• Q : Do glasses still work the way they are designed....
    Physics :

    If you have a pair of glasses and you bend the nose pieces so that they now are a half of centimeter further from your eyes, do they still work the way they are designed? Explain your reasoning.

  • Q : How fast was the train moving....
    Physics :

    In 1845, Dutch scientist Christoph Buys-Ballot developed a test of the Doppler shift. He had a trumpet player sound a note at 455 Hz, while riding on a flatcar pulled by a locomotive. At the same t

  • Q : Coolant flow rate in the tube....
    Physics :

    Consider a coolant in laminar flow in a circular tube. The one-dimensional velocity is given by v = vmax[1-(r/R)^2]iz (iz and v are vectors) where vmax = 2.0 m/s; R = radius of the tube = 0.05 m; iz

  • Q : Components to find the displacement....
    Physics :

    Bob walks 360 south, then jogs 810 southwest, then walks 360 in a direction 286east of north Use either trigonometry or components to find the displacement that will return Bob to his starting poin

  • Q : Compute resultant force on vane....
    Physics :

    A jet of water is directed at a vane that could be a blade in a turbine. The water leaves the nozzle with a speed of 15 m/s and mass flow of 250 kg/s; it enters the vane tangent to its surface (in t

  • Q : Sketch how rays of light would be now focused on retinas....
    Physics :

    If a person has eyes that have weak lenses (too long of a focal length), what type of lens do they need to have to correct their vision? Sketch how the rays of light would be now focused on their r

  • Q : Fixed frequency and rms voltage....
    Physics :

    Two parallel plate capacitors are identical, except that one of them is empty and the other contains a material with a dielectric constant of 4.2 in the space between the plates. The empty capacitor

  • Q : What is the total elongation of the wires....
    Physics :

    A 6-kg load is fastened vertically to the end of steel wire 0.5m long and 0.0005 sq.cm in cross-section. Hanging from the bottom of this weight is a similar steel which supports a second load of 30

  • Q : How does construction create airflow through the burrow....
    Physics :

    A second entrance at ground level is open to almost stagnant air. How does this construction create an airflow through the burrow?

  • Q : What is the terminal speed....
    Physics :

    What is the terminal speed for an 75.0 skier going down a 40.0 snow-covered slope on wooden skis = 0.060?

  • Q : How many kilometer per liter car get if engine is efficient....
    Physics :

    How many kilometer per liter will a car obtain if its engine is 25% efficient and it encounters an average retarding force of 500N at highway speed?

  • Q : Magnitude of the force of gravity....
    Physics :

    A spaceship which is 50,000 kilometers from the center of Earth has a mass of 3,000 kilograms. What is the magnitude of the force of gravity acting on the spaceship?

  • Q : How long does it take the train to stop....
    Physics :

    A toy train rolls around a horizontal 1.6--diameter track. The coefficient of rolling friction is 0.15. What is the magnitude of the train's angular acceleration after it is released? (found) How l

  • Q : Coordinates of the center of mass....
    Physics :

    A tabletop gamer has designed a game that requires three dice to be thrown onto a tray with a measurement grid. To add an extra degree of randomness, the coordinates of the center of mass of the thr

  • Q : Uniform meter stick....
    Physics :

    A uniform meter stick is supported by a knife edge at the 50 cm mark and has a masse of 2.1 kg hanging from the 8 cm mark. A second mass of 8.6 kg should be hung at the _____ cm mark to keep the st

  • Q : Average acceleration of the dragonfly....
    Physics :

    A dragonfly is clocked at 2.0 m/s, North at one moment, and then 2.0 seconds later, the dragonfly appears to be going approximately 3.5 m/s, West. In that 2-second interval, what is the average acc

  • Q : Calculate the electric force....
    Physics :

    The electric force between two electrons with a distance of 0.87 m between them is repulsive. Calculate the electric force between these two electrons.

  • Q : Estimate the standard deviation of the number....
    Physics :

    estimate the standard deviation of the number of counts obtained in 1 hr

  • Q : Determine the relative humidity....
    Physics :

    Determine the relative humidity if the vapor pressure is 6mb and the saturation vapor pressure is 24mb. Determine the relative humidity if the vapor pressure is 12mb and the saturation vapor pressure

  • Q : What happen if second lens has a negative focal length....
    Physics :

    Draw what happens to parallel light that enters two lenses such that the two lenses (both with positive focal lengths) are separated by the sum of their focal lengths (f1+f2).

  • Q : Magnetic field strength at the center of the coil....
    Physics :

    A piece of copper wire has a resistance per unit length of6.1510-3?/m. The wire is wound into a thin, flat coil of many turns that has a radius of0.180m. The ends of the wire are connected to a 12.

  • Q : What is the grocery cart final speed....
    Physics :

    A 106.0 N grocery cart is pushed 13.0 m along an aisle by a shopper who exerts a constant horizontal force of 40.0 N. If all frictional forces are neglected and the cart starts from rest, what is t

  • Q : Magnitude of the tangential force....
    Physics :

    The upper surface of a cube of gelatin, 7.0 cm on a side, is displaced 0.78 cm by a tangential force. If the shear modulus of the gelatin is 950 Pa, what is the magnitude of the tangential force? A

  • Q : Find the speed of the bullet at impact with the block....
    Physics :

    If the bullet-block system compresses the spring by a maximum of 90.0 cm, what was the speed of the bullet at impact with the block?

  • Q : Energy and scattering angle of the second proton....
    Physics :

    A proton of energy 4MeV scatters off a second proton at rest. One proton comes off at an angle of 300 in the lab system. What is its energy? What is the energy and scattering angle of the second pr

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