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question describe the backus-naur form and extended backus- naur form rules used to specify the syntax of a programming
question find finite-state automata that recognize these sets of strings of 0s and 1sa the set of all strings that
question find regular expressions that represent the set of all strings of 0s and 1a made up of blocks of even numbers
question what is the language recognized by the automaton in exerciseexercise construct a deterministic finite-state
question construct a deterministic finite-state automaton that is equivalent to the nondeterministic automaton with the
question suppose that s i and o are finite sets such that s n i k and o ma how many different finite-state
question a state s in a finite-state machine is said to be reachable from state s if there is an input string x such
question construct a finite-state machinefsm with output that produces an output of 1 if the bit string read so far as
question construct a finite-state machine with output that produces an output of 1 if the bit string read so far as
question given the productions in a phrase-structure grammar determine which type of grammar this is in the chomsky
question find a phrase-structure grammar that generates each of these languagesa the set of bit strings of the form
question a define the set of regular expressions over a set i b explain how regular expressions are used to represent
question a define a nondeterministic finite-state automatonb show that given a nondeterministic finite-state automaton
question a what is a finite-state machineb show how a vending machine that accepts only quarters and dispenses a soft
question a what is backus-naur formb give an example of the backus-naur form of the grammar for a subset of english of
question a define a type 1 grammarb give an example of a grammar that is not a type 1 grammarc define a type 2 grammard
question a what is the language generated by a phrase-structure grammar gb what is the language generated by the
question a define a phrase-structure grammarb what does it mean for a string to be derivable from a string w by a
question show that b2 is at least 4 by finding a turing machine with two states and alphabet 1 b that halts with four
question which of the following problems is a decision problema is the sequence a1 a2an of positive integers in
question which of the following problems is a decision problema what is the smallest prime greater than nb is a graph g
question by finding the composite of the turing machines you constructed in exercises 18 and 22 construct a turing
question a define a finite-state automatonb what does it mean for a string to be recognized by a finite-state
question construct a turing machine with tape symbols 0 1 and b that given a bit string as input replaces all but the