• Q : Estimate how much rubber is put into the air....
    Physics :

    The rubber worn from tires mostly enters the atmosphere as particulate pollution. Estimate how much rubber (in kg) is put into the air in the United States every year. To get started a good estimate

  • Q : Minimum initial speed to accomplish the feat....
    Physics :

    With what minimum initial speed must she throw the ball upward to accomplish this feat?

  • Q : Climbing in the high sierra....
    Physics :

    Cliff Height you are climbing in the High Sierra where you suddenly find yourself at the edge of a fog-shrouded cliff. To find the height of this cliff, you drop a rock from the top and 10.0 s later

  • Q : Golf ball is released from rest from the top....
    Physics :

    A golf ball is released from rest from the top of a very tall building. Neglecting air resistance, calculate: The position

  • Q : Egg is thrown vertically upward....
    Physics :

    An egg is thrown nearly vertically upward from a point near the cornice of a tall building. It just misses the cornice on the way down and passes a point 50.0 m below its starting point 5.00 s after

  • Q : Demonstrate different ways of representing organic molecules....
    Chemistry :

    For the list of molecules below demonstrate the different ways of representing organic molecules.

  • Q : What is the mass of the box....
    Physics :

    A box rests on a frozen pond, which serves as a frictionless horizontal surface. If a fisherman applies a horizontal force with magnitude 48.0 N to the box and produces an acceleration of magnitude

  • Q : Hydrogenation of benzene to form cyclohexane....
    Chemistry :

    Consider the hydrogenation of benzene to form cyclohexane C6H6(l) + 3H2(g)-->C6H12(l) Delta H for combustion to CO2(g) and/or H20(l) at 298 K for C6H12, C6H12 and H2 is -3270, -4000, and -286 kJ

  • Q : Tug of war-pulling in opposite directions on a strong rope....
    Physics :

    In a contest of National Football League behemoths, teams from the Rams and the 49ers engage in a tug of war, pulling in opposite directions on a strong rope.

  • Q : Problem based on swinging from a cliff....
    Physics :

    Tarzan, who weighs 820 N, swings from a cliff at the end of a 20.0 m vine that hangs from a high tree limb and initially makes an angle of 22.0o with the vertical assume that an x axis extends horiz

  • Q : Velocity of the groundwater flowing....
    Physics :

    Estimate the velocity of the groundwater flowing from a point 500 feet from a creek. the point is 50 feet above the surface of the creek and the permeability is 10^-5. Approximately how long it take

  • Q : What is the direction of the acceleration....
    Physics :

    Three forces acting on an object are given by F1 = (-2.00i + 2.00j) N, F2 = (5.00i - 3.00j) N, and F3 = (-45.0i) N. The object experiences an acceleration of magnitude 3.75 m/s2. (a) What is the di

  • Q : Find angle between forces given the magnitude of resultant....
    Mathematics :

    Find the angle between the forces given the magnitude of their resultant. (Hint: Write force one as a vector in the direction of the positive x-axis and force two as a vector at an angle.

  • Q : Find the magnitude and direction of the friction force....
    Physics :

    The coefficient of static friction between the case and the truck floor is 0.30, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.20. Find the magnitude and direction of the friction force acting on the

  • Q : Can lubricant be removed by heating the spooled wire....
    Chemistry :

    Can the lubricant be removed by heating the spooled wire to some temperature? If so what temp and how long should it be held at the temperature?

  • Q : What is the net force acting on the particle....
    Physics :

    A 0.150 kg particle moves along an x axis according to x(t) = - 13.00 + 2.00t + 4.00t2 - 3.00t3, with x in meters and t in seconds. In unit-vector notation, what is the net force acting on the parti

  • Q : Find change in rate if concentration of reactants is doubled....
    Chemistry :

    How does the reaction change if the OH- concentration is decreased by a factor of 5? What is the change in rate if the concentration of both reactants is doubled?

  • Q : Topics of numerical solution and error analysis....
    Mathematics :

    Who is Isaac Jacob Schoenberg? How does he relate to the topics of numerical solution and error analysis, polynomial approximation and divided difference, higher order polynomial approximation?

  • Q : Find the acceleration of the rocket....
    Physics :

    A 125-kg (including all the contents) rocket bas an engine that produces a constant vertical force (the thrust) of 1720 N. Inside this rocket, a 15.5-N electrical power supply rests on the floor. (

  • Q : Problem related to perfectly elastic collision....
    Physics :

    A particle of mass m1 experienced a perfectly elastic collision with a stationary particle of mass m2. What fraction of the kinetic energy does the striking particle lose, if?

  • Q : Edta and calcium and edta....
    Chemistry :

    Ashing burns off the organic matter in a sample, leaving just the mineral residue,which can then be dissolved for analysis.2. The stoichiometry of the complexation reactions between EDTA and calcium

  • Q : Calculate the velocity of the puck....
    Physics :

    Calculate the velocity of the puck (magnitude and direction) after a force of 25.0 N directed to the right has been applied for 0.050 s.

  • Q : Molar calcium nirate aqueous solution....
    Chemistry :

    What volume in liters of 0.75 molal sodium phosphate dodecahydrate aqueous(density 1.16g/mL) is needed to precipitate all of the ca2=+ from 0.600L of 0.500 molar calcium nirate aqueous solution?

  • Q : Positive electrical charges on sphere....
    Physics :

    Two small plastic spheres are given positive electrical charges. When they are 15.0 cm apart, the repulsive force between them has magnitude 0.220 N. What is the charge on each sphere?

  • Q : Calculate the diameter of the central beam....
    Physics :

    Calculate the diameter of the central beam at a target 2000 km away from the beam source.

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