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question construct a turing machine with tape symbols 0 1 and b that given a bit string as input replaces all 0s on the
question construct a turing machine with tape symbols 0 1 and b that when given a bit string as input replaces the
question construct a turing machine with tape symbols 0 1 and b that when given a bit string as input adds a 1 to the
question construct a turing machine that computes the function f n n mod 3 for every nonnegative integer
question construct a turing machine that computes the function f n 3 if n ge 5 and f n 0 if n 0 1 2 3 or
question construct a turing machine that computes the function f n 2n for all nonnegative integers
question suppose that l is a subset of i lowast and for some positive integer n there are n strings in i lowast such
question let ln be the set of strings with at least n bits in which the nth symbol from the end is a 0 use exercise to
question use exercise to show that the language consisting of all bit strings that are palindromes that is strings that
question show that the set 02n1n n 0 1 2 is not regular using the pumping lemma given in exerciseexercise one
question one important technique used to prove that certain sets are not regular is the pumping lemma the pumping lemma
question let m s i f s0f be a deterministic finite-state automaton show that the language recognized by m lm is
question show that every nondeterministic finite-state automaton is equivalent to another such automaton that has the
question show that the regular grammar constructed from a finitestate automatonfsa in the proof of theorem generates
question construct a regular grammar g v t s p that generates the language recognized by the given finite-state
question express each of these sets using a regular expressiona the set consisting of the strings 0 11 and 010b the set
qusetion we introduce a technique for constructing a deterministic finite-state machinedfsm equivalent to a given
question we introduce a technique for constructing a deterministic finite-state machine equivalent to a given
question construct nondeterministic finite-state automatandfsa that recognize each of the sets in exerciseexercise
question find a nondeterministic finite-state automaton that recognizes each of the languages in exercise and has fewer
question find a deterministic finite-state automaton that recognizes the same language as the nondeterministic
question use the procedure you described in exercise i and the finite-state automata you constructed in exercise ii to