• Q : Portion of social security and medicare taxes....
    Taxation :

    On her pay stub (given to her to confirm her direct deposits) she found that Cyberdyne withheld $85 worth of Social Security and Medicare taxes based off the combined percentages of 6.20 and 1.45%.

  • Q : Adjusted gross income to taxable income....
    Taxation :

    Problem: Contrast adjusted gross income to taxable income. Also, address the impact of inflation on tax rates.

  • Q : Negative returns on the social security taxes....
    Taxation :

    Assume that the Social Security tax rate remains constant, and prove that the average return on Social Security taxes paid into the Social Security trust fund will also be 1%. Why can workers with h

  • Q : Implimenting a fat tax based on bmi levels....
    Taxation :

    I am writing an essay on implimenting a fat tax based on BMI levels. i need help with discussing whether it would be equitable and efficient to price descriminate based on BMI (charge higher prices

  • Q : Implimenting a fat tax based on bmi levels....
    Taxation :

    I am writing an essay on implimenting a fat tax based on BMI levels. i need help with discussing whether it would be equitable and efficient to price descriminate based on BMI (charge higher prices

  • Q : Government spending and taxation....
    Taxation :

    If government spending and taxation both increase by $5 billion, what will be the effect on the GDP?

  • Q : Possible occurrence of a depression....
    Taxation :

    Problem: How do automatic stabilizers safeguard the economy against the possible occurrence of a depression?

  • Q : Taxes for efficient market outcomes....
    Taxation :

    Q1. What is the quantity of drugs that is produced by the market? Q2. What is the socially efficient quantity of drugs that should be produced?

  • Q : Taxes for efficient market outcomes....
    Taxation :

    Q1. What is the quantity of drugs that is produced by the market? Q2. What is the socially efficient quantity of drugs that should be produced?

  • Q : Pigouvian taxation and subsidies....
    Taxation :

    I thought pigouvian subsidies will shift marginal private cost line down... but as my prof said, government intervene externality though pigouvian taxation and subsidies and both reduce firms output

  • Q : Changing the tax rate on disposable income and consumption....
    Taxation :

    Please identify and describe the effect of changing the tax rate on disposable income and consumption, as well as the post-tax multiplier.

  • Q : Discuss the taxation principles....
    Taxation :

    In your own words, discuss the taxation principles and relate them to tax incidence. Define the key terms as you go.

  • Q : New equilibrium quantity-new gross-of-tax price....
    Taxation :

    Calculate the new equilibrium quantity, the new gross-of-tax price, and the new net-of-tax price.

  • Q : Is the tax rate progressive, proportional or regressive....
    Taxation :

    Is the tax rate progressive, proportional or regressive? What is the marginal tax rate on the first $1,000 of income? The second? The third?

  • Q : Taxation division of partners firm....
    Taxation :

    A partner audits the income tax expense for a client, which is based on the taxable income computed for the client by the taxation division of partner's firm.

  • Q : Effect of lower taxes on disposable income....
    Taxation :

    Assignment provides you the opportunity to show how much you learnt so far in this course. You only have to pay attention to the following questions and make sure that you do not miss any answer. -

  • Q : Benefit principle for selecting a method of taxation....
    Taxation :

    Explain the benefit principle for selecting a method of taxation. Is the benefit principle more likely to be followed if a tax structure is regressive, proportional, or progressive?

  • Q : Explain why regressive taxes may be necessary....
    Taxation :

    What steps could central city government use to encourage the return of the middle-income class to the city? Explain why regressive taxes may be necessary to retain middle- and upper-income resident

  • Q : How the corporate income tax will prevent efficiency....
    Taxation :

    Assuming that corporations maximize profits and investors maximize the return to their investment, explain how the corporate income tax will prevent efficiency from being attained.

  • Q : Wealthys taxable income....
    Taxation :

    Without the contribution, the Wealthy's taxable income for 2008 would be $2 million. What impact would the contribution have on the wealthy's 2008 tax bill?

  • Q : Investment tax credits to auto manufacturing....
    Taxation :

    In an effort to stop the migration of many of the automobile manufacturing facilities from the Detroit area, Detroit's city council is considering passing a statute that would give investment tax cr

  • Q : New issues of tax-exempt bonds....
    Taxation :

    The single most important reason for the large volume of new issues of tax-exempt bonds during the 1990s has been the refunding of outstanding bonds.

  • Q : Who are the principal owners of tax-exempt securities....
    Taxation :

    Who are the principal owners of tax-exempt securities? How has this changed over time? What are the main factors in the decisions of the different types of owners about increasing or reducing their

  • Q : What is the after-tax nominal return....
    Taxation :

    The second alternative is the preferred stock of Pickett Corp. which promises to pay a before-tax return of 9 percent(keep in mind the 70% exclusion for tax purposes). What is the after-tax nominal

  • Q : Analysis of taxation....
    Taxation :

    Question 1: Analysis of taxation is complex. The issues you should address when looking at taxes are: the revenue raised, the equity of the tax, and the efficiency of the tax. a. What is the importa

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