• Q : Same tax on both markets....
    Taxation :

    If you palce the same tax on both markets, do you expect more government revenue in Market A, Market B, or the same amount and why?

  • Q : Declining autonomous net taxes....
    Taxation :

    If autonomous net taxes decline by $40 billion and the MPC = 0.75, then equilibrium real GDP demanded

  • Q : Tax affect equilibrium in the milk market....
    Taxation :

    a) how will this tax affect equilibrium in the milk market? b) how would the burden be shared between buyers and sellers of milk?

  • Q : Taxes and government spending....
    Taxation :

    "When taxes and government spending both increase by the same amount (or decrease by the same amount), the size of the deficit or surplus the government had before remains the same."

  • Q : President bushs tax proposal plan....
    Taxation :

    Can you please help me understand the debate on President Bush's Tax Proposal Plan (good and bad)?

  • Q : Incidence of the tax....
    Taxation :

    Identify and explain the factors that determine who actually bears the burden of a tax increase on a specific good, such as gasoline, cigarettes, or some other product. Use at least two examples in

  • Q : Compute the after tax of the net present value....
    Taxation :

    I would like to know what the before tax required rate of return 14 percent is on the net present value on the new lift and whether it will be profitable for him to invest, and if the after tax rate

  • Q : Adopting the flat-tax proposal....
    Taxation :

    An independent politician adopts this flat-tax proposal. His opponent is a Democrat who favors increasing the top marginal tax rate to 42 percent. Based on the median voter model, which candidate is

  • Q : After-tax cash flows of the company existing products....
    Taxation :

    The new detergent is expected to reduce the after-tax cash flows of the company's existing products by $250,000 a year (t = 1, 2, 3, and 4).

  • Q : Taxes without hurting low-income....
    Taxation :

    A local politician wants to increase taxes without hurting low-income members of the community. He is proposing a tax on landscaping services since richer people are more likely to hire a landscaper

  • Q : How to pay for national defense....
    Taxation :

    You are advising the government on how to pay for national defense. There are two proposals for a tax system to fund national defense. Under both proposals, the tax base is an individual's income.

  • Q : Amount of trisha taxable income....
    Taxation :

    What is the amount of Trisha's taxable income assuming the pottery business is classified a trade or business?

  • Q : Amount of the taxable income....
    Taxation :

    What is the amount of their taxable income on their 2007 tax return?

  • Q : Analyze the impact of excise taxes on gasoline....
    Taxation :

    Please assist with the following finance problems. Provide at least 100 words. Analyze the impact of excise taxes on gasoline. Problem 1. Find the excise (and other taxes) on a gallon of gasoline in y

  • Q : Hiring non-cpas to do tax returns....
    Taxation :

    Explain economic issues that bring concern to pricing tax services. Any ethical challenges when hiring non-CPAs to do tax returns (new IRS law). What standards apply?

  • Q : Tariffs on imports or tax other states products....
    Taxation :

    Why not have State governments levy tariffs on imports, or tax other states' products. Would this be a sensible way to raise revenues? What are the advantages/disadvantages? Provide research to supp

  • Q : Comprehensive income tax base....
    Taxation :

    How would such a change in tax policy affect the excess burden and incidence of the tax, assuming that all forms of investment income are included in a comprehensive income tax base?

  • Q : What are tax preferences....
    Taxation :

    Problem: What are tax preferences? How does the government justify tax preferences?

  • Q : Social security taxes during particular period....
    Taxation :

    Why can workers with high incomes expect negative returns on their Social Security taxes during this period?

  • Q : Advantages and disadvantages of property tax legislation....
    Taxation :

    What are selective property taxes? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of property tax legislation as it is currently applied in the U.S. to businesses and governments.

  • Q : Percentage of property tax revenue....
    Taxation :

    Explain how you would quantify the amount or percentage of property tax revenue that comes from owners of Habitat for Humanity houses in a particular municipality.

  • Q : Prediction of future tax payments in short-run....
    Taxation :

    Problem 1. Do you think tax allocation can improve the prediction of future tax payments in the short run? Problem 2. what are the economic consequences of SFAS No. 87?

  • Q : Prediction of future tax payments in the short run....
    Taxation :

    Question 1: What type of inflation accounting do you favor under high inflationary periods? Question 2: Do you think tax allocation can improve the prediction of future tax payments in the short run?

  • Q : Calculate the depreciation tax shield for an asset....
    Taxation :

    Calculate the depreciation tax shield for an asset that costs $100,000 and is depreciated over 10 years using straight line depreciation if the firm's tax rate is 30%.

  • Q : Tax efficient financial planning....
    Taxation :

    Your managing director asks if you can participate in a seminar that the firm is doing on tax efficient financial planning. He would like you to send him, in memo form, the various types of vehicles

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