• Q : Common-size percentage for the inventory account....
    Mathematics :

    The Book & Magazine Co. has inventory of $193,000, equity of $395,100, total assets of $578,800, and sales of $612,300. What is the common-size percentage for the inventory account?

  • Q : Set of scalar parametric equations....
    Mathematics :

    Find out a set of scalar parametric equations for the line formed by the two intersecting planes. P1: x +y +z +1 = 0, P2: x - y +z +2 = 0

  • Q : Various venues in computer science....
    Mathematics :

    Trees takes place in various venues in computer science: decision trees in algorithms, search trees, and so on. In linguistics, one encounters trees as well, typically as parse trees, which are esse

  • Q : Designing new integrated circuit....
    Mathematics :

    You're an electrical engineer designing new integrated circuit involving potentially millions of components. How would you employ graph theory to organize how many layers your chip should have to h

  • Q : Connected components a random graph....
    Mathematics :

    Speculate upon how many connected components a random graph might have if the likelihood of edge (v1,v2) being in the set E is 50%. Do you think the number of components would depend upon the size

  • Q : What is the area of the triangle....
    Mathematics :

    The two shorter sides of a right triangle have lengths of 7.11 meters and 3.78 meters. What is the area of the triangle?

  • Q : Probability that an american computer....
    Mathematics :

    The probability that an American computer company will outsource its technical support to China is 0.6; the probability that it will outsource its support to India is 0.5, and the probability that i

  • Q : Probability of winning the lottery....
    Mathematics :

    The probability of winning the lottery is one in a million. Determine the probability that it takes exactly 1000 tickets to win lottery if each attempt is independent? Determine the probability it

  • Q : Set of all possible sequences of moves....
    Mathematics :

    The set of all possible sequences of moves in a chess game can be represented by a tree (decision tree). If you were to write a chess-playing computer program that can determine the best move at eac

  • Q : Structure of a tree....
    Mathematics :

    Trees are somewhat less complicated than graphs, which makes things like data searching easier, when data has the structure of a tree. However, not all data can be represented by a tree.

  • Q : Determine the distribution and expectation....
    Mathematics :

    A fair coin is tossed four times. Let X denote the longest string of heads. Determine the distribution and expectation of X.

  • Q : Determine the expected value for the best decision....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the expected value for the best decision? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

  • Q : Population of registered voters....
    Mathematics :

    The population of registered voters contains 45% republicans and 55% democrats. If 25% of republicans and 75% of democrats favor an issue, and a person who is chosen at random favors the issue, what

  • Q : Determine set and set theory....
    Mathematics :

    Why is it significant to determine set and set theory as it relates to business operations

  • Q : Determine the equivalent effective annual interest....
    Mathematics :

    An investment of $1000 accumulates to $1360.86 at end of five years. If the force of interest is throughout the first year and 1.5? In each subsequent year, determine the equivalent effective annua

  • Q : Example of a relation r....
    Mathematics :

    Provide an example of a relation R on A = (1,2,3) such that: a) R is both symmetric and antisymmetric b) R is neither symmetric nor antisymmetric

  • Q : Find out the cheapest cost for making the bracelet....
    Mathematics :

    You've four chains each consisting of three solid links. You need to make bracelet by connecting all four chains. It costs 2 cents to break a link and 3 cents to resolver it.

  • Q : Max area rectangle out of a piece of wire length....
    Mathematics :

    Suggest forming max area rectangle out of a piece of wire length L inches. What should be the best width and height of the rectangle?

  • Q : Determine the total cost of producing....
    Mathematics :

    A company can produce the small lot of products the first time at the cost of $10,000. If their 75 percent learning curve permits them to reduce their costs upon each lot, determine the total cost

  • Q : Learning curve unit improvement factor....
    Mathematics :

    You have just timed a person doing a job a few times. The first time it took the person 25 minutes, the second time it took 20 minutes, and the third time it took 17.55 minutes. Which learning curv

  • Q : Compute the total cost of producing....
    Mathematics :

    If their 65 percent Learning Curve allows them to reduce their costs on each product, compute the total cost of producing 400 units of the new product?

  • Q : Learning curve unit improvement factor....
    Mathematics :

    You have just timed a person doing the job four times. The first time it took the person 120 minutes, the second time it took 90 minutes, the third time it took 76.1 minutes, and fourth time it too

  • Q : Determine repetition of a job....
    Mathematics :

    The 50th repetition of a job is timed at 100 minutes. If the learning curve for this job is 90 percent, what is the estimated time for the 100th repetition of this job?

  • Q : Total number of seats in the theater....
    Mathematics :

    Mathematical sequences can be employed to model real life applications. Assume you want to develop a movie theater in your town. The number of seats in each row can be modeled by formula C_n = 16 +

  • Q : Week conference in mathematics....
    Mathematics :

    At a 12-week conference in mathematics, Sharon met seven of her friends from college. Throughout the conference she met each friend at lunch 35 times, every pair of them 16 times, every trio eight t

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