• Q : Dispense drinks and ice....
    Basic Statistics :

    A soft drink dispenser is set to automatically dispense drinks and ice in 8 oz. cups. The machine is set to fill the cups with 7 1/4 oz. so that the liquid will not run over the top of the cup.

  • Q : Confidence interval for mean length of sentence....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a random sample of 40 felons convicted of aggarvated assault, it was determined that the mean length of sentencing was 54 months, with a standard deviation of 8 months. Construct and interpret a

  • Q : Distribution of students in class....
    Basic Statistics :

    Professor takes a random sample of students enrolled in Statistics 101 at ABC University. He finds the following: there are 25 freshman in the sample, 32 sophomores, 18 juniors, and 20 seniors. He w

  • Q : Resonable interpretation of the survey results....
    Basic Statistics :

    A USA Today/Gallup Poll asked 1006 adult Americans how much it would bother them to stay in a room on the 13th floor of a hotel. Interestingly, 13% said it would bother them. The margin of error was

  • Q : Sarnple mean diameter for a random sample....
    Basic Statistics :

    The inside diameter of a randomly selected piston ring is a random variable with mean value 12 cm and standard deviation 0.4 cm. Let X is the sarnple mean diameter for a random sample of n:64 rings.

  • Q : Approximate probability that will be greater....
    Basic Statistics :

    A polling organization will take a random sample of 250 voters and will use , the sample proportion, to estimate p. What is the approximate probability that will be greater than .5, causing the poll

  • Q : Maximum allowable value....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the maximum allowable value of ? that will permit no more than 1 in 100 defectives when the widths are normally distributed with µ = 0.9000 and ? (revised value)?  

  • Q : Speeds of car traveling on interstate highway....
    Basic Statistics :

    The speeds of car traveling on Interstate Highway I-35 are normally distributed with a mean of 74 miles per hour and a standard deviation of 6 miles per hour.

  • Q : Speeds of car traveling on interstate highway....
    Basic Statistics :

    The speeds of car traveling on Interstate Highway I-35 are normally distributed with a mean of 74 miles per hour and a standard deviation of 6 miles per hour.

  • Q : Expected return for the corporate bond fund....
    Basic Statistics :

    Expected return for the corporate bond fund and for the common stock fund. Standard deviation for the corporate bond fund and for the common stock fund.

  • Q : Customer dissatisfaction and ultimately hurt....
    Basic Statistics :

    Errors in a billing process often lead to customer dissatisfaction and ultimately hurt bottom-line profits. An article in Quality Progress

  • Q : Target and the actual mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    An industrial sewing machine uses ball bearings that are targeted to have a diameter of 0.75 inch. The lower and upper specification limits under which the ball bearings can operate are 0.74 inch an

  • Q : Proportion of shafts with diameter....
    Basic Statistics :

    Many manufacturing problems involve the matching of machine parts, such as shafts that fit into a valve hole. A particular design requires a shaft with a diameter of 22.000 mm, but shafts with diame

  • Q : Probability that the second vehicle assigned is van....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let F denote the probability that the second vehicle assigned is a van. What is P(F | E)? Use the results of Parts (a) and (b) to calculate P(E and F) (Hint: Use the definition of P(F | E).)  

  • Q : Estimate of the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Explain why the three intervals that you construct are not of equal width. Indicate which of the three intervals you would prefer to use as an estimate of the population mean, and state your reason.

  • Q : Number of network errors....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assuming that, the number of network errors experienced in a day on a local area network (LAN) is distributed as a Poisson random variable. The mean number of network errors experienced in a day is

  • Q : Circular sampling region....
    Basic Statistics :

    An ecologist wishes to mark off a circular sampling region having radius 10 meters. However, the radius of the resulting region is actually a random variable R with probability density function:

  • Q : Circular sampling region....
    Basic Statistics :

    An ecologist wishes to mark off a circular sampling region having radius 10 meters. However, the radius of the resulting region is actually a random variable R with probability density function:

  • Q : Compute the median-mode and mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    The mode of a continuous random variable having density f(x) is the value of x for which f(x) attains its maximum. For each of the following random variables, (i) state and graph the density functio

  • Q : Particular day the staff member....
    Basic Statistics :

    She normally has another member of staff to help serve customers on each day, but on one particular day the staff member called in sick with little warning and no time to call for a replacement.

  • Q : Find the probability that....
    Basic Statistics :

    A track star runs two races on a certain day. The probability that he wins the first race is 0.7, the probability that he wins the second race is 0.6. The two probabilities are independant of each o

  • Q : Determine the probability that on a given sunday....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine the probability that on a given Sunday, there will be at least 6 doughnuts with chocolate icing that Jimmy has brought home.

  • Q : Mean value of interpupillary distance....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that the mean value of interpupillary distance (the distance between the pupils of the left and right eyes) for adult males is 65 mm and that the population standard deviation is 5 mm.

  • Q : Distribution of the diameter of the corks....
    Basic Statistics :

    A machine that cuts corks for wine bottles operates in such a way that the distribution of the diameter of the corks produced is well approximated by a normal distribution with mean 4 cm and standar

  • Q : Normally disdtributed with population standard deviaiton....
    Basic Statistics :

    If we assume that th e amount of gas remaining in tanks is normally disdtributed with a population standard deviaiton of one gallon, can we conclude at the 10% significance level that the official w

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