• Q : Transistor is fabricated on a p-type....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An MOS transistor is fabricated on a p-type silicon substrate with N(a)=2x10^15 cm^-3. The oxide thickness is t(ox)=450A and the equivalent fixed oxide charge is Q'(ss)=5x10^10 cm^-2. Calculat

  • Q : Phase angle and pf....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A series RLC circuit has a 4ohm resistor, an inductor with an XL of 19.5 ohms, and a capacitor with an XC of 12 ohms. With total current being 2A and a frequency of 60Hz, what is ET, ER, EC, EL

  • Q : Can the zener diode be used as a conventional diode....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Can the Zener diode be used as a conventional diode? Explain your answer and verify with a curve from the curve tracer. Are there any limiting constraints?

  • Q : Series-parallel magnetic circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Series-parallel magnetic circuit with air-gap. The thickness of the magnetic core is 2cm. The value of magnetic flux density in the air-gap is 0.1T. If the relative permeability of the magnetic cor

  • Q : Which each is the appropriate type....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What are the advantages of external CSS compared to internal CSS? Explain situations in which each is the appropriate type. Given these situations, which type do you think would be more useful f

  • Q : A stone is dropped into a river....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A stone is dropped into a river from a bridge 42.8 m above the water. Another stone is thrown vertically down 1.46 s after the first is dropped. Both stones strike the water at the same time. Wh

  • Q : What is the actual channel capacity....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Given the narrow audio bandwidth of a telephone transmission facility, a nominal SNR of 56dB (400,000), and a distortion level <0.2% is required.What is the theoretical maximum channel capacity

  • Q : A series-tuned resonant circuit operates....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A series-tuned resonant circuit operates at a resonant frequency of 1 MHz and contains a 0.1 microfarad capacitor and a 300 microhenry inductor with 20 ohms resistance. Calculate the circuit 's

  • Q : Representing a calendar year....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design a circuit that takes as input four BCD encoded digits representing a calendar year after 1582 and produces a single output, LY, which is one if the year is a leap year, zero otherwise. Lea

  • Q : Create a test bench with auto verification....
    Electrical Engineering :

    You are to design a "Serial Sequence Detector". Your design will take in a clock, reset, and a one-bit data signal. Your design will check the input data signal on the rising edge of the input cl

  • Q : The series resistances causes a voltage dropwhen....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The series resistances causes a voltage dropwhen a current is drawn from a solar cell. By convention, the positive current is taken to flow into the device. If V is the actual voltage across the

  • Q : Calculate the potential variation....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Calculate the potential variation V(x) , electric field and the depletion layer width for a graded p-n junction, that is one in which the doping level varies linearly with position: ND - NA = K

  • Q : Design a silicon rectifier diode....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design a silicon rectifier diode that will have a reverse breakdown voltage of 250V and conduct a forward current of 1A. Give the doping concentration of the active region of the diode and the a

  • Q : Assume a transducer with a thevenin....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Assume a transducer with a thevenin unloaded voltage of 5.0mV and a thevenin resistance of 20kilo ohms is connected to a two stage cascaded amplifier with the following specifications Rin1=50 ki

  • Q : Normal response mode....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Assume that the primary HDLC station in normal response mode has sent six I-frames to a sencondary station. The primary's N(S) count was three (011 binary) prior to sending the six frames. If th

  • Q : Determine the type and magnitude....
    Electrical Engineering :

    If a rod of brass 0.35 m long is heated from 150 to 850C while its ends are maintained rigid, determine the type and magnitude of stress that develops. Assume that at 150C the rod is stress free

  • Q : A beam of light strikes a sheet of glass....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A beam of light strikes a sheet of glass at an angle of 57.0^circ with the normal in air. You observe that red light makes an angle of 38.1^circ with the normal in the glass, while violet light mak

  • Q : Calculate the wattmeter readings....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Illustrates a three-phase power system, in which an ideal three-phase ac generator with an abc phase sequence is connected through a three-phase transmission line to an unbalanced Δ-connecte

  • Q : An inclined open tank contains....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An inclined open tank contains three different liquids A, B, and C with specific gravities of 0.80, 1.0, and 13.6, respectively. What will be the pressure on the bottom of the tank if the liquid s

  • Q : Find the maximum wavelength of photons....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Find the maximum wavelength of photons that can generate carriers by being absorbed in the following semiconductors (respective band gap is given in parentheses): Ge (0.66 eV); GaAs (1.42 eV); C

  • Q : Write an application for a furniture company....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write an application for a furniture company; the program determines the price of a table. Ask the user to choose 1 for pine, 2 for oak, or 3 for mahogany. The output is the name for the wood ch

  • Q : Characteristics of each generation....
    Electrical Engineering :

    You are asked to write an essay outlining the evolution of CPU. A report describing in detail the main hardware characteristics of each generation of CPU with the aid of diagrams must be submitted

  • Q : A binary transmission channel introduces....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A binary transmission channel introduces bit errors with probability 0.15.Estimate the probability that there are 20 or fewer errors in 100 bit transmissions?

  • Q : A single transistor of twice....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Q.No:3 Show that the current through two transistors in series is equal to the current through a single transistor of twice the length if the transistors are well described by the Shockley model

  • Q : Express the currents of the series transistors....
    Electrical Engineering :

    No:3 Show that the current through two transistors in series is equal to the current through a single transistor of twice the length if the transistors are well described by the Shockley model.

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