonald's as your p

  • Q : Ethical aspect of contracts....
    Other Management :

    Here is an ethical aspect of contracts -imagine you were a ticketholder to a Michael Jackson concert at the time of his death. The Final Tour is announced, tickets go on sale, the shows immediately

  • Q : Trump and kepcher scenario....
    Other Management :

    Where should we, as a society, draw our legal and ethical lines? For instance, what about the extensive media coverage of speculation about Michael Jackson's reputed drug use immediately after his d

  • Q : Should companies pay bribe money to terrorists....
    Other Management :

    You know also that it's illegal to pay bribes to government officials, but you wonder if the terrorists are considered to be a government. In any event, you do not want the blood of any murdered civ

  • Q : Protecting workers in a company....
    Other Management :

    These are extraordinarily dangerous places to operate, but they make it work. How? What are they doing that we're not seeing in Colombia?

  • Q : History of the sabanes-oxley act....
    Other Management :

    - Provide a brief history of the Sabanes-Oxley Act in your own words, and explain why it was initially enacted. - What business or company would you consider the best example for where the Sabanes-Oxl

  • Q : Globalization in the financial crisis....
    Other Management :

    I need background information where a globally invested business failed to mitigate global risk in the financial crisis beginning in 2007 and determine the financial risk considerations of globaliza

  • Q : The dormant commerce clause....
    Other Management :

    GMO Milk sells thirty percent of its milk in Organic. GMO's lawsuit claims that Organic's new milk standards violate the Dormant Commerce Clause. What result and why? References/citations.

  • Q : Ethical considerations in the who and smoking....
    Other Management :

    From an ethical perspective, examine the pros and cons (based on the following reading) of the WHO's strategies to promote smoking cessation (i.e. - what ethical arguments can be made in support of

  • Q : Creating culture in an organization....
    Other Management :

    It has been determined that the culture of ACME Corp. promotes poor quality, low productivity and horrendous customer service. You have been hired as an outside consultant to quickly diagnose the ro

  • Q : Personal ethical and moral values play in leadership....
    Other Management :

    What role do personal ethical and moral values play in leadership? How can the lines of ethical and moral values blur when dealing with competing interests?

  • Q : Case study-tommy mccartney....
    Other Management :

    Tommy McCartney is a sixteen-year-old high school student. He has worked forty hours per week at the local convenience store over the last year, and has diligently saved $6,000 for the purchase of h

  • Q : Management ethical responsibility to employees....
    Other Management :

    Select an article based on the topic of employee engagement or Management's Ethical Responsibility to Employees. Review the article using the following format with the headings indicated in bold bel

  • Q : Leader to exhibiting personal and professional ethics....
    Other Management :

    For a leader to exhibit personal and professional ethics, and disregard the organizational codes violates the ethical standards of the organization.

  • Q : Code of ethics for both starbucks and mcdonalds....
    Other Management :

    Search the code of ethics of both Starbuck's and McDonald's using google. List three aspects that you like most and three aspects that you like least about both the Starbuck's statement and McDonald

  • Q : Situation influence without authority in the workplace....
    Other Management :

    Identify a situation where you observed someone who was able to influence without authority in the workplace.

  • Q : Machine fixed cost to set up production capacity....
    Other Management :

    The Wiethoff Company has a contract to produce 10000 garden hoses for a customer. Wiethoff has 4 different machines that can produce this kind of hose. Because these machines are from different manu

  • Q : Case study-walsh juice company....
    Other Management :

    Walsh’s Juice Company produces three products from unprocessed grape juice-bottled juice, frozen juice concentrate and jelly. It purchases grape juice from three vineyards near the great lakes

  • Q : Policy of a stochastic single period model....
    Other Management :

    The management of Alaska Airlines has decided to base its overbooking policy of a stochastic single period model to maximize expected profit.

  • Q : What is exploratory research and how is it used....
    Other Management :

    What is exploratory research and how is it used? What exploratory research would you recommend to the client?

  • Q : Research paper-research proposal-term paper....
    Other Management :

    Question 1. Describe the process of generating and selecting topics for your research proposal. Question 2. What is the difference between a research paper, research proposal, and a term paper?

  • Q : Integrate risk management into the jobs....
    Other Management :

    Draft a memo outlining your ideas how two of the following team members could integrate risk management into their jobs:

  • Q : Forces or trends from remote or industry environment....
    Other Management :

    Research three forces or trends from the remote or industry environment. For each force or trend selected, discuss the following in a 350-word synopsis:

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