• Q : Estimates for an automobile built....
    Basic Statistics :

    Fuel economy estimates for an automobile built one year predicted a mean of 27.2 mpg and a SD f 5.8 mpg. What is the probability that a randomly selected automobile from thsi year gets more than 19.66

  • Q : Test of mechancical aptitude....
    Basic Statistics :

    An industrial arts instructor has deisgned a test of mechancical aptitude (MechA) and having investigated its properties, finds that studnets with scores lower than 8 tend to do poorly in the class.

  • Q : Probability that a randomly selected adult woman....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose cholesterol levels of adult women have a mean of 188.9 and SD of 20.9. What is the probability that a randomly selected adult woman has a cholesterol level between 161.73 and 232.79?

  • Q : Probability of getting a sample mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose bar-x is 67, Ho: mean = 50 and Ha: mean>50. The p-value from the one-sample z-test is 0.03. The p-value means:

  • Q : Cholesterol levels for adult american women....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose cholesterol levels for adult American women are normally distributed with a mean of 185 mg/l and a standard deviation of 28.8. What is the probability that a woman has a cholesterol level be

  • Q : Research design focus on group comparison....
    Basic Statistics :

    If you had the chance to set up a simple experiment at your workplace to test a hypothesis, would you have your research design focus on group comparison (e.g., t-test), pre-post change (e.g., paire

  • Q : Research design focus on group comparison....
    Basic Statistics :

    If you had the chance to set up a simple experiment at your workplace to test a hypothesis, would you have your research design focus on group comparison (e.g., t-test), pre-post change (e.g., paire

  • Q : Hypothesis test and obtained a p-value....
    Basic Statistics :

    Doug believed that weather forecasteres always predicted temperatures higher than what actually happened because people like warmer temperatures. He obtained a sample mean as 0.8 degrees. His hypoth

  • Q : Enough evidence to indicate that the average body....
    Basic Statistics :

    Regardless of your answer to the last question, suppose th p-value is 0.03. Which of the following is a correct conclusion based on this p-value? There is not enough evidence to indicate that the av

  • Q : Represents the sample proportion of women....
    Basic Statistics :

    According to the national institute for mental health, 12% of women is affected by depressive disorder each year. Suppose we take samples of 49 women. Answer the following. Find the P(p^>0.15), w

  • Q : Efficiency of the current ticket operation....
    Basic Statistics :

    To determine the efficiency of the current ticket operation, Mike wishes to examine several queue operating characteristics. Find the average number of moviegoers waiting in line to purchase a ticket.

  • Q : Gamma distribution with parameter alpha....
    Basic Statistics :

    How do I find fisher information matrix of n iid random variables (X1,... Xn) of a gamma distribution with parameter alpha and beta?

  • Q : Seasonal index for the quarter....
    Basic Statistics :

    The forecast for the third quarter is 1,000 units; the seasonal index for the quarter is 1.10. What are the seasonally adjusted sales for the quarter?

  • Q : Density function of the speed distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let v be the speed, in meters per second, of an oxygen molecule, and let p(v) be the density function of the speed distribution of oxygen molecules at room temperature. Maxwell showed that p(v)= av

  • Q : Possible to pass by guessing answers....
    Basic Statistics :

    The authorities conducting the examination realized that it was possible to pass by guessing answers, and they decided to fix a maximum number of attempts a student may make. What number of attempts

  • Q : Math help....
    Basic Statistics :

    Math help, Two companies, A and B, drill wells in a rural area. Company A charges a flat fee of $3500 to drill a well regardless of its depth. Company B charges $1000 plus $12 per foot to drill a well

  • Q : Find the probability that the uk and french delegates....
    Basic Statistics :

    The security Council has 11 members, with the USA , Russia, China, France and the UK as permanent members. If at a meeting the members are seated at random, find the probability that the UK and Fren

  • Q : Reasonable approximation of the binomial distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    "The Poisson distribution can be a reasonable approximation of the binomial distribution." Explain why this may/may not be true.

  • Q : Determine the health benefits of walking....
    Basic Statistics :

    To determine the health benefits of walking, researchers conduct a study in which they compare the cholesterol levels of women who walk at least 10 miles per week to those of women who do not exerci

  • Q : Proportion of batteries....
    Basic Statistics :

    A manufacturer claims that the batteries it makes will last 18 hours, with a standard deviation of 1.5 hours. If the durations of the batteries are normally distributed, what proportion of batteries

  • Q : Determining the standard error of the estimate....
    Basic Statistics :

    A survey finds that 55 people out of 170 favor increasing property taxes to help pay for a new library. If this data is used to estimate the population proportion who favor new taxes, the standard e

  • Q : Expected number of remaining couples....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose a population consists of n pairs of people, meaning there 2n people in the population. Suppose k of the people die. What is the expected number of remaining couples?

  • Q : High-strength concrete test cylinders....
    Basic Statistics :

    A student in the concrete lab places 5 low-strength concrete test cylinders (3500 PSI) with a batch of 8 high-strength concrete test cylinders (8000 PSI). If 5 cylinders are tested, what is the prob

  • Q : Fair six-sided die....
    Basic Statistics :

    You are invited to play the following game. You may repeatedly roll a fair six-sided die unless you roll a one, at which point you must stop, but you may also elect to stop at any point.

  • Q : Normal curve approximation....
    Basic Statistics :

    A pair of dice is rolled 270 times. Using the normal curve approximation, what is the probability that a total of 7 occur:

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