• Q : Value of property....
    Mathematics :

    You borrow $75,000 for 30 years at 11% interest compounded annually. The value of property is $100,000, PGI= $20,000, vacancy rates are 8%, and operating expenses are $81,000.

  • Q : Method of undertermined coefficients....
    Mathematics :

    Use the method of undertermined coefficients to find the IVP solution to

  • Q : Compute the power series solution....
    Mathematics :

    Compute the power series solution y(x) on N(0) for (1-x^2)y'' - xy' - y=0 and find out its radius of absolute convergence (if you cant find a general expression, then indicate the first 6 terms of

  • Q : Value of the expression....
    Mathematics :

    Let w, x, and y be Boolean variables where the value of x is 1. For each of the following Boolean expressions, find out, if possible, the value of the expression

  • Q : What is the determinant....
    Mathematics :

    Assu,me matrix A is 4 by 4 matrix and its determinant is 14. What is the determinant of 5A?

  • Q : Deposited in three accounts....
    Mathematics :

    A sum of $1,000 is deposited in three accounts, earning 4%, 6% and 8% simple interest. After one year, the total interest earned is $70.

  • Q : Mention the subgroups....
    Mathematics :

    Mention the subgroups of Z16. In Z15 under addation modulo 15, find <3>, and <4>

  • Q : Experimental lift curve slope....
    Mathematics :

    Based upon the experimental lift curve slope, compute how much the aircraft weighs if it flies in steady, level flight at 300 ft/s and wing has a geometric angle of attack of 4 given:

  • Q : Develop the diagram which summarizes....
    Mathematics :

    Develop the diagram which summarizes what toyota has done in response to its current quality recall problems. (Focus upon changes my functional areas: Management, product design, Quality, and Manuf

  • Q : Variable selling and administrative costs....
    Mathematics :

    Write down Company has maximum capacity of 200,000 units for each year. Variable manufacturing costs are $12 per unit. Fixed overhead is $600,000 for each year. Variable selling and administrative c

  • Q : Question regarding equivalence relation....
    Mathematics :

    Let the ralation R be stated on the set Z of all integers by a R b if and only if a^2-b^2 is multiple of 3. Find out whether R is an equivalence relation. Either prove that R is an equivalence relat

  • Q : Think about the possible pivots....
    Mathematics :

    Could a 4x7 matrix have dim Col A=5 and dim Nul A=2? Justify your answer. Remember to think about the possible pivots in rows and columns.

  • Q : Example of a relation....
    Mathematics :

    Assume we are given the set A where set A = {1, 2, 3}. How many elements are contained in the Cartesian Product A X A? Give an example of a relation, selected from A x A, that satisfies the reflexive

  • Q : Recursive definition of fibonacci sequence....
    Mathematics :

    Using the recursive definition of the Fibonacci sequence, find and prove a formula for the simple continued fraction representation of (Fk+1)/(Fk). Your formula should be correct for all natural nu

  • Q : Determine convergent series....
    Mathematics :

    Suppose that An >or = 0 for every n belonging to N and sum An is convergent series. Prove that sum a^2 n (a squared n) is also a convergent series.

  • Q : Determine the ratio of the fluxion....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the ratio of the fluxion of x to the fluxion of 1/x using Newton's "synthetic" method of fluxions.

  • Q : Determine an equation for the amount of salt....
    Mathematics :

    A 120 I tank initally haves 90kg or salt dissolved in 90 I of water. Brine containing 2 kg/I of salt flows in the tank at the rate of 4 I/min and the well-stirred mixture flows ou

  • Q : Principle of inclusion-exclusion yield....
    Mathematics :

    Discuss how the Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion yield the Sum Principle?

  • Q : Piecewise constant interpolation of the function....
    Mathematics :

    Suggest the piecewise constant interpolation of the function f(x)=sin(x), 0 <= x <= 381, at points x_i = ih, where h = 0.1. Thus, our interpolant satisfies v(x) = sin(ih), (i-0.5)h <= x <

  • Q : Developing the quadratic spline....
    Mathematics :

    In developing the quadratic spline, we needed 3n variables to completely describe n splines describe how we select to designate our conditions to generate these splines

  • Q : Minimal among all the vertices....
    Mathematics :

    A vertex v in the tree T is a center for T if the eccentricity of v is minimal among all the vertices in T. Prove that if a tree T has two centers, then they must be adjacent.

  • Q : Performs an opinion poll....
    Mathematics :

    Throughout a national debate upon changes to health care, a cable news service performs an opinion poll of 620 small-business owners. It shows that 77% of small-business owners do not approve of the

  • Q : Approximate the following integral....
    Mathematics :

    Make a Matlab code to Approximate the following integral from 0 to 2, x^2e^(-x ^2) dx using h = 0.25. Using the following methods

  • Q : Difference between fixed and variable costs....
    Mathematics :

    Understanding the difference between fixed and variable costs, what area of the health care facility or physician practice do you think would have the greater amount of variable costs than fixed?

  • Q : Develop a natural cubic spline for mine....
    Mathematics :

    Use such values together with the starting time to develop a natural cubic spline for Mine That Bird's race. Use the spline to predict the time at the three-quarter-mile pole, and compare this to the

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