• Q : Internal revenue service....
    Basic Statistics :

    An Internal Revenue Oversight Board survey found that 82% of taxpayers said that it was very important for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to ensure that high-income tax payers do not cheat on th

  • Q : Differences between hourly production outputs....
    Basic Statistics :

    Construct a 95% confidence interval and determine whether the modified (after) layout has increased average worker productivity. Assume that the differences between hourly production outputs are nor

  • Q : Individuals investing for retirement....
    Basic Statistics :

    An issue that faces individuals investing for retirement is allocating assets among different investment choices. Suppose a study conducted 10 years ago showed that 65% of investors preferred stocks

  • Q : P-value for the test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Can you conclude at the 0.025 level of significance that a higher proportion of the university's college students are concerned about Internet theft than the public at large? What is the p-value for

  • Q : Study of economic competitiveness marketing research....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose as part of a national study of economic competitiveness a marketing research firm randomly sampled 200 adults between the ages of 27 and 35 living in metropolitan Seattle and 180 adults betw

  • Q : Question regarding the confidence interval....
    Basic Statistics :

    If we have a 95% confidence interval, we have alpha/2 below the confidence interval and alpha/2 above the confidence interval. What is alpha/2 for a 95% confidence interval?

  • Q : Variety of climbing and mountaineering equipment....
    Basic Statistics :

    Descent, Inc., produces a variety of climbing and mountaineering equipment. One of its products is a traditional three-strand climbing rope. An important characteristic of any climbing rope is its t

  • Q : Wholesale price and manufacturing cost....
    Basic Statistics :

    A company manufactures two products, Product A and Product B. The wholesale price and manufacturing cost of each product are shown below.

  • Q : Techniques using the mean absolute deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use the 3-day weighted moving average method for forecasting days 4-7. Use Weight 1 day ago = 2, Weight 2 days ago = 4, and Weight 3 days ago = 3. Compare the techniques using the mean absolute devi

  • Q : Descriptive statistics for the sample....
    Basic Statistics :

    Give a one to two paragraph write up of the data once you have done this. Create an APA style table that presents descriptive statistics for the sample.

  • Q : Find the probability distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let x be the number of these parents who allow their children under age of 13 to stay home alone after school. Find the probability distribution of x.

  • Q : Find the mean of this distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following table gives the probabilities gives the number of police officers who will call in sick (daily) for a large police force. Number of police officers,

  • Q : Recent survey of computer ownership....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a recent survey of computer ownership, 73.4% of the respondents indicated they own PC computers, while 21.8% indicated they own both PC and Mac computers, and 80.1% said they own at least one of

  • Q : Assuming the null hypothesis is true....
    Basic Statistics :

    P = 0.03 means that the probability, assuming the null hypothesis is true, that the test statistic will take a value at least as extreme as that actually observed, is 0.03.

  • Q : Mean of all possible bank customer waiting times....
    Basic Statistics :

    The bank manager hopes that the new system will have a mean waiting time that is less than six minutes. The mean of the sample of 100 bank customer waiting times in Table 1.8 is _ = 5.46. If we let

  • Q : Confidence interval for the difference in the population....
    Basic Statistics :

    An AP Statisctics group asked an SRS of 20 boys at their school how many shoes they have. A 95% confidence interval for the difference in the population means (girls - boys) is 10.9 to 26.5.

  • Q : Probability that you will be accepted into graduate school....
    Basic Statistics :

    It is also known that 70% of those students who have been accepted have had GMAT scores in excess of 550 while 40% of the students who were not accepted had GMAT scores in excess of 550. You take th

  • Q : Perform a hypothesis test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that we want to perform a hypothesis test to decide whether the mean age of buyers of new domestic cars is greater than the mean age of buyers of new imported cars.

  • Q : Perform a hypothesis test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that we want to perform a hypothesis test to decide whether the mean age of buyers of new domestic cars is greater than the mean age of buyers of new imported cars.

  • Q : Leadership-trustworthiness and ethical stewardship....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the correlation between Leadership, Trustworthiness and Ethical Stewardship? Support your comment

  • Q : Leadership-trustworthiness and ethical stewardship....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the correlation between Leadership, Trustworthiness and Ethical Stewardship? Support your comment

  • Q : Proportion of items....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let Xn denote the proportion of items at time n that are pens. We can prove that X_n is a Martingale, but show weather or not it converges.

  • Q : Winning regardless of whether or not rail freight....
    Basic Statistics :

    If Rail Freight does submit a bid, it figures to be a bid of about $470,000. Transrail really wants this project and is considering a bid with only a 15% markup to $460,000 to ensure winning regardl

  • Q : Standard errror for the number....
    Basic Statistics :

    A die is tossed 90 times. Find the standard errror for the number of sixes rolled.

  • Q : Gambler expected net gain....
    Basic Statistics :

    Someone is going to play roulette 270 times, betting a dollar on a split each time. A split pays 17 to 1. Find the gambler's expected net gain.

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