• Q : Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the particle....
    Physics :

    An 8.00 {kg} point mass and a 15.0 {kg} point mass are held in place 50.0 {cm} apart. A particle of mass m is released from a point between the two masses 17.0 {cm} from the 8.00 {kg} mass along th

  • Q : What is the resultant displacement....
    Physics :

    A particle undergoes the following consecutive displacements: 3.50 m south, 8.20 m northeast, and 15.0 m west. What is the resultant displacement?

  • Q : Change the oscillation frequency....
    Physics :

    How much resistance must be added to a pure LC circuit with L = 266 mH and C = 1610 pF to change the oscillation frequency by 0.230 percent?

  • Q : Effect on the oscillation frequency....
    Physics :

    A damped RLC circuit loses 4.80 percent of its electromagnetic energy to thermal energy during each cycle. L = 67.0 mH and C = 1.06 μF. Find the value of R, neglecting its effect on the oscillati

  • Q : Calculate the tension in the string....
    Physics :

    Six mass piece of 100g each are placed on a mass holder of 150g which is hung from a string. calculate the tension in the string.

  • Q : Coefficient of friction between tires-road....
    Physics :

    What is the maximum speed with which a 1200-{rm kg} car can round a turn of radius 80.0 {rm m} on a flat road if the coefficient of friction between tires and road is 0.70?Is this result independen

  • Q : Mass along the line....
    Physics :

    An 8.50 {rm kg} point mass and a 15.0 {rm kg} point mass are held in place 50.0 {rm cm} apart. A particle of mass m is released from a point between the two masses 19.0 {rm cm} from the 8.50 {rm kg

  • Q : What will be the crates speed....
    Physics :

    The crate shown in the figure lies on a plane tilted at an angle theta = 27{rm ^circ} to the horizontal, with mu_k = 0.15.Determine the acceleration of the crate as it slides down the plane.If the

  • Q : Find out the block speed....
    Physics :

    What is the block's speed when it is at a height of 0.25 m above the base of the slide?

  • Q : Acceleration of gravity related problem....
    Physics :

    At what horizontal distance, x, from the base of the building will the rock strike the ground? Assume the ground is level and that the side of the building is vertical. The acceleration of gravity i

  • Q : What are the resulting accelerations....
    Physics :

    The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.20. A horizontal force of magnitude 57 N begins to pull directly on the block, as shown. In unit-vector notation, what are the resulting accelerations of (a

  • Q : Problem based on angle of incidence....
    Physics :

    Two plane mirrors are separated by 120°, as the drawing illustrates. If a ray strikes mirror M1 at a 65° angle of incidence, at what angle does it leave mirror M2?

  • Q : Estimate the energy lost by the electrons....
    Physics :

    A beam of 5 MeV electrons passes through a 300 micro-m silicon detector. Estimate the energy lost by the electrons when crossing 100 micro-m, 200 micro-m, and the full thickness of the detector.

  • Q : Minimum magnitudes of the magnetic force....
    Physics :

    An electron is accelerated through 2450 V from rest and then enters a region where there is a uniform 1.20 T magnetic field. What are the maximum and minimum magnitudes of the magnetic force acting

  • Q : Determine the acceleration of the proton....
    Physics :

    A proton is projected in the positive x direction into a region of uniform electric field = (-6.80 105) N/C at t = 0. The proton travels 6.70 cm as it comes to rest. (a) Determine the acceleration o

  • Q : What average force was exerted on the ball....
    Physics :

    After falling from rest from a height of 33 m, a 0.55-kg ball rebounds upward, reaching a height of 23 m. If the contact between ball and ground lasted 2.1 ms, what average force was exerted on the

  • Q : What network service was used....
    Physics :

    Almost all video compression schemes are lossy, so compressed video sources are not preferred for high quality editing. An early application of SONET private networks was in California to link the m

  • Q : Experiencing the same centripetal acceleration....
    Physics :

    Speedboat A negotiates a curve whose radius is 142 m. Speedboat B negotiates a curve whose radius is 220 m. Each boat experiences the same centripetal acceleration. What is the ratio vA/vB of the s

  • Q : What is the minimum standard rate required....
    Physics :

    The squadron commander has a mandate that the database update must be complete in less than one minute. If the topo database is 10 GB, and the link is SONET, what is the minimum standard rate requir

  • Q : What is minimum bearer service to dusseldorf....
    Physics :

    Testing has shown that the consortium can expect a 20:1 concentration factor for data. What is minimum bearer service to Düsseldorf the group must purchase?

  • Q : What would be his maximum range on the moon....
    Physics :

    A person can jump a maximum horizontal distance (by using a 45 degree projectile angle) of 5 m on Earth. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2. What would be his maximum range on the Moon, where

  • Q : Magnification of the coins final image....
    Physics :

    A converging lens of focal length 8 cm is 20 cm to the left of a diverging lens of focal length - 6 cm. a coin is placed 12 cm to the left of the converging lens. Find (a) the location and (b) the

  • Q : Calculate the ratio of the minimum viewing distance....
    Physics :

    Assume your ability to resolve the lines is limited only by the Rayleigh criterion, the pupils of your eyes are 4.80 mm in diameter, and the average wavelength of the light coming from the screen is

  • Q : Problem related to electric potentials....
    Physics :

    Points A and B have electric potentials of 245 and 129 , respectively. When an electron released from rest at point A arrives at point C, its kinetic energy is.

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of acceleration....
    Physics :

    The force exerted by the wind on the sails of a sailboat is Fsail = 355 N north. The water exerts a force of Fkeel = 245 N east. If the boat (including its crew) has a mass of 295 kg, what are the

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