• Q : Knowledge of science....
    Science :

    How will you use your knowledge of science to develop strategies to counter these attitudes?

  • Q : Convergence of a numerical scheme....
    Mathematics :

    Discuss how Atkins method can improve the convergence of a numerical scheme

  • Q : Contemporary areas of science and technology....
    Science :

    It is often said that the world is witnessing now a second industrial revolution, which will transform the society as radically as did the first. List some key contemporary areas of science and tech

  • Q : Ghosts exist-refute the argument....
    Physics :

    An intelligent but superstitious man advances this analogy to argue that ‘ghosts' exist even though no one has ‘seen' one. How will you refute his argument?

  • Q : Advancement of science in india....
    Science :

    Though India now has a large base in science and technology, which is fast expanding, it is still a long way from realising its potential of becoming a world leader in science. Name some important f

  • Q : Some discoveries and the names of scientist....
    Physics :

    Deepa who is science graduate explained about some discoveries and the names of scientist who have done a marvellous work in physics.

  • Q : Role of physics in society....
    Physics :

    Ravinder and Mohender were discussing the role of Physics in society. Ravinder said to Mahender that Physics does not have any impact on society.

  • Q : Definition of a derivative....
    Mathematics :

    Find the derivative of x^(3/2) using the definition of a derivative. You cannot use the power rule or any other differentiation rules.

  • Q : Initial kinetic energy in the collision....
    Physics :

    A particle of mass m1 moving with a velocity u makes a head-on elastic collision with a particle of mass 2m initially at rest.Show that the particle of mass m1 loses (8/9)th of initial kinetic energ

  • Q : Determine the absorbance of the solutions....
    Chemistry :

    Prepare a series of dilutions of CoCl2.6H2O in the range of 0.000 to 0.200 mol dm-3. Determine the absorbance of the solutions at 525nm.

  • Q : General dimensions of the prism....
    Physics :

    The volume of a rectangular prism is given by the formula V = lwh. What are the general dimensions of the prism if the volume is 6x3 + 9x2- 6x? You will not have an exact dimension but rather an exp

  • Q : Determining the electron changes....
    Chemistry :

    Why the no. of electron changes by one or increases by one in elements?

  • Q : Produce an extension....
    Physics :

    A steel wire has a diameter of 0.57mm and is 1.5m long. What tension is required to produce an extension of 1.5mm in the wire?

  • Q : What is the samples specific heat....
    Chemistry :

    You carefully add 1.25x10 to the 4 joules of heat energy to the sample and find that its temperature rises 18.0 degrees Celsius. what is the samples specific heat?

  • Q : What is the acceleration of the stone....
    Physics :

    At some instant of time t1 during the beginning of the lift, the stone is moving upwards and speeding up by 0.5 m/s per second. The following questions are all at time t1. What is the acceleration o

  • Q : Second reaction with potassium hydroxide....
    Chemistry :

    You react (E)-2,7-dimethyl-4-octene with bromine, collect product, and then perform a second reaction with potassium hydroxide.

  • Q : Distance-time problem....
    Mathematics :

    Question: Two people start from the same point. One walks east at 8 km/hr while the other walks north at 6 km/hr. How fast is the distance between the people changing after half an hour.

  • Q : Dropping a package to a certain village....
    Chemistry :

    A cargo plane traveling towards a positive x-direction at an elevation of 60 m drops a package to a certain village. At what horizontal distance from the village should the package be dropped?

  • Q : Calculate the energy in the form of heat....
    Chemistry :

    Calculate the energy in the form of heat (in kJ) required to change 75.0 g of liquid water at 27.0 C to ice at 20.0 C. Assume that no energy in the form of heat is transferred to the environment.

  • Q : Moles of an ideal gas within a balloon....
    Chemistry :

    The volume of the baloon is now 1.3 L. What is the final pressure of the gas in the balloon? Assume that the temperature and moles of an ideal gas within a balloon are constant. Round your answer to

  • Q : Calculate the average atomic mass....
    Chemistry :

    Calculate the average atomic mass in units of amu for iron (Fe) given that the naturally occurring element exists mainly as a mixture of Fe-56 (91.754%0), Fe-54 (5.845%), and Fe-57 (2.119%). Does yo

  • Q : Constant pressure and temperature problem....
    Chemistry :

    A balloon that contains 0.750 moles of gas has a volume of 16.8 L. If the balloon expands to a volume of 25.4 L at a constant pressure and temperature, how many moles of gas would the balloon contai

  • Q : Calculate heat of fusion of water at given temperature....
    Chemistry :

    The heat capacity of H2O(l) is 75.2 J/mol·K and that the heat capacity of H2O(s) is 37.7 J/mol·K, calculate the heat of fusion of water at -15°C.

  • Q : Problem based on neutralization reaction....
    Chemistry :

    Which of the following correctly shows a neutralization reaction between a hydronium ion and a hydroxide ion?

  • Q : Activation energy for the reverse reaction....
    Chemistry :

    It the activation energy for the 2Cl from Cl2 is 243.4 KJ what is the activation energy for the reverse reaction ("cl to Cl2)?

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