• Q : What changes should businesses plan....
    Business Management :

    I'm interested in the change that is likely to be observed as e-business and e-commerce evolve. Do you think there are jobs that exist today that might not exist 5, 10, or 20 years from today? What

  • Q : Relationship between business and society....
    Business Management :

    In one paragraph, supported by evidence from other research, describe two forces that you believe shape the relationship between business and society. Provide two examples (one for each force you ch

  • Q : Business-to-consumer e-business....
    Business Management :

    Explain why sustainable manufacturing is or is not an e-business ethical issue? Why might the issue of sustainable manufacturing be important to a business-to-consumer e-business?

  • Q : E-business and e-commerce for b2b and b2c....
    Business Management :

    Describe how Amazon.com® uses e-business and e-commerce for B2B and B2C.

  • Q : Medical search engines or pharmaceutical sites....
    Business Management :

    Explain why someone with a serious medical condition might be concerned about researching his or her medical condition online, through medical search engines or pharmaceutical sites

  • Q : Weighting system to demonstrate choice of proposal....
    Business Management :

    Which proposal should Bob's team choose? Which proposal should win? Create a weighting system using a spreadsheet, and demonstrate which proposal should be chosen.

  • Q : Providing services in an online environment....
    Business Management :

    Problem 1: What are some of the difficulties in providing services in an online environment? Problem 2: What factors differentiate the services sector from the retail sector, for example?

  • Q : Challenges many e-commerce organizations deal....
    Business Management :

    The main challenges many e-commerce organizations deal with include the following:

  • Q : Expedia-priceline-google-yahoo-business models....
    Business Management :

    How do companies such as Expedia, Priceline, Google, Yahoo, Amazon and eBay make money online? (Discuss their business models)

  • Q : Change the future business models....
    Business Management :

    How are some of the latest trends in the Internet and computing, such as social networking, etc., likely to change the future business models of these (Expedia, Priceline, Google, Yahoo, Amazon and

  • Q : Citibank e-business strategy for global corporate banking....
    Business Management :

    How does Citibank differentiate its e-business product offering from that of its competitors? How could Citibank create its own competitive advantages in the market place?

  • Q : Describe b2b and b2c technology and applications....
    Business Management :

    The purpose of every e-business is to utilize technology in a way that enhances communication and the company's profitability. Business-to-business (B2B) use of technology would enhance efficiency

  • Q : Research an established international online business....
    Business Management :

    Select and research an established international online business of your choice. Create a post that: * Outlines of the chosen international organization within the context of the E-business area * Des

  • Q : Economics of information and business models....
    Business Management :

    How is the Internet changing the economics of information and business models? Name and describe one business model for e-commerce. What is the difference between pure-play Internet and clicks-and-m

  • Q : Aspect of change and development in a business....
    Business Management :

    A project forms an important aspect of change and development in a business. Modern times have led to an increased importance of web-based platforms for communicating to the clients and presenting t

  • Q : Implementations of an e-business solution....
    Business Management :

    Two unrelated companies are starting to plan for their respective implementations of an e-business solution.

  • Q : Components affect e-commerce business practices....
    Business Management :

    Include in a discussion of the four infrastructures, the role of Internet regulations such as copyright infringement, and regulators such as the FCC and SEC, and how these components affect e-commer

  • Q : Components of e-marketing....
    Business Management :

    Problem: Explain how the Internet might be an advantage in marketing as it relates to any technological product of choice. Address the following components of e-marketing:

  • Q : Growth rate-market size and profitability factors....
    Business Management :

    Problem: Select an e-commerce website. How would you analyze the opportunity attractiveness using unconstrained opportunity, segment interaction, growth rate, market size, and profitability factors?

  • Q : B2b e-commerce activities....
    Business Management :

    Problem 1: What new B2B e-commerce activities are firms adding to their infrastructure and why? Problem 2: With B2B, why is it important to know your customer and your market?

  • Q : Global supply chain as outsourcing in terms of logistics....
    Business Management :

    Give examples of more than one MNE that relied on global supply chain as outsourcing in terms of logistics, packaging, or shipment for example.

  • Q : Revenue contribution in defining an e-business strategy....
    Business Management :

    What is the importance of online revenue contribution in defining an e-business strategy? What are SMART objectives?

  • Q : Benefits and drawbacks of both b2b and b2c....
    Business Management :

    Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of both B2B (business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) E-Business. Which holds the greatest promise for the immediate future? Explain your rationale.

  • Q : Marks and spencers e-business strategy....
    Business Management :

    Problem: Prepare a report about marks and Spencer's e-business strategy. Consider the following elements in your study:

  • Q : Name of business-printing 3d services industry....
    Business Management :

    Business Market Segment: Production and sale of digitally fabricated goods, related services, materials, and assets for production.

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