• Q : Independent-related samples anova....
    Basic Statistics :

    When an experiment design has two factors but one factor involves related samples while the other factor involves independent samples, we should perform a:

  • Q : Interaction effect indicates....
    Basic Statistics :

    A significant interaction effect indicates that: The influence of one factor is not the same for each level of the other factor.

  • Q : Increase in the power of anova....
    Basic Statistics :

    Which of the following would not result in an increase in the power of ANOVA?

  • Q : Distribution of all possible values....
    Basic Statistics :

    Distribution of all possible values of F regardless of whether H0 is true or false. Sampling distribution showing all values of F that occur when H0 is true and all conditions represent one population

  • Q : Major differences between the t-test and anova....
    Basic Statistics :

    In terms of hypotheses, one of the major differences between the t-test and ANOVA is that:

  • Q : Determine the standard error of the mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    A sample of 230 observations is selected from a normal population for which the population standard deviation is known to be 24. The sample mean is 18. Determine the standard error of the mean

  • Q : Chi-square test for independence....
    Basic Statistics :

    Run the Chi-Square test for independence using the calculator in the module. Note that StatCrunch does NOT support this type of Chi-Square.

  • Q : Probability distribution correctly captures the demand for s....
    Basic Statistics :

    The boy has tracked demand over his first few months and he has determined that the following probability distribution correctly captures the demand for sandwiches each day:

  • Q : Point estimate and an interval estimate....
    Basic Statistics :

    The maximum error of estimate is a function of three factors: the level of confidence, sample size and standard deviation. T-F, and why or why not? Explain the difference between a point estimate an

  • Q : Probability of selecting a boy....
    Basic Statistics :

    In Study Hall 3 of the 16 girls have red hair and 2 of the 15 boys have red hair. What is the probability of selecting a boy or a red haired person to run an errand for the teacher.

  • Q : Individual performance for yearling weight....
    Basic Statistics :

    A rancher runs a closed herd of breedin cattle.He keeps and breeds the top 3%of bull calves based on individual performance for yearling weight. His sires avg 3 years of age when their offspring are

  • Q : Proportion of calves with lesions....
    Basic Statistics :

    One article reports that in a sample of 355 calves less than 4 days old, 106 had lesions on their bronchial lymph nodes, while in a sample of 467 calves more than 4 years old, 147 had such lesions.

  • Q : Average number of energy drinks....
    Basic Statistics :

    One article reports that in a sample of 413 male college students, the average number of energy drinks consumed per month was 2.49 with a standard deviation of 4.87, and in a sample of 382 female co

  • Q : Describes measurements of ammonium concentrations....
    Basic Statistics :

    One article describes measurements of ammonium concentrations (in mg/L) at a large number of wells in the state of Iowa. These included 349 alluvial wells and 143 quaternary wells.

  • Q : Null and the alternative hypotheses....
    Basic Statistics :

    Clearly state the null and the alternative hypotheses. Perform the hypothesis test at level ? = 0.01 by computing the test statistic and the p- value.

  • Q : Actual capacity of a randomly selected tank....
    Basic Statistics :

    A gasoline tank for a certain car is designed to hold 15 gallons of gas. Suppose that the actual capacity of a randomly selected tank has a distribution that is approximately normal with a mean of 1

  • Q : Sets of expected frequencies for the four cells....
    Basic Statistics :

    Below are three sets of expected frequencies for the four cells of 2 X 2 contingency tables. Identify which statistical procedure would be appropriate for each, using the most conservative approach.

  • Q : Significant difference between preferences for two candidate....
    Basic Statistics :

    Using alpha = 0.05, test whether or not there is a significant difference between the preferences for the two candidates. Use alpha = 0.05.

  • Q : Test scores on a behavioral vignettes test....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following data presents test scores on a Behavioral Vignettes Test for self-help skill teaching for the primary parents of a random sample of families with mentall retarded children before and a

  • Q : Interval estimate for the difference....
    Basic Statistics :

    Develop a 90% confidence interval estimate for the difference between the proportion of voters favoring each candidate. Does your confidence interval provide conclusive evidence that one of the candid

  • Q : Minimum sample size....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the minimum sample size required by this student, given that no prior estimate of the population proportion is available?

  • Q : Appropriate words and statistics....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use appropriate words and statistics to describe the statistical results. Based on this data which design should he use?

  • Q : Chi-square test for independence....
    Basic Statistics :

    Run the Chi-Square test for independence using the calculator provided in the module. Note that StatCrunch does NOT support this type of Chi-Square.

  • Q : Eight-cylinder engine and automatic transmission....
    Basic Statistics :

    The 2010 Chevrolet Camaro with an eight-cylinder engine and automatic transmission has a combined gas mileage of 19 mpg. What percent of all vehicles have better gas mileage than the Camaro?

  • Q : Books and fees with a standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assume that the average full time college student in the U.S. requires a total of $10,500 per year to cover the costs of tutition, books and fees with a standard deviation of $1,300. If 50 full time

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