• Q : What is the maximum speed....
    Physics :

    Car A uses tires for which the coefficient of static friction is 1.1 on a particular unbanked curve. The maximum speed at which the car can negotiate this curve is 25 m/s. Car B uses tires for whic

  • Q : What is the speed of the student approaching the wall....
    Physics :

    A student stands several meters in front of a smooth reflecting wall, holding a board on which a wire is fixed at each end. the wire, vibrating in its third harmonic, is 75 cm long, has a mass of 2

  • Q : Find the net force exerted by two charges on third charge....
    Physics :

    What is the net force exerted by these two charges on a third charge q3 = 50.5 placed between and at x3 = -1.180 ?

  • Q : Appropriate preparation of clinical psychologists....
    Physics :

    You wish to obtain a simple random sample of 1,000 members of the American Psychological Association to whom you will send a questionnaire about their views concerning the appropriate preparation o

  • Q : Accelerate an alpha particle....
    Physics :

    . What is the change in electric potential (watch the sign of your answer) that would be needed to accelerate an alpha particle, starting at rest, up to this speed? Ignore relativistic effects. (Whe

  • Q : Determining the emf of a battery....
    Physics :

    What is the emf of a battery that does 0.50 of work to transfer 6.0×10-2 of charge from the negative to the positive terminal?

  • Q : Determine the center of mass of the body....
    Physics :

    To determine the center of mass of her body, a student lies on a plank of mass m=10 kg. Draw on the picture above all of the forces acting on the plank. Pay attention to their directions.

  • Q : Linear acceleration of the falling bucket....
    Physics :

    The bucket starts from rest and falls for 3.29 s. What is the linear acceleration of the falling bucket? The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s 2 . Answer in units of m/s 2

  • Q : Seat belt during that fraction of a second....
    Physics :

    In a head-on collision, a car stops in 0.24 from a speed of 11 . The driver has a mass of 70 , and is, fortunately, tightly strapped into his seat.What force is applied to the driver by his seat be

  • Q : Determining the cross-sectional area....
    Physics :

    Find the Young's modulus for the muscle tissue under each of these conditions if the muscle can be modeled as a uniform cylinder with an initial length of 0.200 m and a cross-sectional area of 50 cm

  • Q : What is the tension in each cable....
    Physics :

    A loudspeaker of mass 17.0 is suspended a distance of h = 2.40 below the ceiling by two cables that make equal angles with the ceiling. Each cable has a length of l = 3.50 . what is the tension in

  • Q : What would be the acceleration of the three kg mass....
    Physics :

    For an ideal Atwood machine has a massless pulley of radius 10 cm which moves without friction and has masses of 2 kg and 3 kg hanging from the pulley by a massless string, what would be the accele

  • Q : Moment of inertia for rotation about vertical axis....
    Physics :

    A 24 kg solid door is 220 cm tall, 94 cm wide. What is the door's moment of inertia for rotation about a vertical axis inside the door, 17 cm from one edge?

  • Q : What height above compressed spring was block dropped....
    Physics :

    Assuming air resistance is negligible, from what height (in cm) above the compressed spring was the block dropped?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of rifle bullet....
    Physics :

    A rifle bullet with a muzzle speed of 330 m/s is fired directly into a special, dense material that stops the bullet in 28 cm. Assuming the bullet's deceleration to be constant, what is its magnitu

  • Q : Magnitudes of centripetal and tangential accelerations....
    Physics :

    A race car starts from rest on a circular track of radius 463 m. The car's speed increases at the constant rate of 0.410 m/s2. At the point where the magnitudes of the centripetal and tangential acc

  • Q : Ke of the emitted electrons....
    Physics :

    Now light with wavelength 420 nm was directed unto the metal. What is the KE of the emitted electrons?

  • Q : How many revolutions will rotor turn before coming to rest....
    Physics :

    If the mass of the rotor is 4.25 and it can be approximated as a solid cylinder of radius 0.0510 , through how many revolutions will the rotor turn before coming to rest?

  • Q : Light and the first order bright fringe....
    Physics :

    How wide is the first order spectrum on the screen (that is, how far away is the first order bright fringe from the 400 nm light and the first order bright fringe from the 750 nm light)?

  • Q : What is the current of the resistor....
    Physics :

    A 56.0 resistor is connected in parallel with a 116.0 resistor. This parallel group is connected in series with a 22.0 resistor. The total combination is connected across a 15.0 V battery. what is

  • Q : Joules of kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    What is the speed of a 48-kilogram dog running across a lawn with 216 joules of kinetic energy?

  • Q : Calculate period of the slowest possible circular motion....
    Physics :

    Calculate the period of the slowest possible circular motion, if the length of the string is L = 1 m and the mass of the small sphere is m = 0.2 kg. How much is the tension in the string in this cas

  • Q : Find the minimum coefficient of friction....
    Physics :

    A penny is placed at the outer edge of a disk (radius = 0.159 m) that rotates about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the disk at its center. The period of the rotation is 1.50 s. Find the minim

  • Q : What is the wavelength of a typical t-wave....
    Physics :

    Eventually they traced the source to underwater volcanoes whose rising columns of bubbles resonated like organ pipes. What is the wavelength of a typical T-wave whose frequency is 7 Hz? (The speed o

  • Q : Calculate the moment of inertia of the system for an axis....
    Physics :

    Calculate the moment of inertia of this system for an axis that passes through the combined center of mass and is perpendicular to the plane of the rings.

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