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q show the different levels of cmm1 initial maturity level 1-at this the lowest level there are fundamentally no sound software engineering
cmm is a strategy for enhancing the software process irrespective of the actual life cycle model utilized sei software engineering institute of
q explain about mutation testingmutation testing in mutation testing the software is initial tested by using an preliminary test suite built up from
q explain about special value testingspecial value testing is the form of functional testing special value testing take places when a tester uses his
q explain acceptance testing and beta testingacceptance testing as well as beta testing system tests are designed to authenticate a fully developed
q discuss the problems faced during software maintenancethe most significant problem during maintenance is that before correcting or else modifying a
q illustrate the concept of hybrid designhybrid design pure top-down or else pure bottom up approaches are often not practical so hybrid approach
q explain the concept of top down designtop down design a top down design approach begins by identifying the major modules of the system decomposing
q explain the concept of bottom-up designbottom up design this approach make possible a style of design where we decide how to combine these modules
q define external couplingexternal coupling a form of coupling in that a module has a dependency to other module external to the software being
q what is control couplingcontrol coupling module a as well as b are said to be control coupled if they communicate by passing of control information
q what is stamp couplingstamp coupling stamp coupling take places between module a and b when complete data structure is passed from one module to
q explain about data couplingthe dependency among module a and b is said to be data coupled if their dependency is based on the fact they communicate
q why is good design important for a product ans a superior design is the key to successful product almost 2000 years previously a roman architect
q define the product metricsi product metrics explains the characteristics of the product such as complexity size design features performance
list any three characteristics of a good srsansthe srs should be correct unambiguous complete1 correct an srs is correct if each requirement stated
q facilitated application specification techniquea team oriented approach is developed for needs gathering and is called facilitated application
q what is requirement elicitation methodssubsequent to receiving the problem statement from the customer the first step is to arrange a meeting with
q advantage of software life cycle modelthe advantage of this model is the wide range of options to accommodate the good features of outer life cycle
q explain the software life cycle model that incorporates risk factorans the problem with traditional software process models is that they dont deal
q discuss any two software characteristics ans software is not manufactured the life of software is start from concept exploration to the retirement
q what is structured programming and why is it importantans structured programming is a term that was coined in the late 1960s to mean programming
q what is reverse engineeringans it is a method of analysing software with a view to understanding its design and specification- in source code
q illustrate functions that dynamic testing tools supportsfunctions that dynamic testing tools supports1 input setting it is selecting of the test
q explain test archiving systemstest archiving systems the goal is to keep follow of series of tests ant to act as the basis for documenting that the