• Q : Normal distriubtion with mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Consider a normal distriubtion with mean 5 and standard deviation 2. Sketch the associated normal curve

  • Q : American roulette wheel....
    Basic Statistics :

    An american roulette wheel consists of 38 numbers, of which 18 are red, 18 are black, and 2 are green. When the roulette wheel is spun, the ball is equally likely to land on each of the 38 numbers.

  • Q : Determine the percentage of us females....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine the percentage of us females 20 years old or older who have a serum total cholesterol level below 220 mg/dL. Obtain and intterpret the quartiles for serum total cholesterol level of us femal

  • Q : Standard deviation to either side of the mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    A preliminary behavioral sutdy of the jingdong black gibbon, a primate endemic to the wuliang mountains in china, found that the mean song bout duration in the wet season is 12.59 mintues with a sta

  • Q : Appropriate test of the hypothesis....
    Basic Statistics :

    When comparing your district average to the state average, what is the appropriate TEST of the hypothesis that your district has higher average scores than the state average?

  • Q : Appropriate test of the hypothesis....
    Basic Statistics :

    When comparing your district average to the state average, what is the appropriate test of the hypothesis that your district has higher average scores than the state average.

  • Q : Distribution of the values of chi-square....
    Basic Statistics :

    A fair 20-sided die is rolled 120 times, and the value of chi-square is computed using expected counts of 6 for each face. If this process is repeated many times, the shape of the distribution of th

  • Q : Information obtained from a random sample....
    Basic Statistics :

    You are given the following information obtained from a random sample of 4 observations from a large, normally distributed population. (25, 47, 32, 56)

  • Q : Estimate of the standard error of the mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Calculate the estimate of the standard error of the mean. What assumption must be made before we can determine an interval for the mean grade of all the students in the class? Explain why.

  • Q : Major shortcoming of the maximin and maximax criteria....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the major shortcoming of both the maximin and maximax criteria? Please answer in at least 3 sentences but no more than 6 sentences.

  • Q : Risk or uncertainty involves multiple objectives....
    Basic Statistics :

    When a decision problem under risk or uncertainty involves multiple objectives, what solution approaches are available?

  • Q : Discuss a decision familiar....
    Basic Statistics :

    Discuss a decision familiar to you that can be analyzed by using a decision tree. Please answer in at least 3 sentences but no more than 6 sentences.

  • Q : Components of a decision tree....
    Basic Statistics :

    What are the components of a decision tree? Explain each briefly. Please answer in at least 3 sentences but no more than 6 sentences.

  • Q : Sophisticated theoretical approach to decision-making....
    Basic Statistics :

    Utility analysis is a sophisticated theoretical approach to decision-making. List a few of your personal decision problems

  • Q : Major weakness of the hurwicz criterion....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the major weakness of the Hurwicz criterion? Please answer in at least 3 sentences but no more than 6 sentences.

  • Q : Dominance criterion and other decision-making criteria....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the major difference between the dominance criterion and other decision-making criteria under uncertainty?

  • Q : Partial probabilities of events....
    Basic Statistics :

    What are some of the sources where we can obtain partial probabilities of events for a certain investment problems under the condition of uncertainty?

  • Q : Components of an inventory problem....
    Basic Statistics :

    Salvage value and goodwill cost can be important components of an inventory problem. How do they fit into the process of determining the optimal stock quantity?

  • Q : Joint probability density function....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that X and Y have a joint probability density function (pdf)

  • Q : Overstocking and the loss due to understocking....
    Basic Statistics :

    Contrast the loss due to overstocking and the loss due to understocking. In addition to simple inventory problems, to what type of decision problems can we apply these cost concepts?

  • Q : Four states of the decision environment....
    Basic Statistics :

    What are the four states of the decision environment? Discuss which management science techniques could be useful for decision problems under each of these states.

  • Q : Dimensional variability of particular component....
    Basic Statistics :

    A manufacturing engineer is studying the dimensional variability of a particular component that is produced on three machines. Each machine has two spindles, and four components are randomly selecte

  • Q : Find the standard error for the estimate....
    Basic Statistics :

    Denote the population proportion who believe in an afterlife by P1 for female and P2 for males. Estimate p1,p2 and (p1-p2). Find the standard error for the estimate of (p1-p2). Interpret

  • Q : Estimated proportion of hispanics....
    Basic Statistics :

    The estimated proportion of Hispanics that are Mexican Americans is 63% Based on a recent study of sample 850 Hispanic grocery shoppers from around the United States and 575 are Mexican American. Do

  • Q : Important uses of moment generating function....
    Basic Statistics :

    a. Give at least two important uses of the moment generating function (mgf) of an rv.

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