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explain arthritisarthritis - oral therapy with doxycycline or amoxicillin for 28 days is usually effective for treatment of lyme arthritis patients
explain cardiac diseasecardiac conduction abnormalities associated with lyme disease are generally self-limited patients with minor cardiac
explain neurologic diseasefor patients with facial nerve palsy alone oral doxycycline or amoxicillin may be effective patients with other neurologic
erythema migrans oral antibiotic therapy shortens the duration of the rash and generally prevents development of late sequelae among the 3 drugs used
explain prophylaxis of lyme diseaseno vaccine is currently available to prevent lyme disease in humans avoidance of ticks and use of tick repellents
diagnosis of lyme diseasein endemic areas lyme disease is diagnosed by recognition of erythema migrans igg antibodies to b burgdorferi are usually
explain lyme diseasethe disease - about 70-80 of patients infected by b burgdorferi develop the characteristic skin lesion erythema migrans which
treatment of lyme diseaselyme disease in north america is caused by the spirochete borrelia burgdorferi which is transmitted to humans by ixodes
explain prosthetic device infections some infectious disease specialists recommend antimicrobial prophylaxis before process in patients with vascular
explain endocarditisthe risk of endocarditis is considered high in patients with last bacterial endocarditis prosthetic heart valves complex cyanotic
explain prevention of endocarditismany physicians believe that antimicrobial prophylaxis before process that may cause transient bacteremia can stop
antimicrobial prophylaxis - controversial the need for prophylaxis in breast surgery herniorraphy and other clean surgical procedures has been
antimicrobial prophylaxisantimicrobial prophylaxis is generally not indicated for cardiac catheterization varicose vein surgery most dermatologic and
vascularpreoperative administration of a cephalosporin decreases the incidence of postoperative surgical site infection after arterial reconstructive
thoracic non-cardiacantibiotic prophylaxis is given routinely in thoracic surgery but sup- porting data are sparse in one study a single preoperative
orthopedicprophylactic antistaphylococcal drugs administered preoperatively can decrease the incidence of both early and late infection following
ophthalmicdata are limited on the effectiveness of antimicrobial prophylaxis for ophthalmic surgery but postoperative endophthalmitis can be
neurosurgeryan antistaphylococcal antibiotic can decrease the incidence of infection after craniotomy in spinal surgery the infection rate after
explain prophylaxis with antimicrobialprophylaxis with antimicrobials has decreased the incidence of surgical site infection after head and neck
preoperative antibiotics preoperative antibiotics can decrease the incidence of infection after colorectal surgery for elective operations an oral
find the equilibrium molality of solute speciesconsider a hypothetical system in which two aqueous solutions are separated by a semipermeable
estimate the molar mass of proteinan aqueous solution of the protein bovine serum albumin containing 200 10-2 g of protein per cubic centimeter has
gastrointestinalantibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for esophageal surgery in the presence of obstruction which increases the risk of infection
cardiacprophylactic antibiotics can decrease the incidence of infection after cardiac surgery and intraoperative redosing has been associated with
timing and number of dosesit has been common practice to give antibiotics at the time of anesthesia induction which results in adequate serum and