• Q : What is the time constant of the circuit....
    Physics :

    A capacitor with an initial potential difference of 144 V is discharged through a resistor when a switch between them is closed at t = 0 s. At t = 10.0 s, the potential difference across the capacit

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the electirc field....
    Physics :

    An object with a 5.0 μC charge is acclerating at a 0.00050 m/s due to an electrc filed. If the object has a mass of 2.0mg, what is the magnitude of the electirc field.

  • Q : Determine the mechanical energy of the system....
    Physics :

    A mass-spring system oscillates on a horizontal frictionless surface with an amplitude of 3.56 cm. If the spring constant is 237 N/m and the mass is 0.400 kg; Determine the mechanical energy of the

  • Q : Crossed-field velocity selector....
    Physics :

    A crossed-field velocity selector has a magnetic field of magnitude 0.045 T. The mass of the electron is 9.10939 × 10^-31 kg. What electric field strength is required if 86 keV electrons are t

  • Q : What is the mass of the lamp....
    Physics :

    A lamp is suspended by a massless string from the ceiling of a descending elevator which decelerates at 1.7 m/s2. If the tension in the string is 75.0 N, what is the mass of the lamp?

  • Q : What is the instantaneous power....
    Physics :

    What is the instantaneous power (in W) that you are supplying 2 seconds after you start pushing?

  • Q : What is the resistance of the heater wire....
    Physics :

    An electric device, which heats water by immersing a resistance wire in the water, generaters 50 cal of heat per second when an electric potential difference of 12V is placed across its leads. What

  • Q : In what direction from the base of the tree is the rock....
    Physics :

    The leaf then floats down the river at 3ms-1 FOR 20 seconds until it gets caught on a rock. How far and in what direction from the base of the tree is the rock?

  • Q : Determine the angular speed of the asteroid....
    Physics :

    The Earth has an angular speed of 7.272·10-5 rad/s in its rotation. Find the new angular speed if an asteroid (m = 1.89·1022 kg) hits the Earth while traveling at a speed of 3.07&middo

  • Q : Problem based on stretching the spring....
    Physics :

    How much work would be done in stretching the spring from 10.0 cm to 15.0 cm?

  • Q : Determine the peak current....
    Physics :

    A series RLC circuit consists of a 809 W resistor, a 0.176 H inductor, and a 55.5 mF capacitor. It is attached to a 120 V/60 Hz power line. What is the peak current in A, the phase angle, (in deg) a

  • Q : Estimate the mass of an apple....
    Physics :

    Consider the motion of an apple and the Earth as the apple falls to the ground. If the apple begins at the top of a tree of height 11 m, how much does the Earth move? Estimate the mass of an apple.

  • Q : Determine the peak voltage....
    Physics :

    Two ideal inductors (0.124 H, 0.433 H) are connected in series to an AC voltage source with amplitude 5.17 V and frequency 113 Hz. a) What is the peak voltage across the 0.124 H inductor?

  • Q : What is the frequency of an inductor....
    Physics :

    A 16.9-mH inductor, with internal resistance of 20.9 ? , is connected to a 110-V rms source. If the average power dissipated in the circuit is 48.2 W, what is the frequency? (Model the inductor as a

  • Q : Bright fringes in the diffraction pattern....
    Physics :

    If you wanted to increase the separation between the bright fringes in the diffraction pattern formed by a diffraction grating, which of the changes could you make:

  • Q : Spring exhibiting simple harmonic motion....
    Physics :

    An object attached to a spring exhibits simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 10.0cm. How far from equilibrium will the object be when the system's potential energy is equal to its kinetic ene

  • Q : Determine the magnitude of the induced electric field....
    Physics :

    The current flowing in a solenoid that is 20.1 cm long and has a radius of 2.80 cm and 524 turns decreases from 3.31 A to 1.27 A in 0.220 s. Determine the magnitude of the induced electric field ins

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the magnetic field....
    Physics :

    A proton is accelerated through a potential difference of 150V. It then enters a region of Uniform magnetic field and moves in a circular path (radius = 12cm). What is the magnitude of the magnetic

  • Q : What is the smallest object your bare eye can resolve....
    Physics :

    Suppose you have a near-point distance of 16 cm. The angular resolution of the eye is determined by diffraction (see the Rayleigh criterion) and is approximately 2 arcmin. (Note that 1°=60 arcmi

  • Q : What is the average induced emf in the loop....
    Physics :

    A rectangular loop of wire of 6.6 cm by 8.0 cm in a uniform magnetic field of magnitude 1.6T. The loop is rotated from a position of zero magnetic flux to a position of maximum flux in 20ms. What is

  • Q : What is the resistance of the light bulb....
    Physics :

    A "195-watt" light bulb uses an average power of 195 W when connected to an rms voltage of 120 V. (a) What is the resistance of the light bulb?

  • Q : Problem based on weather balloon....
    Physics :

    A weather balloon is designed to expand to a maximum radius of17m at its working altitude, where the air pressure is 0.030 atm and the temperature is 200 K. If the balloon is filled at atmospheric p

  • Q : Find enthalpy of amino acid glycine....
    Chemistry :

    For each mole of glycine that burns, 973.49 kJ of heat is liberated. Use this information, plus values of ΔHf° for the products of combustion, to calculate ΔHf° for glycine.

  • Q : How fast are the waves moving....
    Physics :

    They count 15 crests that pass by the raft in 19 s. How fast are the waves moving?

  • Q : What is the tension in the cord....
    Physics :

    A phone cord is 3.08 m long. The cord hasa mass of 0.193 kg. A transverse wave pulse is produced by plucking one end of the taut cord. The pulse makes four trips down and back along the cord in 0.8

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