• Q : Calculating the cost of capital....
    Mathematics :

    In calculating the cost of capital for the WACC, the common equity portion would include ___________.

  • Q : Statements regarding the internal rate of return....
    Mathematics :

    Which of the following statements regarding the internal rate of return (IRR) is true? It has the most conservative and realistice reinvestment assumption.

  • Q : Water level rising....
    Mathematics :

    A cylindrical water being filled with water at the rate of 4 cubic feet for each second. Given that the water 20 ft in diameter how fast is the water level rising?

  • Q : Suggest a two-dimensional system of the form....
    Mathematics :

    Suggest a two-dimensional system of the form. If 1 - d - (cb/(1 - a)) does not equal 0, show that the only equilibrium point is (0,0).

  • Q : What is the capacitance of the capacitor....
    Mathematics :

    A tuning circuit in the radio receiver has fixed inductance of 0.65mH and variable capacitor. If the circuit is tuned to the Radio statio broadcasting at 780kHz then what is the capacitance of the

  • Q : Determine the probability that the average salary....
    Mathematics :

    For random sample of 60 seniors determine the probability that less than 70% have accepted job offers? For a sample of 6 senior who have accepted job offers determine the probability that the average

  • Q : Number of vertices....
    Mathematics :

    Describe that the average degree in a tree is always less than 2. More specifically, express this average as the function of n, the number of vertices. (use the degree theorem)

  • Q : Required sample size for problems....
    Mathematics :

    Illustrate out the required sample size for problems 1 (H = 3), 3 (H = 0.5), and 5 (H = 0.05), assume that the population variances in problem 1 and 3 can be approximated by the sample variances.

  • Q : Illustrate a relation r on s....
    Mathematics :

    Let S be the set of all sets. Illustrate a relation R on S as follows: for any sets A and B, we say ARB iff A has the same cardinality as B. Show that R is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

  • Q : Sum of fibonacci numbers....
    Mathematics :

    Prove that the every positive integer can be written as the sum of Fibonacci numbers, whose indices are all di®erent, and contain no consecutive numbers.

  • Q : Proportion of male internet users....
    Mathematics :

    At the = 0.05, test the claim that there is the difference in the proportion of female Internet users who plan to shop online and proportion of male Internet users who plan to shop online.

  • Q : Gamma distribution of a certain area rainfall....
    Mathematics :

    The gamma distribution of a certain area rainfall has shape parameter 3 and scale parameter 2. What is the probability that the area rainfall total will exceed 3cm?

  • Q : Illustrate the sequence....
    Mathematics :

    Illustrate the sequence {Xn} by X1=2 and X(n+1)= 3/ (2+Xn) for n belongs to N. Prove that the {Xn} is convergent and find out its limit.

  • Q : Normally distributed variable with mean....
    Mathematics :

    X is the normally distributed variable with mean = 30 and standard devaition = 4. Find:

  • Q : Magnitude of earthquakes recorded in the region....
    Mathematics :

    The magnitude of earthquakes recorded in the region of North America can be modled as having the exponential distribution with mean 2.4, as measured upon the Richter scale. Determine the probability

  • Q : Modify shanks algorithm....
    Mathematics :

    Explain how to modify shanks' algorithm to compute the logarithm lies in the interval[s,t].

  • Q : Determine a formula for the current....
    Mathematics :

    The parameters of the RLC circuit with input voltage E(t) are R=30 Ohms, L=10H, C=.02F, E(t)=50sin2tV. Determine a formula for the current. Please answer with work.

  • Q : Electronic device consists of two components....
    Mathematics :

    An electronic device consists of two components. Let X and Y be the length of time until failure (in years) of the first and second component, respectively. Assume that (X;Y) has the probability d

  • Q : Manufactures integrated circuits....
    Mathematics :

    A company manufactures integrated circuits, ICs, using two machines. Call them A and B. Machine A manufactures defective chips with  probability of 0.2%. Machine B produces defective chips wi

  • Q : Necessary and sufficient condition for non-negative integer....
    Mathematics :

    Prove that the necessary and sufficient condition for a non-negative integer n to be divisible by a positive integer d is n mod = 0.

  • Q : Preferably by induction....
    Mathematics :

    Prove preferably by induction that 319 divides 2^4n.3^2n+5^2n.7^n for all odd numbers n Prove preferably by induction that 75^n+30^n-5^n-2^n is divisible by 224 if n is even and is divisible by 98 if

  • Q : Line of intersection of the given planes....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the line of intersection of the given planes using gaussian or gauss-Jordan Elimination.

  • Q : Length by resting on a top....
    Mathematics :

    One end of a 10 m long ladder is on the ground and the ladder is supported partway along its length by resting on a top of 3 m high fence. If the bottom of the ladder is 4 m from the base of the fe

  • Q : Release point of ball....
    Mathematics :

    Suppose the release point of ball is 52 feet from home plate. What is your prediction of time from when the ball is released till it arrives at home plate. Given the speed of ball 138.28 feet /sec

  • Q : Determine the first six nonzero terms....
    Mathematics :

    Determine the first six nonzero terms in a power series expansion about x=0 for the solution to the following initial-valued problem:

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