• Q : Explain the meaning of the slope and the vertical intercept....
    Mathematics :

    Identify and explain the meaning of the slope and the vertical intercept. Then graph the function. According to this relationship, how many tee-shirts would be sold during a term at $3.50 each?

  • Q : Find the acceleration of the mass....
    Physics :

    A 1kg mass hangs from a cord wrapped around a solid disk pulley with a mass of 3kg and radius 25cm. The cord is 2m long and it's entire length is wrapped such that the weight is just touching the ed

  • Q : Wavelength of an electromagnetic wave....
    Physics :

    At one time television sets used "rabbit-ears" antennas. Such an antenna consists of a pair of metal rods. The length of each rod can be adjusted to be one-quarter of a wavelength of an electromagne

  • Q : Calculate total profit during terms where charge amount....
    Mathematics :

    Then graph the functionSuppose that it costs the bookstore $3 for each shirt. Calculate the total profit during terms where they charge $5, 6,7,8,9,$10.

  • Q : What is the frequency heard by the engineer on train....
    Physics :

    Train 2 blows its horn, emitting a frequency of 500Hz. What is the frequency heard by the engineer on train? (please show work for credit)

  • Q : What is the frequency heard by the source....
    Physics :

    If the observer knows his/her speed is 25.0 m/s and the temperature is 30°C, and hears a frequency of 450.0 Hz, what is the frequency heard by the source. (Please provide calculations to compare

  • Q : Problem based on tug-of-war....
    Physics :

    During a tug-of-war, team A pulls on team B by applying a force of 1150 N to the rope between them. How much work does team A do if they pull team B toward them a distance of 2.55 m?

  • Q : By how much is the spring compressed....
    Physics :

    A 75kg student is standing atop a spring in an elevator that is accelerating upward at 3.0m/s^2 The spring constant is 2300 N/m. By how much is the spring compressed?

  • Q : Surface of the earth to the surface of the moon....
    Physics :

    Determine the distance from the surface of the earth to the surface of the moon.

  • Q : Magnitude of the impulse....
    Physics :

    A 0.2kg steel ball is dropped straight down onto a hard horizontal floor and bounces straight up. The ball's speed just before and just after impact with the floor is 10m/s. Determine the magnitude

  • Q : What is the constant angular acceleration of the wheel....
    Physics :

    Question: A rotating wheel requires2.90s to rotate through 37.0 revolutions. Its angular speed at the end of the2.90s interval is98.2rad/s. What is the constant angular acceleration of the wheel?

  • Q : Find the magnetic flux through the solenoid....
    Physics :

    A solenoid that has a length equal to 24.6 cm, a radius equal to 0.842 cm, and 374 turns is in a region where a magnetic field of 593 G exists and makes an angle of 52.0° with the axis of the so

  • Q : What was the centripetal acceleration of the stone....
    Physics :

    A boy whirls a small stone attached to a 1.5m string in a horizontal circle 2.0m above the ground. The string suddenly breaks and the stone flies off horizontally and lands 12m away. What was the ce

  • Q : What is the value of the resonant frequency....
    Physics :

    The resonant frequency of a certain series RLC circuit is 3.88 kHz, and the value of its capacitance is 7.00 µF. What is the value of the resonant frequency when the capacitance of the circuit

  • Q : Find the average power of energy consumption....
    Physics :

    A household pays $1850 per year for the supplied electricity. Assuming the rate of $0.11 per KWh and 10 hours of average consumption per day, find the average power of energy consumption.

  • Q : What is the critical angle of a light ray....
    Physics :

    The speed of light in a material is 0.77×c. What is the critical angle (in degrees) of a light ray at the interface between the material and a vacuum? Express the answer with one decimal place

  • Q : Problem bsed on series circuit with inductor....
    Physics :

    A series circuit contains only a resistor and an inductor. The voltage V of the generator is fixed. If R= 16 ohms and L=4.0 mH, find the frequency at which the current is one-half its value at zero

  • Q : Special theory of relativity....
    Physics :

    If S2 moves with a speed of 0.64 c with respect to a rest frame S1, what is the length of the rod as measured in frame S1, according to the special theory of relativity?

  • Q : Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer....
    Physics :

    In a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, a 15mH coil is designed to detect an emf oscillating at 400MHz. The coil is part of an RLC circuit.

  • Q : Find the time between explosions....
    Physics :

    Find the time between explosions according to classical physics, as measured in a frame moving with a speed 0.7 c with respect to the rest frame.

  • Q : How does acidic buffer solution reacts when add strong acid....
    Chemistry :

    How does an acidic buffer solution reacts when we add strong acid or base to it? and what are the diffrences in the hydrogen ion concentarion during the process.

  • Q : Deep-space probe moving away from earth....
    Physics :

    A deep-space probe moves away from Earth with a speed of 0.48 c. An antenna on the probe requires 2.4 s (probe time) to rotate through 0.8 rev.

  • Q : Find electric force between balloon and denim separated....
    Physics :

    A balloon rubbed against denim gains a charge of -8.0 µC. What's the electric force between the balloon and the denim when the two are separated by the distance of 5cm?

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity....
    Physics :

    Astronauts on a distant planet set up a simple pendulum of length 1.3 m. The pendulum executes simple harmonic motion and makes 100 complete oscillations in 294 s. What is the magnitude of the accel

  • Q : Describe the ecological niche of species....
    Physics :

    Research any one species, and describe its ecological niche. For one factor of the niche, describe what you think might happen to an individual of the species if it is forced to exist just a little

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