• Q : Explain role of fermentation in allowing organism for energy....
    Biology :

    Explain the role of fermentation in allowing an organism to generate energy for its cell(s) in the absence of oxygen.

  • Q : Equations for the steps....
    Mathematics :

    Write the equations for the steps of E1 reaction of 2-iodohexane with a base going to 2-hexene.

  • Q : Momentum of the particle....
    Physics :

    The momentum of the particle when the action of the force discontinued.

  • Q : Possible for the compound....
    Chemistry :

    How many total isomers are possible for the compound [Co(C2O4)2(NH3)Cl]2-? Make sketches of these isomers. Indicate optical isomers and draw them as mirror images.

  • Q : Find the coefficient of friction....
    Chemistry :

    A small body was launched up an inclined plane set at an angle α = 15° against the horizontal. Find the coefficient of friction, if the time of the ascent of the body is η = 2.0 times

  • Q : Angle of negative radian measure....
    Physics :

    Describe the angle pi/6 by an angle of negative radian measure.

  • Q : Problem based on reactions....
    Chemistry :

    A student sets up two reactions. Reaction 1 uses 0.210mol/L of reactant, and Reaction 2 uses 0.550mol/L of reactant. How many times faster is Reaction 2 compared to Reaction 1? Express your answer a

  • Q : Coefficient of static friction between the sofa....
    Physics :

    A 90 kg sofa sits stubbornly on the wrong side of your living room. If the coefficient of static friction between the sofa and your carpeting is 0.2, find the amount of force it will take to budge t

  • Q : Determine the density of a certain solid....
    Chemistry :

    In a laboratory, you determine that the density of a certain solid is5.23×10-6kg/mm3. Convert this density into kilograms per cubic meters.

  • Q : Determining the size of the mosquito colony....
    Biology :

    The population of a mosquito colony in a certain region experience uninhibited exponential growth. The initial population of mosquitoes is 300. After 3 day(s), the population has grown to 700. What

  • Q : Formula for the volume of a right circular cone....
    Mathematics :

    Derive the formula for the volume of a right circular cone with radius r and height h by revolving an appropriate region about the x-axis. Sketch the region.

  • Q : Compare the terminal speeds....
    Physics :

    Consider a small raindrop and a large raindrop falling through the atmosphere. Compare their terminal speeds. What are their accelerations when they reach terminal speed?

  • Q : What is the kinetic energy of the sphere....
    Physics :

    A solid sphere of weight 36.0 N rolls up an incline at an angle of 30.0°. At the bottom of the incline the center of mass of the sphere has a translational speed of 4.90 m/s. (a) What is the kin

  • Q : Find the angular speed of the system....
    Physics :

    Find the angular speed of the system at the instant the beads reach the ends of the rod.

  • Q : Power point presentation to reduce incidence of salmonella....
    Biology :

    Create a power point presentation (25 Slides) to increase the knowledge of and reduce the incidence of Salmonella. This presentation is intended for the stakeholders.

  • Q : Coefficient of friction at the stopping point....
    Physics :

    On the rough section, the coefficient of friction is not constant, but starts at 0.100 at P and increases linearly with distance past P, reaching a value of 0.600 at 12.5 m past point P. What is th

  • Q : Amount of kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    How many joules of energy does a 100-watt light bulb use per hour? How fast would a 70-kg person have to run to have that amount of kinetic energy?

  • Q : How fast does river need to move to complete trip on time....
    Mathematics :

    The driver needs to complete the trip in 3.00 hours, but spends the first 100.0 kilometers in traffic at 40.0 km/h. How fast does the river need to move to complete the trip on time?

  • Q : Typical approximating rectangle and label....
    Mathematics :

    Sketch the region enclosed by the given curves. Decide whether to integrate with respect to x or y. Draw a typical approximating rectangle and label its height and width. Then find the area of the r

  • Q : Problem based on work-energy theorem....
    Physics :

    A 12-pack of Omni-Cola (mass 4.30 kg) is initially at rest on a horizontal floor. It is then pushed in a straight line for 1.20 m by a trained dog that exerts a horizontal force with magnitude 36.0

  • Q : Mass of lithium chloride....
    Chemistry :

    If 2.0 g of lithium metal reacts with 3.0 L of chlorine gas at STP, what mass of lithium chloride is produced?

  • Q : Magnitude of force required to stretch the spring....
    Physics :

    What magnitude of force is required to stretch the spring 0.015 m beyond its unscratched length? To compress the spring 0.020 m?

  • Q : Determining the precipitate expected....
    Chemistry :

    You mix 2.0 mL of 0.50 M Cu(NO3)2 with 5.0 mL of 0.50 M KI, and collect and dry the CuI precipitate. Calculate the following:

  • Q : Determining the kinetic energy of the pump....
    Physics :

    A pump is required to lift 800 kg of water (about 210 gallons) per minute from a well 14.0 m deep and eject it with a speed of 18.0 m/s. How much work is done in giving the water the kinetic energy i

  • Q : Direction of the animals acceleration....
    Physics :

    Suddenly, the cheetah stops, turns, and then runs at 45 km/h eastward, as measured by u suddenly nervous crew member who stands alongside the cheetah's path. The change in the animal's velocity take

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