• Q : Ebusiness for continental airlines....
    Business Management :

    Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues: Write a paper that describes the legal, ethical, and regulatory issues important in eBusiness for Continental Airlines.

  • Q : E-commerce site plan structure....
    Business Management :

    This should mirror any sort on online e-business start up such as "The Sharper Image" online store. Populate A-F as much as possible with like planning of most any other online business.

  • Q : Online e-business start up....
    Business Management :

    This should pertain to almost any online e-business start up. Most every e-business experiences the same sort of costs etc. With the 4 questions below, use just about any online business as a templa

  • Q : Future of e-business heading....
    Business Management :

    Problem: Did the Year 2000 "dot.com" crash on Wall Street and in countless technology companies signal the slowdown of e-Business or the opposite? Given the current trends where is the future of e-b

  • Q : Various aspects of your start-up business....
    Business Management :

    You have examined several different aspects of your start-up business. Identify what forces in the external environment (competition, political/legal, economic, social/cultural, and technological) w

  • Q : Metrics for e-business website....
    Business Management :

    Your boss who is the VP of E-Business has asked you to draw up a list of metrics to be measured and reported on, for your company website. How would you go about deciding which metrics to choose? Wh

  • Q : Typical brick and mortar business....
    Business Management :

    Problem: What has the impact of the Internet been on a typical brick and mortar business? Provide at least three examples.

  • Q : Building an ebusiness it infrastructure....
    Business Management :

    What were the main forces that led to the commercialization of the Internet? Also, why is scalability important in building an eBusiness IT infrastructure?

  • Q : Create an e-business project plan....
    Business Management :

    Question 1: Why is it important to create an e-business project plan? Question 2: Why is it that the managers ignore planning?

  • Q : Internet drive ebay business model....
    Business Management :

    Problem 1: How do the properties of the Internet drive eBay's business model? Please explain your answer. Problem 2: What does eBay actually sell, and to whom does it sell?Please explain your answer.

  • Q : Vulnerability to ebusiness reliability risks....
    Business Management :

    What types of business plans or cycles, or other situations might create conditions of heightened vulnerability to eBusiness reliability risks? Why?

  • Q : Long-term impact of electronic contract on nation business....
    Business Management :

    Q1. What will be the long-term impact of electronic contracting on the nation's business? Q2. What are the potential pitfalls you see with electronic contracting?

  • Q : Strengths and weaknesses of e-businesses....
    Business Management :

    Describe the strengths and weaknesses of e-businesses. What should be done prior to moving an existing business to "the Net"?

  • Q : E-business and e-commerce trends....
    Business Management :

    For the first trend (eBusiness), use your place of business and describe the change, and/or impact this eBusiness trend has had in your business.

  • Q : Significant trend in business today....
    Business Management :

    Problem: What do you think it the most significant trend in business today. How will this affect future business?

  • Q : Describe paypals business model....
    Business Management :

    Describe Paypal's business model. Why has it become such a success when other forms of digital cash have failed? What are the main drivers of that success?

  • Q : Building a good ebusiness it infrastructure....
    Business Management :

    Three (3) important properties in building a "good" eBusiness IT Infrastructure are Availability, Reliability, and Scalability. How would you describe these and why are they important?

  • Q : Long-term viability of amazons business model....
    Business Management :

    Problem: What is your assessment of the long-term viability of Amazon's business model?

  • Q : Activity in the analysis of e-business websites....
    Business Management :

    Question 1: Why is benchmarking an important activity in the analysis of e-Business websites?

  • Q : Benchmarking-analysis of e-business web sites....
    Business Management :

    Explain why benchmarking is an important activity in the analysis of e-Business Web sites. Discuss specific commercially available tools for measuring the effectiveness of content as well as the eas

  • Q : Analyze two related ebusiness web sites....
    Business Management :

    Select two related eBusiness Web sites and analyze the sites in terms of navigation, supply chain, marketing and legal ethical regulatory issues.

  • Q : Startup e-commerce firm....
    Business Management :

    Problem: Ellen Longbow is the chief financial officer (CFO) at a startup e-commerce firm that sells products popular with college students. She has asked you to do some Internet research on three co

  • Q : Develop the b2b or b2c plan....
    Business Management :

    Identify hardware, software, data base, telecommunication & technology solution. Develop the B2B or B2C plan. Develop the Security & Regulatory Environment Plan.

  • Q : Relationship in ebusiness and fair trade-coles and harris....
    Business Management :

    Based on the Coles and Harris (2006) article below, discuss the relationship between eBusiness and fair trade.

  • Q : Discussing the impact of e-business....
    Business Management :

    Prepare a paper discussing the impact of e-business on how business is done today both in the United States and throughout the world and how e-business has changed that.

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