• Q : Organizational structure of selected organization....
    HR Management :

    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you select an organization with which you are familiar and present the following items as they relate to that organization:

  • Q : Internal and external factors....
    HR Management :

    Select an organization with which everyone in your Learning Team is familiar. Write down a minimum of the 1,400-word paper in which you discuss how internal and external factors affect the four func

  • Q : Presentation for the board of directors....
    HR Management :

    Suppose you're an executive for BP, and you're preparing a presentation for board of directors about the organization's direction.

  • Q : Performance of an organization....
    HR Management :

    How may an individual employee's personality affect performance of organization? If the effect is negative, how may you change this? If the affect is positive, how can you capitalize on this?

  • Q : Competitor profiles for a healthcare organization....
    HR Management :

    Complete two competitor profiles for a healthcare organization. The healthcare organization could be your current (or former) employer or the organization in your marketing plan.

  • Q : Developing a strategic plan....
    HR Management :

    You're developing a strategic plan for your healthcare institution. A one-time Olympic champion from your hometown was recently diagnosed with a life threatening illness.

  • Q : Question regarding brain model....
    HR Management :

    Do you believe understanding your preferences according to whole brain model can help you be the better leader? Describe and discuss your answer.

  • Q : Question regarding extroversion....
    HR Management :

    Extroversion is often considered a "good" quality for a leader to have. Why may introversion be considered equally positive quality?

  • Q : Paid time off policies....
    HR Management :

    PTO policies have become good tools for HR staff to use in terms of organizational incentives. Company A has a PTO system in which employees are given 30 days of paid time off each year

  • Q : Differences between groups and teams....
    HR Management :

    Let's explain differences between groups and teams. How do we convert group to team? What benefits might come from this conversion in the business environment?

  • Q : Difference between express and implied contract....
    HR Management :

    Explain the difference between an express and an implied contract? A unilateral and a bilateral contract? A contract that is void or voidable?

  • Q : Understanding differences in values across cultures....
    HR Management :

    Create a ten slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (not including cover and reference slide) describing how understanding differences in values across cultures can be employed by managers when int

  • Q : Question regarding swot analysis....
    HR Management :

    Conduct a SWOT analysis discussing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of healthcare organization in your marketing plan.

  • Q : Effect of e-business scm initiatives....
    HR Management :

    Assesses the effect of e-business SCM initiatives on an organization in this industry. Compares and contrasts the demands and expectations of different types of customers of this industry.

  • Q : Labor laws and unions....
    HR Management :

    Select an organization with which you're familiar that is currently unionized. Mention the organization selected by including the following:

  • Q : What is an adverse impact....
    HR Management :

    What is an adverse impact? How does it differ from adverse treatment? What is "business necessity" as it applies to equal employment opportunity?

  • Q : Classical and administrative decision making models....
    HR Management :

    Explain the assumptions which underlie the classical and administrative decision making models. Which model more closely aligns with your work and/or management style?

  • Q : Analyze leadership....
    HR Management :

    Address the following: Both managers and leaders play important roles in an organization, but in different ways.

  • Q : Unique challenges of managing human resources function....
    HR Management :

    Explain the unique challenges of managing the human resources function for your specific organization.

  • Q : Channel of communication....
    HR Management :

    For each of the three events presented below select a channel of communication and write down brief message.

  • Q : Ethical and legal issues....
    HR Management :

    HR ethics are important to organizations as they can have legal and moral implications. In this assignment, you will make a plan to resolve some of ethical and legal issues involved in merger.

  • Q : Preliminary hazards analysis....
    HR Management :

    Compare preliminary hazards analysis (PHA) and failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA) as methodologies for assessing hazards and risks.

  • Q : Focus on individuals with mental conditions....
    HR Management :

    Our health, or the absence of such, can be very expensive. Many vulnerable populations simply do not have private funds available to pay for their care.  Relating your research to individuals w

  • Q : Q!uestion about business processes....
    HR Management :

    Why are the following business processes significant? Which process do you feel is most significant? Discuss your reasoning.

  • Q : Ethical issues and operations....
    HR Management :

    Ethical behavior is a corporate issue which affects company's bottom line. How do ethical issues impact organizations and operations?

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