• Q : Confidence interval for difference between two means....
    Basic Statistics :

    Construct a 95% confidence interval for the difference between the two means, and interpre the result, and answer the original research question.

  • Q : Hypergeometric probability distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Explain when you would use the Hypergeometric Probability Distribution rather than the Binomial Probability Distribution in solving a probability problem.

  • Q : Terminology or expressions....
    Basic Statistics :

    Explain the distinction between "at least" 3 out of 5 vs. "at most" 3 out of 5. Identify other terminology or expressions which are analogous to "at least", and other terminology or expressions whic

  • Q : Effective in lowering the defect rate....
    Basic Statistics :

    A hypothesis test is performed to determine if the additional training was effective in lowering the defect rate. Suppose the P-value associated with the test statistic is 0.0594. For a=.01, what is

  • Q : New degree of financial autonomy....
    Basic Statistics :

    How did genres such as chamber music (often written for a small number of amateur performers) and the symphony (performed for large public audiences) begin to provide composers with new degree of fi

  • Q : Mean of a population....
    Basic Statistics :

    You have determined that your cutoff value at a level a=0.05 is 1.645 when testing whether the mean of a population is significantly different from 1.5. if you calculate a test statistic of 1.8 what

  • Q : Specifications regarding cacao content....
    Basic Statistics :

    If quality control inspectors wish to estimate the % cacao to within 1% of the true mean with 95% confidence, how many pieces of chocolate should they sample?

  • Q : Breakdown by occupation....
    Basic Statistics :

    How do U.S. residents who travel overseas for leisure differ from those who travel for business? The table is a breakdown by occupation. Explain why we cannot use the chi-square test to determine if

  • Q : Age distribution of red lake....
    Basic Statistics :

    There is no evidence that the age distribution of Red Lake is different than that of Canada (P=0.81). There is very strong evidence that the age distribution of Red Lake is different than that of Cana

  • Q : Mean pollution index....
    Basic Statistics :

    Based on information from the Rocky Mountain News, a random sample of 12 winter days in Denver gave a mean pollution index of 43 with a standard deviation of 21. For Englewood (a suburb of Denver),

  • Q : Relate systolic blood pressure to weight....
    Basic Statistics :

    A linear regression was done to relate systolic blood pressure to weight (measured in pounds). The resulting regression equation was where represents systolic blood pressure and represents weight.

  • Q : Groups sum of squares and divide....
    Basic Statistics :

    If you take the within groups sum of squares and divide it by the between groups degrees of freedom, you get:

  • Q : Null hypothesis of no difference between college-bound....
    Basic Statistics :

    Using these results, test the null hypothesis of no difference between college-bound and non-college bound high school students with respect to smoking. What does the outcome of this test indicate?

  • Q : Normal distribution with a mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Scores on an exam follow an approximately Normal distribution with a mean of 76.4 and a standard deviation of 6.1 points. What is the minimum score you would need to be in the top 4%?

  • Q : Depression index to years of formal education....
    Basic Statistics :

    After collecting psychological data, a regression is performed to relate the Depression Index to Years of Formal Education. The equation is where represents the Depression Index and represents Years

  • Q : Difference in the iq scores....
    Basic Statistics :

    Do women tend to marry men of similar intelligence? Fifty couples were used to investigate this question. A standard IQ test was administered to all subjects. After the exams were graded, the differ

  • Q : Difference in the iq scores....
    Basic Statistics :

    Do women tend to marry men of similar intelligence? Fifty couples were used to investigate this question. A standard IQ test was administered to all subjects. After the exams were graded, the differ

  • Q : Type of sampling technique....
    Basic Statistics :

    In order to conduct a survey of the US Senate, each senator is assigned a number from 1 to 100 and a computer is then used to randomly select 15 numbers. What type of sampling technique was used?

  • Q : Regional distribution for the magazine....
    Basic Statistics :

    Test to determine whether the regional distribution for the magazine's subscribers could be the same as the regional distribution for all persons who are 65 or over. Be sure to state your hypotheses

  • Q : Probability that a player selected at random....
    Basic Statistics :

    The average weight of NFL players is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 245 pounds and a standard deviation of 25 pounds. What is the probability that a player selected at random will

  • Q : Strong positive correlation between ice cream consumption....
    Basic Statistics :

    A study found a strong positive correlation between ice cream consumption and the number of violent crimes committed each month. Some people may take this as an indication of how refined sugars make

  • Q : What is the probability that fewer....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that 64% of the students in Elizabethtown College are female. If 30 etown students are selected at random, what is the probability that fewer than 10 are male?

  • Q : Mean of the test scores....
    Basic Statistics :

    A test score of 84 was transformed into a standard score of -1.5. If the standard deviation of test scores was 4, what is the mean of the test scores?

  • Q : Test of hypotheses....
    Basic Statistics :

    What if any assumptions are needed before the t inferential procedure can be used to compare true average elapsed times? Carry out a test of hypotheses to decide whether the true avg difference in ela

  • Q : Elegible for election....
    Basic Statistics :

    An exclusive club for top students has to elect a new President and Treasure. There are 50 students in the club, and all are elegible for election. How many diffrent choices of officers are possible

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