• Q : Value of the sample mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    A research organization wanted to estimate the average number of hours a college student sleeps per night during the school year. After randomly sampling 159 college students, the research organizat

  • Q : Theoretical mean and standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    According to the central limit theorem what should the theoretical mean and standard deviation be for each of these sample sizes?

  • Q : Appropriate null and alternative hypotheses....
    Basic Statistics :

    What are the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses to test whether the mean for population 2 is larger that that for population 1.

  • Q : Good idea during the time interval....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assuming that the time interval includes the left limit and all the times up to but not including the right limit, estimate the probability that an inventor has a good idea during the time interval

  • Q : Average blood pressure....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose you are conducting a study with a total of 50 participants from five different regions of the country, and you want to determine if the average blood pressure is different among these groups

  • Q : Level of confidence decreases....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose the level of confidence decreases. What would happen to the width of the confidence interval? Stay the same, increase or decrease?

  • Q : Determining the required minimum score....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability that the student will successfully earn exactly the required minimum score of 70% on the exam based solely upon randomly guessing the answer for each question?

  • Q : Variance of nine business dinners....
    Basic Statistics :

    A researcher hypothesizes that the variation in the amount of money spent on business dinners is greater than the variation of the amount of money spent on lunches. The variance of nine business din

  • Q : Standard deviation for the number of girls....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the standard deviation for the number of girls for this distribution? Round your answer to one place value more than the given data and attach units.

  • Q : Percentile for the average....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find the 80th percentile for the average of these 49 marathons. (Round your answer to two decimal places.) Find the median of the average running times.

  • Q : Average life of a product....
    Basic Statistics :

    A manufacturer claims the average life of a product is 500 hours. The lifetime of the product is assumed to follow an exponential distribution. What is the probability that the product will last les

  • Q : Negative correlation statistic value mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    What does a negative correlation statistic value mean?

  • Q : Binomial distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a random sample of 5 parts on an assembly line, the probability that one of the parts is defect is 15% and follows a binomial distribution. What is the probability of no parts being defective?

  • Q : Scholarshop for males and what about females....
    Basic Statistics :

    A-the middle 99.7% of males scored between what two values. B-what about the females, C-to get admiited to an ivy league univeristy you should have a minium math score of 710 what is the probability

  • Q : Likelihood of a state buying....
    Basic Statistics :

    The Beer institue conducted a study with looking at beer purcheses per capita across states. Some states buy more beer (43 Gallons PP in New Hampshire) Data is normally distributed with an average o

  • Q : Average of fifteen auto insurance claims....
    Basic Statistics :

    Agents at an insurance company office in a small town process an average of fifteen auto insurance claims per week. Assuming that the number of claims per week is a Poisson random variable.

  • Q : Descriptive statistics option in the data analysis toolpak....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following is the heart rate for 10 randomly selected patients on the unit. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the data using the descriptive statistics option in the data analysi

  • Q : Heights of women have a bell-shaped distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Heights of women have a bell-shaped distribution with a mean of 156 cm and a standard deviation of 8cm using the Chebyshev's theorem what do we know about the percentage of women with heights that a

  • Q : Cumulative binomial probabilities....
    Basic Statistics :

    Compute the following binomial probabilities using Table A.1, a table of Cumulative Binomial Probabilities, in the back of the text. Give your answers to 3 decimal places, without the leading zero,

  • Q : Mean amount of daily pocket money....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the mean amount of daily pocket money his son receives? Enter the result in cents to 2 places after the decimal, without the units, i.e. xx.xx

  • Q : Determine the smoothed forecast for august....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use exponential smoothing with alpha = .2 and the smoothed forecast for July is 32. Determine the smoothed forecast for August.

  • Q : Corresponding demand value....
    Basic Statistics :

    Partition 100 numbers from 0 to 99 according to the probability of each demand value, starting with 0. A number from the 100 numbers is going to be selected. What is the corresponding demand value i

  • Q : Ability of snails tohold....
    Basic Statistics :

    Consider an experiment where we study the ability of snails tohold firmly onto a smooth substrate. We would like to know ifthe species of snail is independent of the ability.

  • Q : Estimate true mean time and calculate margin of error....
    Basic Statistics :

    If the data yielded a sample mean of 19.3 minutes with a standard deviation of 5.2 minutes, estimate the true mean time and calc ulate the margin of error.

  • Q : Confidence interval for the difference....
    Basic Statistics :

    Construct now the 95% confidence interval for the difference p1-p2. Could you conclude that p1 and p2 are different ? Explain your answer.

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