• Q : Avoiding the pitfalls common to a small business....
    Business Management :

    Which entrepreneurial/small business owner characteristics does Bill have that may be important to his success? Which characteristics could lead to his failure? What steps should Bill take to avoid t

  • Q : Entrepreneurial-small business owner characteristics....
    Business Management :

    Problem 1: Which entrepreneurial/small business owner characteristics does Bill have that may be important to his success? Which characteristics could lead to his failure?

  • Q : Discuss intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship....
    Business Management :

    Briefly discuss intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship. Research an existing organization/company that has used intrapreneurship or entrepreneurship in its development of a new product/service.

  • Q : Determine a business ventures success....
    Business Management :

    Problem 1: How may an entrepreneur determine a business venture's success? Explain components of conducting a feasibility analysis. What element do you feel is most important? Provide examples to su

  • Q : Identify challenges when setting up a business....
    Business Management :

    Question 1. Identify at least three challenges when setting up a business. Explain why they are challenges. Question 2. Define what a "niche" product is. Give at least three examples of niche products

  • Q : Develop sustainable business solutions to consumer....
    Business Management :

    "I want you to speculate your future role as an engineer in a world characterized by a dire need to develop sustainable business solutions to consumer and investor demand.

  • Q : Statement with two real business examples....
    Business Management :

    To succeed in today's world, the end justifies the means. Give your perspective of the statement with two real business examples in support of your view.

  • Q : Current small business start up success and failure rate....
    Business Management :

    Please give an answer for the following problem with at least 100 words. Include references in the answer. Discuss the current small business start up success and failure rate in the U.S. market.

  • Q : Most important parts of a business plan....
    Business Management :

    Problem: What are the most important parts of a business plan? Give the parts and discuss each.

  • Q : Purpose and value of a prepared business plan....
    Business Management :

    It may be said that a business plan is the primary tool by which an entrepreneur gets to pitch for investment capital for the development of an opportunity. Is this statement correct? Explain whethe

  • Q : How can a firm employ bootstrap financing....
    Business Management :

    Why is it so difficult for most small business owners to raise the capital needed to start, operate, or expand their ventures? Support your work with reliable outside sources. How can a firm employ

  • Q : Determining the success of google entrepreneurial founders....
    Business Management :

    In your opinion, what were the key factors in determining the success of Google’s entrepreneurial founders?

  • Q : Cultural environment of international business....
    Business Management :

    Problem: Project Assignment is to prepare a paper on the learning you have acquired regarding the Cultural Environment of International Business.

  • Q : Donald trump-engages in entrepreneurship....
    Business Management :

    Choose ONE of the three, research his achievements and explain whether any of his or her achievements fit one or more of the models of the entrepreneurial process. Are any factors in the process mis

  • Q : Business specializing in newborn photography....
    Business Management :

    My business for this assignment is to open my own Photography Business specializing in newborn photography

  • Q : Entrepreneurship from a business start-up perspective....
    Business Management :

    - Do repeat entrepreneurs (people who start one successful company after another) search for opportunities differently than entrepreneurs who found only one company?

  • Q : Shaping into a business opportunity....
    Business Management :

    Problem: Identify which of your interests you could shape into a business opportunity. Be sure to think big. For instance, if you love being with friends and listening to music, a club promotion bus

  • Q : Ethics and dilemmas in the hypothetical business situations....
    Business Management :

    For business ethics and dilemmas in the hypothetical business situations below, discuss the basic elements of business formation:

  • Q : Typical sources of business growth....
    Business Management :

    Speculate on how the typical sources of business growth might evolve over the coming decade. Explicate how these changes might affect businesses in the industry you have selected for this course. Su

  • Q : Sequestration has the potential to hurt small businesses....
    Business Management :

    Sequestration has the potential to hurt small businesses. One example could be the lost of jobs by companies who have government contracts. See Sequestration Hurts Small Business More Than Big Busin

  • Q : Determine the challenges faced by business as it grows....
    Business Management :

    1. Determine the challenges faced by the business as it grows. 2. Identify how you evaluate the progress and challenges with growth.

  • Q : Creating a business organization....
    Business Management :

    Select any form of business organization and create a business that sells at least one tangible product. You will continue to build this business each week. In two to three paragraphs, provide the f

  • Q : Explain the incentives for entrepreneurship....
    Business Management :

    Question: Identify and explain the incentives for entrepreneurship. Address why someone would willingly take the numerous risks associated with running a business. Also, discuss the major attributes

  • Q : Organizational benefits and services....
    Business Management :

    Discuss why managers need to know about the benefits and services offered in their organizations and discuss what are considered to be some of the more common ones.

  • Q : How an entrepreneur starting a business....
    Business Management :

    I need help in doing a paragraph on "Provide two examples of activities on how an entrepreneur starting a business may benefit by applying CVP Analysis, make sure to perform a what-if analysis in yo

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