• Q : Write symbolic equation for tension-function pulling angle....
    Physics :

    Consider the "luggage"-pulling demonstration with Deena pulling Annie at constant speed. Write the symbolic equation for the tension as a function of pulling angle, friction coefficient, and Annie's m

  • Q : Plane of the coil and with a magnitude changing....
    Physics :

    A magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of a single-turn circular coil. The magnitude of the field is changing, so that an emf of 0.85 V and a current of 3.0 A are induced in the coil. The w

  • Q : Trying to improve your shooting skills....
    Physics :

    You are trying to improve your shooting skills by shooting at a can on top of a fence post. You miss the can, and the bullet, moving at 205 m/s, is embedded 1.53 cm into the post when it comes to a

  • Q : Write symbolic equations for shelf speed and acceleration....
    Physics :

    Whole lotta shakin' goin' on. Suppose an earthquake shook a shelf sideways according to x(t) = B sin (ωt) where ω = 2 π f = 2 π/ τ. Write symbolic equations for the shelf speed

  • Q : Long enough to reach the top of a mountain....
    Physics :

    Some athletes can put out as much as 700 watts in short bursts. If you could sustain such an energy output long enough to reach the top of a mountain, how much time would it take you to get there f

  • Q : Find vertical and horizontal components of displacement....
    Physics :

    Which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc. Determine the vertical and horizontal components of the pendulum's displacement.

  • Q : Find the change in entropy....
    Physics :

    In one cycle, a steady device transfers 1.55 × 106 J of energy from a reservoir at 450 K to a reservoir at 300 K. Find the change in entropy (after one complete cycle), (a) for the device, an

  • Q : How fast does it move after the bullet emerges....
    Physics :

    A 23-g bullet traveling 285m/s penetrates a 4.5kg block of wood and emerges cleanly at 230m/s. If the block is stationary on a frictionless surface when hit, how fast does it move after the bullet

  • Q : What is the smallest separation distance between speakers....
    Physics :

    What is the smallest separation distance between the speakers that will produce destructive interference at a listener standing in front of them? Take the speed of sound to be 344 m/s.

  • Q : Direction of rotation of the merry-go-round....
    Physics :

    The radius of the merry-go-round is 9 m. At what time intervals does Sheila encounter her brother, if she rides opposite to the direction of rotation of the merry-go-round?

  • Q : How far above the base of the cliff does stone is thrown....
    Physics :

    Stone is thrown straight up from the bottom of the cliff with a speed of 27.0 . The stone and ball collide part way up. How far above the base of the cliff does this happen?

  • Q : Find the direction of the displacement....
    Physics :

    Use either trigonometry or components to find the displacement that will return Bob to his starting point by the most direct route. Give your answer as a distance. Find the direction of the displace

  • Q : Tensions in the strings....
    Physics :

    A uniform meter stick with a mass of 250g is supported horizontally by two vertical strings, one at the 0.0-cm mark an the other at the 90.0-cm mark.

  • Q : Frictionless slope angled to the horizontal....
    Physics :

    A 53 kg skier skis directly down a frictionless slope angled at 12° to the horizontal. Choose the positive direction of the x axis to be downhill along the slope. A wind force with component Fx

  • Q : Linear charge density of the insulating shell....
    Physics :

    What is λ2, the linear charge density of the insulating shell? What is Ex(P), the value of the x-component of the electric field at point P, located a distance 6.8 cm along the y-axis from the

  • Q : How far does the object compress the spring....
    Physics :

    A 1.38 kg object is held 1.40 m above a relaxed, massless vertical spring with a force constant of 294 N/m. The object is dropped onto the spring. How far does the object compress the spring?

  • Q : Find the initial speed of the bullet....
    Physics :

    A 6.7 g bullet is fired into a 1.3 kg ballistic pendulum. The bullet emerges from the block with a speed of 137 m/s, and the block rises to a maximum height of 10 cm. Find the initial speed of the b

  • Q : What force is applied to driver-seat belt during second....
    Physics :

    The driver has a mass of 88 , and is, fortunately, tightly strapped into his seat. What force is applied to the driver by his seat belt during that fraction of a second?

  • Q : Determining the frictionless pulley....
    Physics :

    An old oaken buck of mass 6.75 kg hangs in a well at the end of a rope. The rope passes over a frictionless pulley at the top of the well, and you pull horizontally on the end of the rope to raise t

  • Q : Converting mechanical energy to thermal energy....
    Physics :

    The cable of a 2048-kg elevator has broken, and the elevator is moving downward at a steady speed of 1.59 m/s. A safety braking system that works on friction prevents the downward speed from increa

  • Q : Absolute value of the magnetic field....
    Physics :

    What is the absolute value of the magnetic field inside the inner coil? What is the absolute value of the magnetic field between the coils?

  • Q : What is the average velocity....
    Physics :

    The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the moon is 1.62 m/s^2. What is the average velocity of the rock during the first 22.0 s of flight

  • Q : What is the final temperature of the water....
    Physics :

    If two small beakers of water, one at 70 and one at 80, are emptied into a large beaker, what is the final temperature of the water?

  • Q : Find the horizontal force....
    Physics :

    The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the ramp is 0.23. Find the horizontal force to move the box up with a constant acceleration of 4.10ms^-2.

  • Q : Wire linear charge density....
    Physics :

    A proton orbits a long charged wire, making 1.10 *10^6 revolutions per second. The radius of the orbit is 1.50cm. What is the wire's linear charge density?

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