• Q : A boatman must carry a wolf....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A boatman must carry a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across a river in a boat which is so small that he can carry at most, only one of them with him in at a time.Moreover whenever the wolf and goat

  • Q : A boatman must carry a wolf....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A boatman must carry a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across a river in a boat which is so small that he can carry at most, only one of them with him in at a time.Moreover whenever the wolf and goat

  • Q : Consider four nodes with a symmetric....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider four nodes with a symmetric full mesh of traffic demands each having data rate d. That is there is a demand of d bps from each node to every other node in the network. (a) If the phys

  • Q : A television station is considering....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A television station is considering the sale of promotional dvds.  It can have the dvds produced by one of two suppliers.  Supplier A will charge the station a set-up fee of $

  • Q : What is the scaling factor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A signal s(t) is defined as: s(t) = 4cos(3πt) + 5cos(21πt) volts. The signal s(t) is sampled using ideal sampling with a sampling period of 38.095 milliseconds. What is the scaling factor

  • Q : Write a program using the data type....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write a program using the data type you declared to interactively accepts the above data into an array of five structures. Once the data have been entered, the program should create a report listin

  • Q : Perform the expand operation....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For each implicant in F, indicate its reducibility.Perform the Expand operation on F(a, b, c) = E(0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7) where E = summation, to get a cover C using the following rule: expand the mint

  • Q : Assume there was no current in the series....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Assume there was no current in the series RC circuit because of an open circuit. How could you quickly determine if the resistor or the capacitor were open?

  • Q : The negative supply voltage to zero....
    Electrical Engineering :

    How is the DC value of the output signal changing as you change the power supply voltages? What happens when you set the negative supply voltage to zero? Does the amplifier stop working?

  • Q : You create a random bit string the length....
    Electrical Engineering :

    You create a random bit string the length of the key, XOR it with the key, and send the result over the channel. Your partner XORs the incoming block with the key (which should be the same as y

  • Q : The information provided in the section]....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The following assignment needs to be completed using only the information provided in the section. Project 8.3 on page 233 (User's Manual for a Meeting Timer.) The book is Technically-Write Six

  • Q : What sort of technology....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An interesting emerging market is using Internet phone and a company's high speed LAN to replace the same company's PBX.  Write a one page report on this

  • Q : The calculation to get maximum marks....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Use nodal analysis to find IO in the network given below. Identify and label each node otherwise you will lose your marks. Write each step of the calculation to get maximum marks and also mention

  • Q : Construct a set of impressed sources located....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The TE01 mode of a circular metallic waveguide is distinguished by its very low attenuation constant by comparison with the other modes of this guide, and so is a desirable mode to use for low lo

  • Q : The dead sea level in the dead sea....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Dead Sea Hydro-power station.It is proposed to build a 400MW-hydropower station on the shore of the Dead Sea. The plant will drain seawater from the Mediterranean through turbines and into the De

  • Q : Use nodal analysis to find io in the network....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Use nodal analysis to find IO in the network given below. Identify and label each node otherwise you will lose your marks. Write each step of the calculation to get maximum marks and also mentio

  • Q : Change if instead of a single cell you have many....
    Electrical Engineering :

    You have a bandwidth of 10 MHz (per direction) in a single-cell system and want to deploy a wireless telephone system. You have the following options: analog 30-kHz channels (as in AMPS), digital

  • Q : A laser diode has a threshold current....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A laser diode has a threshold current of 12 mA and emits at 3 mW/mA rate. A diode current of 15 + 5sin ωt (mA) produces an optical signal, which is coupled into a SI fiber having a loss rat

  • Q : How many registers does the architecture....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Computer architecture X uses variable-length instructions of several different formats, each occupying a whole number of bytes (or a number of bits that is a multiple of 8)Format 1 begins with fo

  • Q : Design a two stage amplifier....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design a two stage amplifier to meet the following specs: Undistorted output(at least 10Vp-p), Bandwith from 20Hz to 15kHz, AC coupled, stage to stage and to output, Overall voltage gain of 20dB

  • Q : Consider an ideal pn junction diode....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider an ideal pn junction diode at T=300K operating in the forwared bias region.  Calculate the change in diode voltage that will cause a factor of 10 increase in current.I was tryi

  • Q : Resonant circuit operates at a resonant frequency....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Series-tuned resonant circuit operates at a resonant frequency of 1 MHz and contains a 0.1 microfarad capacitor and a 300 microhenry inductor with 20 ohms resistance. Calculate the circuit 's qua

  • Q : The american national standards institute....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) specifies safety standards for a number of potential workplace hazards. The regulation ANSI Z41-1999 states that the resistance of a person and t

  • Q : This project is about building a coded....
    Electrical Engineering :

    This project is about building a coded lock system using ATmega8 by using assembler language. LCD should show your name on the first line and on the second line it should show enter code and whe

  • Q : Certain digital communication schemes....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Certain digital communication schemes use redundancy in the form of an error control code to improve the reliability of communication.the compact disc recording media is one such example.assume

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