• Q : Permutations of the letters in word mathematics....
    Mathematics :

    How many permutations of the letters in word mathematics are there where at least one consonant is not adjacent to a vowel.

  • Q : Find out the differential equation....
    Mathematics :

    Find out the differential equation which states this system. Let S(t) denote number of kg of salt in tank after t minutes. dS/dt= B. Solve differential equation for S(t). S(t)=

  • Q : Determine a unit lengh vector....
    Mathematics :

    Determine a unit lengh vector which is orthogonal to both vector a [ 5 8 -2] and b [ 4 1 12].

  • Q : Sales department tells management....
    Mathematics :

    The sales department tells management that they can raise revenue by 20 percent by increasing sales 20 percent, but production department says that to attain that number of units, they will have to

  • Q : Possible for equation....
    Mathematics :

    Is it possible for equation not to be linear in any of its variables? If not, discuss why. If so, give an example.

  • Q : Compound interest at annual effective interest rate....
    Mathematics :

    A savings account earns compound interest at an annual effective interest rate i. Given that the interest rate over the the period 2 to 4.5 is 20%, find the discount rate over the time period 1 to 3

  • Q : Calculating contribution margin per unit....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the formula for calculating contribution margin per unit and contribution margin ratio?

  • Q : Volume of water is represented by a rainfall....
    Mathematics :

    What volume of water is represented by a rainfall of 0.43 inches over a basin of 254 square miles? Give your answer in cubic feet, and acre-feet. I would mainly just like to know the process relate

  • Q : Volume of water is represented by the rainfall....
    Mathematics :

    What volume of water is represented by the rainfall of 0.43 inches over basin of 254 square miles? Provide your answer in cubic feet, and acre-feet. I would mainly just like to know the process rel

  • Q : Fish cease to reproduce....
    Mathematics :

    Assume that the fish population P(t) in lake is attacked by the disease at time t = 0, with the result that the fish cease to reproduce (so that the birth rate is B = 0) and the death rate S (deaths

  • Q : Computers in the computing laboratory....
    Mathematics :

    Four people are using computers in the computing laboratory. You know that first person is the student and second isn't, but you don't know whether they're using the software on the network.

  • Q : Determine the velocity after t seconds....
    Mathematics :

    A rocket is launched from an airplane. It starts with the velocity of 10 ms-1 and accelerates at the rate of 8 ms^-2. Determine the velocity after t seconds?

  • Q : Twenty-four people in town....
    Mathematics :

    Twenty-four people in town have decided to form three clubs. One-half ofthe people belong to each club, one-third of people belong to each pair of clubs,

  • Q : Distance between the pair of points....
    Mathematics :

    Find out the distance between the pair of points. Provide an exact answer, and where appropriate an approximation to three decibel places. (4,6) (5,9) Just need help with formula because Im not gett

  • Q : Capacity of gal of water....
    Mathematics :

    A tank with capacity of gal of water originally contains gal of water with lb of salt in solution. Water containing lb of salt per gallon is entering at a rate of gal/ min, and the mixture is allowe

  • Q : Mass that weights....
    Mathematics :

    A mass that weights 10lb stretches spring .5 ft from its rest position, starting at its rest position, how far should we stretch this spring to do 30 ft-lb of work?

  • Q : Going to lose business....
    Mathematics :

    Let p and q be the propositions . p: we are going to make cheaper phone ; q: we are going to lose business. Translate the following in symbolic form.

  • Q : Variable or more than one independent variable....
    Mathematics :

    A differential equation is considered to be ordinary if it has one dependent variable, more than one dependent variable, one independent variable or more than one independent variable?

  • Q : Determine the probability that they get all....
    Mathematics :

    If they get red toys again as well as they might complain again, but at this point you just give up and do nothing. Determine the probability that they get all the blue toys in the end?

  • Q : Properties of graphs come into play....
    Mathematics :

    You're an electrical engineer designing new integrated circuit involving potentially millions of components. How would you employ graph theory to organize how many layers your chip should have to h

  • Q : Particular solution of the differential equation....
    Mathematics :

    Find the particular solution of the differential equation dy/dx+9y=8 satisfying initial condition y(0)=0.

  • Q : Co-occurrence of three species of butterflies....
    Mathematics :

    Assume you're studying co-occurrence of three species of butterflies (species X, Y, and Z) on Caribbean islands. Of 29 islands surveyed, you find 3 have all three species present 2 have only X and Y

  • Q : Average concentration of detergent....
    Mathematics :

    A tank initially haves 1000 liters of pure water. Then water containing 5 mg of detergent per liter starts to enter tank at rate of 10 liters per hour How long till the average concentration of dete

  • Q : Estimate the coefficient of variation....
    Mathematics :

    Estimate the coefficient of variation for the following calculation. Round each result to include only significant figures . The numbers in parentheses are absolute standard deviation. (2.45(&plusm

  • Q : Potentially millions of components....
    Mathematics :

    You are an electrical engineer designing new integrated circuit involving potentially millions of components. How would you use graph theory to organize how many layers your chip must have to handl

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