• Q : Question regarding spring-mass system....
    Mathematics :

    Assume a spring-mass system has mass 500g and damping constant 750g/sec. What is the half-life of the amplitude of the system, i.e. how long does it take for the amplitude to be halved?

  • Q : Compute the quasi-period of the damped motion....
    Mathematics :

    Assume a spring-mass system has a mass of 70kg, a spring constant of 7kg/sec2, and the damping constant of 28kg/sec. Compute the quasi-period of the damped motion?

  • Q : Student randomly guesses for each question....
    Mathematics :

    A student takes the multiple choice exam including 25 questions where each question is worth 4 points. Each question has 5 choices and only one of choices is correct. Assume the student randomly gue

  • Q : Basis for the solution space....
    Mathematics :

    Determine a basis for the solution space of the homogenous systems (?In-A)x=0 for the given scalar ? (lambda) and given matrix A

  • Q : Compute the standard bases and bases....
    Mathematics :

    Compute the standard bases and bases consisting of the original vectors for the row and column spaces of A.

  • Q : Determine a basis for the set....
    Mathematics :

    Determine a basis for the set of all vectors of the form

  • Q : Damping constant for the system....
    Mathematics :

    A 1/4 kg mass is attached to the spring with stiffness 8 N/m. The damping constant for the system is 1/4 N-sec/m. If the mass is pulled 1 m to the left of equilibrium then released, what is the max

  • Q : Connected with the same resistor....
    Mathematics :

    Four identical capacitors are connected with the resistor in two different manners. When they're connected as in part (a) of the drawing, the time constant to charge up this circuit is 0.72 s. Dete

  • Q : Determine the capacitance of the capacitor....
    Mathematics :

    In the heart pacemaker, a pulse is delivered to the heart 81 times for each minute. The capacitor which controls this pulsing rate discharges through a resistance of 1.8x106? One pulse is delivered

  • Q : Effect of temperature on resistance....
    Mathematics :

    A piece of nichrome wire has the radius of 6.5x10-4m. It is employed in a laboratory to make a heater which employs 4.00x102 W of power when connected to a voltage source of 120V. Ignoring the effe

  • Q : Seconds later the toaster warms up....
    Mathematics :

    A toaster employ a Nichrome heating wire. When the toaster is turned upon at 20°C, the initial current is 1.50A. A few seconds later the toaster warms up and current now has a value of 1.30A.

  • Q : Time constant of the corresponding circuit....
    Mathematics :

    A RC circuit consists of a resistor with resistance R and two capacitors each and every with capacitance C. When the capacitors are connected in series the time constant of the corresponding circui

  • Q : Present values of cheryl annuity....
    Mathematics :

    The odd numbered payments are P and even numbered payments are 2P. The present values of Cheryl's annuity as well as David's perpetuity are equal if they are computed using i=5%. Compute P. The answ

  • Q : Identify transformations....
    Mathematics :

    Graph the exponential function using transformations y = 1 - 2^(x+3)

  • Q : Investment in a compound interest account....
    Mathematics :

    Sunfresh Markets made a $13,000.00 investment in a compound interest account paying 8% compounded monthly. What was the value of its investment at the end of 8 months?

  • Q : Mixes two solutions....
    Mathematics :

    Dr. Loube, a chemist, mixes two solutions. One is 24% acid (rest is water), and other is 41% acid. About how much of each solution does she need to produce 50 gallons of the solution that is 31% ac

  • Q : Calculation steps to get p....
    Mathematics :

    Sol'n states matrix above is P^-1 and then shows P is (-2,5,1,-2) and that X = {(-2,1),(5,-2)}. What are the calculation steps to get P?

  • Q : Test potency of drug....
    Mathematics :

    An experiment is designed to test potency of drug on 20 rats. Previous animal studies have shown that a 10-mg dose of the durg is lethal 5% of the time within the first 4 hours

  • Q : Project comparison method....
    Mathematics :

    Using the project comparison method, make an estimate of 2 story home, the square footage should be between 1880 and 2000 s.f. The home is to have three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.

  • Q : Distribution of annual costs....
    Mathematics :

    For the most current year available, the mean annual cost to attend the private university in the United States was $20,107. Suppose the distribution of annual costs follows the normal probability

  • Q : Determine the maximum number of pounds....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the maximum number of pounds of salt the tank will contain and the number of minutes needed to reach the maximum value.

  • Q : Suggest the complex function....
    Mathematics :

    Suggest the complex function f(z) = ln(z). (a) Write f(z) as u + iv. (b) Show that f(z) satis es the Cauchy-Riemann relations. (c) Find df=dz by calculating along the real direction.

  • Q : Difference between the object temperature....
    Mathematics :

    The change in temperature of object is proportional to the difference between the object's temperature and the surrounding medium's temperature.

  • Q : Well-mixed solution....
    Mathematics :

    A tank contains 100 liters of liquid, in which 35 grams of chemical x has been dissolved. If fluid having 4 grams of chemical x per liter enters the tank at the rate of 3 liters per minute and the w

  • Q : Find out kurt expected number....
    Mathematics :

    Based on his past baseball history, Kurt has a(n) 15% chance of reaching first base safely, a(n) 16% chance of hitting the double, a(n) 3% chance of hitting triple, a(n) 7% chance of hitting home r

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