• Q : Raffle ticket for local organization raising money....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose you pay $2.00 for a raffle ticket for local organization raising money. The single winner recieves a $75 Home Depot Gift Card. A total of 200 raffle tickets are sold. What is your expected v

  • Q : Task of estimating the proportion of drivers....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose you were given the task of estimating the proportion of drivers in Troy, AL who text while they drive. Discuss what factors you must consider and how you would accomplish this. Don't forget

  • Q : Probability that both offsprings are albinos....
    Basic Statistics :

    If a couple consists of a non-albino and an albino, what is the probability that their offsping will be albino? Suppose that a couple consists of two non-albinos. They have two offsprings. What is th

  • Q : Appropriate null and alternative hypotheses....
    Basic Statistics :

    Based on new water standards for manufacturers in the region, they wanted to see if there was a change in contamination in crayfish. What are the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses? (NE mea

  • Q : Compute the value of the test statistic....
    Basic Statistics :

    A hypothesis test for a population proportion p is given below: Ho: p = 0.25 vs. Ha: p NE 0.25 (NE means not equal) For sample size n=100 and sample proportion p = 0.30, compute the value of the tes

  • Q : P-value for the test statistic....
    Basic Statistics :

    A hypothesis test for a population proportion p is given below: Ho: p = 0.25 vs. Ha: p NE 0.25 (NE means not equal) For sample size n=100 and sample proportion p = 0.30. What is the p-value for the

  • Q : Compute the standard error....
    Basic Statistics :

    Compute the standard error of the estimate for the data below. Round to the thousandths place.

  • Q : Critical value for an alpha....
    Basic Statistics :

    A hypothesis test for a population proportion p is given below: Ho: p = 0.25 vs. Ha: p NE 0.25 (NE means not equal) For sample size n=100 and sample proportion p = 0.30. What is the critical value f

  • Q : Change in contamination in crayfish....
    Basic Statistics :

    The researchers wanted to see if there was a change in contamination in crayfish. What is the test statistic for this problem? (use 2 decimal places)?

  • Q : Length of the prediction interval....
    Basic Statistics :

    A research engineer for a tire manufacturer is investigating tire life for a new rubber compound and has built 16 tires and tested them to end-of-life in a road test.

  • Q : Supermarket sells ground beef in approximate....
    Basic Statistics :

    The meat department of a supermarket sells ground beef in approximate 1 lb packages, but there is some variability. A random sample of 65 packages yielded a mean of 1.05 lbs and a standard deviation

  • Q : Confidence interval for proportion....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a recent survey of 205 never-married single women, 78% thought they would eventually find, and marry, their perfect mate. A 95% Confidence Interval for this proportion would be .78 plus or minus

  • Q : Confidence interval for problem....
    Basic Statistics :

    The meat department of a supermarket sells ground beef in approximate 1 lb packages, but there is some variability. A random sample of 65 packages yielded a mean of 1.05 lbs and a standard deviation

  • Q : Probability that the average duration....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability that the average duration is between 7 and 9 years? (Hint: think of this problem in terms of a sampling distribution with n =81).

  • Q : Confidence interval for the average length of a box....
    Basic Statistics :

    The previous analysis of paper boxes showed that the standard deviation of their lengths is 15 millimeters. A packer wishes to find the 80% confidence interval for the average length of a box. How

  • Q : Application of probability concepts....
    Basic Statistics :

    Detail the application of probability concepts in this study. The main post and responses should be formatted using APA style guidelines.

  • Q : Identify a peer-reviewed journal article....
    Basic Statistics :

    Identify a peer-reviewed journal article (health based) published in the last 5 years that uses the Poisson Distribution. In your main post, provide a brief (2-3 sentences) summary of the article an

  • Q : Optimum decision based on expected values....
    Basic Statistics :

    Draw the tree for Red Cat's decision problem and determine the optimum decision based on expected values. Include the possibility of launching or not:

  • Q : Probability that the average of those count....
    Basic Statistics :

    The average number of mosquitos in a stagnant pond is 70 per square meter with a standard deviation of 8. If a sample of 25 square meters are chosen at random for a mosquito count, find the probabil

  • Q : Standard normal curve....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find z such that 82% of the standard normal curve lies to the right of z. Find the z value such that 60% of the standard curve lies between -z and z.

  • Q : Probability that the average....
    Basic Statistics :

    The average number of mosquitos in a stagnant pool per square meter with a standard deviation of 8. If a sample of 25 square meters are chosen at random for a mosquito count, find the probability th

  • Q : Test the hypothesis....
    Basic Statistics :

    To test the hypothesis H0: ? = 100 vs. H1: ? > 100, a z-score of 2.8 is calculated. The value of 2.8 is

  • Q : Sample of size n selected without replacement....
    Basic Statistics :

    An urn contains N balls, K black and N-k white. A random sample of size n selected without replacement and the random variable X is defined to be the number of balls in the sample . Show that : E(X)

  • Q : Bshs 435....
    Basic Statistics :

    Bshs 435, Create a 350- to 700- word summary of correlation as a measure of association, including the following topics: Describe correlation as a measure of association. Describe different methods

  • Q : Stat....
    Basic Statistics :

    Stat, some formulas which will help in my exam to write and i want its answer also with nice answers .i want the best answerrs i want question which is very imp.very ood expert answers

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