• Q : P -value of the appropriate test....
    Mathematics :

    From the random sample of 25 trouble calls, the average time service technicians took to respond was 2.10 hours. How strong is the evidence against the companies claim? Based upon these data, the P

  • Q : Mass return to the equilibrium position....
    Mathematics :

    Beyond its first return to the equilibrium position, after each and every period of how many seconds does the mass return to the equilibrium position?

  • Q : Compute the equation of the motion....
    Mathematics :

    Compute the equation of the motion. Beyond its first return to the equilibrium position, after each period of how many seconds does the mass return to the equilibrium position?  

  • Q : Projectile motion model....
    Mathematics :

    An object is launched vertically in the air at 24.5 meters for each second from a 9-meter- tall platform. Using the projectile motion model, determine how long it will take for the objects to reach

  • Q : Qualitative considerations....
    Mathematics :

    You're considering refinancing your mortgage. Your current loan is at the 7% with 14 years left and was negotiated one year ago with $2,000 closing costs. The new loan would be 5.5% for 15 years wi

  • Q : Compute the current yield....
    Mathematics :

    An investor bought a 6% (coupon rate) bond at 90. Compute the current yield to 2 decimal places?

  • Q : Bacteria in the certain culture....
    Mathematics :

    The bacteria in the certain culture double every 6.5 hours. The culture has 7,500 bacteria at the start. How many bacteria will the culture contain after 4 hours?

  • Q : Account with annual interest rate....
    Mathematics :

    If $6,000 is placed in account with annual interest rate of 4%, how long will it take the amount to double if the interest is compounded annualy? Round your answer to two decimal places.

  • Q : Radioactive element americium....
    Mathematics :

    The radioactive element americium-241 has a half-life of 432 years. suppose we start with a 50-g mass of americium-241. How much will be left after 229 years? compute the answer to three significant d

  • Q : Appropriate measure of central tendency....
    Mathematics :

    Select the most appropriate measure of central tendency for a specific set of data. Compute the mean, median, and mode from set of data. Discuss the difference between the mean, median, and mode.

  • Q : Represents the area of the surface....
    Mathematics :

    Write down an integral which represents the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve about the x-axis.

  • Q : Represents the arc length of the curve....
    Mathematics :

    Write down an integral which represents the arc length of the curve on the given interval. Don't evaluate the integral..

  • Q : Overdamped unforced harmonic oscillator....
    Mathematics :

    Recall that general solution of the critically damped unforced harmonic oscillator (or mass-spring system) is y(t)=e^(-rt)(k1t+k2) where r, k1 and k2 are constant. Describe that the mass can pass t

  • Q : Rectangular equation by eliminating the parameter....
    Mathematics :

    Write down the corresponding rectangular equation by eliminating the parameter.

  • Q : Convergent and find the value of lim....
    Mathematics :

    Define {An} by A1 = 1 and An+1 = 6/5-An for n > or = 1. Prove that { An} is convergent and find the value of lim An as n goes to infinity.

  • Q : Question regarding convergent subsequence....
    Mathematics :

    Let {Xn} be arbitraty sequence. Illustrate the sequence {Yn} by Yn= 2Xn + (-1)^n / Xn +1 for n belongs to N. PRove that {Yn} has convergent subsequence.

  • Q : Draw the hasse diagram of the set....
    Mathematics :

    Draw the Hasse diagram of the set S = { {1}, {1,2}, {1,2,3}, {1,2,4}, {1,2,3,4}, {1,2,3,4,5}, {1,2,3,4,6} } partially ordered by inclusion. Identify minimal, maximal, minimum, and maximum elements,

  • Q : Bonds have the same maturity....
    Mathematics :

    Assume two bonds have the same maturity and one of bonds has coupon rate of 5.2-percent while the other bond has coupon rate of 6.8-percent. If both bonds have the same yield to maturity, the bond

  • Q : Compute the current yield over the next year....
    Mathematics :

    Suggets a bond with twenty years to maturity, 10-percent coupon rate, $1000 par value, and yield to maturity of 12.6-percent. Assume an annual coupon payment has just been paid. Compute the current

  • Q : Determine the price immediately after a coupon....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the price immediately after a coupon is paid upon a $1000 par value bond with 16-annual coupon payments remaining, coupon rate of 8.4-percent, and yield to maturity of 7.1-percent?

  • Q : Very popular wine tasting event....
    Mathematics :

    In February of each year, the Carlton Hotel holds the very popular wine tasting event. Tickets should be ordered and paid for in advance, and are typically sold out by November of the preceding yea

  • Q : Descarte rule of sign and sythetic division....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the roots of the polynomial using Descarte's rule of Sign and sythetic division. 2x^6-7x^5-2x^2+7x=0. I know the answer is: 0,-1,1,7/2 and i,-i. i need to see the steps.

  • Q : College mathematics lecture class....
    Mathematics :

    Professor Halen has 184 students in his college mathematics lecture class. The scores upon the midterm exam are normally distributed with mean of 72.3 and standard deviation of 8.9. How many studen

  • Q : Determine the number of boys and girls in the class....
    Mathematics :

    The mean weight of 300 students in second year class of college is 73 kg. If the mean weight of boys and that of girls in the class are 80kg and 70 kg respectively, then determine the number of boy

  • Q : Find out all value for a and b....
    Mathematics :

    Find out all value for a and b such that gcd(a,b)=180, and lcm(a,b)=300, If no such value are possible explain why

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