• Q : Probabibility of an overloaded admissions procedure....
    Basic Statistics :

    Is the probabibility of an overloaded admissions procedure small enough so that it does not happen very often, or does it seem too high so that changes must be made to make it lower?

  • Q : Tail of a normal distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Which of the following accurately describes the proportions in the tail of a normal distribution?

  • Q : Estimate mean body temperature of adults....
    Basic Statistics :

    A researcher wants to perform a study to estimate mean body temperature of adults. A pilot study resulted i a mean of 98.5 degrees fahrenheit with a standard deviation of 0. degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Q : Correct statistical decision....
    Basic Statistics :

    A sample has a mean of 39.5 and a standard deviation of 4.3. In a 2 tail hypothesis test with a=.05, this sample would produce a t?statistic of t?2.14. Based on this information, the correct statist

  • Q : Infants in developing countries....
    Basic Statistics :

    Recommendations regarding how long infants in developing countries should be breast-fed are controversial. If the nutritional quality of the breast milk is inadequate because the mother is malnouris

  • Q : Effect of drug and electroshock therapy....
    Basic Statistics :

    A psychologist is studying the effect of drug and electroshock therapy on a subject's ability to solve simple tasks. The number of tasks completed in a 10-minute period is recorded for subjects who

  • Q : Roles of financial intermediaries....
    Basic Statistics :

    What are the Roles of Financial Intermediaries, differentiate between direct and indirect finance.

  • Q : Convenience store chain....
    Basic Statistics :

    Last year the records of Dairy Land Inc., a convenience store chain, showed the mean amount spend by a customer was $30. A sample of 20 transactions this month revealed the mean amount spend was $33

  • Q : Assembly time using the new method....
    Basic Statistics :

    The mean assembly time for a random sample of 36 carts, using the new method, was 40.6 minutes, and the standard deviation of the sample was 2.7 minutes. Using a 0.05 level of significance, can we c

  • Q : Accounting graduates indicated on average....
    Basic Statistics :

    A random sample of 15 accounting graduates indicated on average they had taken 139 credit units with a standard deviation of 3 units. While a random sample of 15 economics graduates showed an averag

  • Q : Null and alternative hypotheses to determine....
    Basic Statistics :

    Develop the null and alternative hypotheses to determine whether the schedule adjustment reduced the average lateness time of 12 minutes.

  • Q : Variance of the waiting times....
    Basic Statistics :

    The manager of a video library would like the variance of the waiting times of the customers not to exceed 2.30 minutes-squared. He would like to add an additional billing counter if the variance ex

  • Q : Eliminated jobs in the past year....
    Basic Statistics :

    In the past year 17% of local businesses have eliminated jobs. If 25 businesses are randomly selected what is the probability that 5 or less have eliminated jobs in the past year?

  • Q : River and measurements....
    Basic Statistics :

    Four samples of water were taken at five different locations along a river and measurements were obtained of the amount of E. Coli colonies within the water. Location 5 is the highest point on the s

  • Q : What is the number of possible choices....
    Basic Statistics :

    You go to a store to get ice-cream. There are five types of cones, three types of ice-cream, and six kinds of toppings. You must choose a cone, a type of ice-cream, and exactly one topping. What is

  • Q : Probability that at most one is being deceptive....
    Basic Statistics :

    A federal report find that a lie detector test given to truthful persons have a probability of .2 of suggesting that the person is deceptive. A company asks 12 job applicants to take a lie detect te

  • Q : From a population that contains....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assume that a sample of size 900 is to be taken from a population that contains 34% people older than 50.

  • Q : Difference between sample mean and population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Explain why we use the notation "p < .05" in the formal test of the hypothesis when there is a significant difference between the sample mean and the population mean.

  • Q : Effectiveness of a coffee break....
    Basic Statistics :

    A company wished to study the effectiveness of a coffee break on productivity of its workers. The productiveness of nine randomly selected workers were measures on a day with no coffee break and a l

  • Q : Sample mean to deviate from the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    In particular, she does not want the sample mean to deviate from the population mean by more than $0.06. What is the minimum number of gas stations that she should include in her sample if she uses

  • Q : Entire population of millions of homeowners....
    Basic Statistics :

    An insurance company knows that in the entire population of millions of homeowners, the mean annual loss from fire is miu= $150 and the standard deviation of the loss is singama = $600.

  • Q : Offering high-deductible health insurance plans....
    Basic Statistics :

    Based on the sample results, can you conclude that there is a higher proportion of U.S. companies offering high-deductible health insurance plans to their workers in 2006 than in 2005? Construct a 9

  • Q : Terms of the value of the random variable....
    Basic Statistics :

    Write the event "the student could run a mile in less than 7.39 minutes" in terms of the value of the random variable Y. Use the symbols "<" or ">" as appropriate to indicate the bounds on Y.

  • Q : Upper confidence limit for interval....
    Basic Statistics :

    A researcher estimates the 95% CI for a sample with a mean of M = 3.26 and a standard error (?m) of 0.91. What is the upper confidence limit for this interval?

  • Q : Confidence interval for the population variance....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine a 95% confidence interval for the population variance.

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