• Q : Find the frequency of the radio station....
    Physics :

    Find the frequency of the radio station and the wavelengths sent out by the station.

  • Q : Problem based on angular momentum....
    Physics :

    A rod rests on frictionless ice. Forces that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction are simultaneously applied to its ends as shown. The quantity that vanishes is its:

  • Q : Rutherfords famous scattering experiment....
    Physics :

    In Rutherford's famous scattering experiment, α particles (helium nuclei) were fired at 2.0 x 10^7 m/s over a large distance toward a gold nucleus with charge +79e. How close does the α

  • Q : What is the energy of the electron in electron volts....
    Physics :

    What is the speed of the electron? what is the eneregy of the electron in joules? what is the energy of the electron in electron volts?

  • Q : Problem based on rectangular air mattress....
    Physics :

    A 4.2 kg rectangular air mattress is 2.7 m long, 0.653 m wide, and 0.167 m thick. What mass can it support in water before sinking? Answer in units of kg.

  • Q : What is the angular speed of the pencil....
    Physics :

    A pencil, 15.7 cm long, is released from a vertical position with the eraser end resting on a table. The eraser does not slip. Treat the pencil like a uniform rod. What is the angular speed of the p

  • Q : What is the speed of the sphere....
    Physics :

    A solid sphere is rolling without slipping along a horizontal surface with a speed of 5.50 m/s when it starts up a ramp that makes an angle of 25.0° with the horizontal. What is the speed of the

  • Q : Explain sidebar about exotic beverages....
    History :

    Much like the Ravens will cross the mountains to attack the Steelers in thier Heinz Field fortress. Do you think the Ravens will be as successful as George Washington and General Braddock? Why or

  • Q : What is the tension in the line....
    Physics :

    If the filled balloon is fastened to a vertical line, what is the tension in the line? The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .

  • Q : Find out the coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    A body slides down a plane inclined at 40 degrees to the horizontal, with an acceleration of 2.3 meters/second^2. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction.

  • Q : Calculate the ratio of fg to fe....
    Physics :

    Consider the interaction between an electron and a proton separated by some distance r. Compare the electrostatic force to the force of Universal Gravitation. Calculate the ratio of Fg to Fe.

  • Q : Write differences among untreated and primary-treated....
    Biology :

    Characterize the differences among untreated, primary-treated, and secondary-treated sewage and compare and explain the effects of dumping each type on the eutrophication of a pond and a fast-moving

  • Q : Explain how tc cells cured the mice....
    Biology :

    Injections of TC cells completely removed all Hepatitis B viruses from infected mice, but the injections killed only 5% of the infected liver cells. Explain how TC cells cured the mice.

  • Q : Problem based on uniform magnetic field....
    Physics :

    Particle 1, with mass 6.0 u and charge +4e, and particle 2, with mass 8.0 u and charge +6e, have the same kinetic energy and enter a region of uniform magnetic field B, moving perpendicular to B. Wh

  • Q : Ideal gas law and van der waals equation of state....
    Physics :

    2.25 moles of N2 in a state define T1 = 300 K and Vi =1.00L undergoes an isothermal reversible expansion until Vf = 20.5. Calculate w assuming (a) that the gas is described by the ideal gas law and

  • Q : How many turns are there in the loop of wire....
    Physics :

    A multi-turn square loop of wire, 2.0 cm on each side, is oriented so that a 5.00 mT magnetic field makes a 30.00 angle with the normal to the plane of the square. If a 1.0 mA current causes a 39.0

  • Q : Find the velocity of the car before collision....
    Physics :

    A 1510 kg car moving south at 11.1 m/s collides with a 2570 kg car moving north. The cars stick together and move as a unit after the collision at a velocity of 5.95 m/s to the north. Find the veloc

  • Q : What is the frequency of simple harmonic motion....
    Physics :

    A 20-kg mass is attached to a spring. If the frequency of the simple harmonic motion is 2/pi cycles, what is the spring constant k? What is the frequency of simple harmonic motion if the original ma

  • Q : Find enthalpy of micellization according to phase separation....
    Chemistry :

    Determine the critical micelle concentration and calculate the area occupied by each adsorbed surfactant molecule at the critical micelle concentration.

  • Q : Problem on horizontal spring with a spring constant....
    Physics :

    An 85.8 g mass is attached to a horizontal spring with a spring constant of 5.52 N/m and released from rest with an amplitude of 31.6 cm.

  • Q : Satellite to maintain a circular orbit around the earth....
    Physics :

    For a satellite to maintain a circular orbit around the Earth, what parameters must be balanced? What would happen to a satellite in orbit around the Earth, if its speed was increased?

  • Q : Velocity of the ball as it passes through equilibrium point....
    Physics :

    A spring with a spring constant of 270 n/m iscompressed by 14cm.a 880g ball is attached to the end and the spring is released.what is the initial acceleration of the ball? what is the velocity of th

  • Q : Straight current-carrying wire....
    Physics :

    A particle with a mass of 3 mg and a charge of q is moving at a speed of 1300 m/s along a horizontal path 14 cm below and parallel to a straight current-carrying wire. Determine q if the magnitude o

  • Q : What is the weight of the rod and tension in the cable....
    Physics :

    A metal rod 3 meters long is held in place by a cable with tension T, the cable is attached to the rod 1 m from the end (r1). Two boxes are attached to the rod (W1 =50 N and W2 = 20 N), what is the

  • Q : Electron moves in a circular path....
    Physics :

    An electron moves in a circular path perpendicular to the magnetic field of magnitude 0.235T. if the KE of electron = 3.30*10^-19 J, find (a) speed of electron and (b) the radius of the cirular path

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