• Q : Magnitude of deceleration....
    Physics :

    A 27 pound meteorite struck a car, leaving a dent 24 cm deep in the trunk. If the meteorite struck the car with a speed of 450 m/s, what was the magnitude of its deceleration, assuming it to be con

  • Q : What is speed of last train compartment....
    Physics :

    A 75-{rm m}-long train begins uniform acceleration from rest. The front of the train has a speed of 23 {rm m/s} when it passes a railway worker who is standing 150 {rm m} from where the front of th

  • Q : What is the speed of the block....
    Physics :

    What is the speed of the block when it has moved a distance of 0.0150 from its initial position? (At this point the spring is compressed 0.0160 .)

  • Q : Find the direction of the resultant force....
    Physics :

    Two forces, 477 N at 19 and 324 N at 30 are applied to a car in an effort to accelerate it. Find the direction of the resultant force

  • Q : Calculate the distance traveled by the ball during the serve....
    Physics :

    A tennis ball is served at 73.14 m/s and was in contact with the racquet for .027 s and starts from rest. the ball has an acceleration of 2710 m/s^2. calculate the distance traveled by the ball dur

  • Q : Average power of the circuit over one cycle....
    Physics :

    A series RLC circuit has a peak current of with a frequency of If the resistance of the circuit is the capacitance of the circuit is and the inductance of the circuit is determine the average power

  • Q : What is the chargeon the beads....
    Physics :

    A small metal bead, labeled A, has a charge of 28 nC. It is touched to metal bead B, initially neutral, so that the two beads share the 28 nC charge, but not necessarily equally. When the two beads

  • Q : What is the acceleration of sports car....
    Physics :

    A sports car moving at constant speed travels 90 m in 5.2 s. If it then brakes and comes to a stop in 4.0 s, what is its acceleration? Express the answer in terms of g's, where g = 9.80 m/s2.

  • Q : Reactance of a capacitor....
    Physics :

    The reactance of a capacitor is at a frequency of What is the capacitance?

  • Q : Find the magnitudes of the three forces....
    Physics :

    The hinge applies a force to the left end of the beam that has a horizontal component H and a vertical component V. Find the magnitudes of these three forces.

  • Q : Value of the inductance....
    Physics :

    The inductor in a radio receiver carries a current of amplitude 200 mA when a voltage of amplitude 2.4 V is across it at a frequency of 1400 Hz. What is the value of the inductance?

  • Q : Calculate the zero-point energy....
    Physics :

    Calculate the zero-point energy associated with its rotation in three-dimensional space. Also calculate the zero-point energy associated with its vibration.

  • Q : What is the impedance of the circuit....
    Physics :

    Sinusoidal voltage Δv = (100 V) sin (160t) is applied to a series RLC circuit with L = 30 mH, C = 100 μF, and R = 44 Ω. What is the impedance of the circuit?

  • Q : Understanding the physical phenomena....
    Physics :

    For example, a flute can be described as an open-open pipe because a flutist covers the mouthpiece of the flute only partially. Meanwhile, a clarinet can be described as an open-closed pipe because

  • Q : What is the mutual inductance of the two coils....
    Physics :

    An emf of 123.0 mV is induced in the windings of a coil when the current in a nearby coil is increasing at the rate of 1.17 A/s. What is the mutual inductance of the two coils?

  • Q : Determining potential difference between the plates....
    Physics :

    A small object with a mass of 440 mg carries a charge of 35.0 nC and is suspended by a thread between the vertical plates of a parallel-plate capacitor. The plates are separated by 4.00 cm. If the

  • Q : Calculate the breaking stress of an alloy....
    Physics :

    A new alloy is found to break when a tensile force of 90N is applied perpendicular to each end if diameter of the wire is 1.84mm. Calculate the breaking stress of an alloy.

  • Q : Satellite from the planet center....
    Physics :

    A planet has two satellite moons. Moon X has an orbital period of 1.63 days. Moon Y has an orbital period of about 3.35 days. Both moons have nearly circular orbits. Use Kepler's third law to find

  • Q : Determining the ball initial speed....
    Physics :

    A ball is thrown horizontally from the roof of a building 59 m tall and lands 35 m from the base. What was the ball's initial speed?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the electric field between plates....
    Physics :

    An electric field is set up between two parallel plates, each of area 2.0 m2, by putting 1.0 C charge on one plate and a -1.0 C charge on the other.The plates are separated by 4.0 mm. What is the m

  • Q : Problem related to coulomb constant....
    Physics :

    A charge of +1.62 × 10^-9 C is placed at the origin, and another charge of +6.27 × 10^-9 C is placed at x = 2.4 m. The value of the Coulomb constant is 8.98755 × 10^9 N · m2/C

  • Q : Determining the effective coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    A 260 kg piano slides 4.5 m down a 30° incline and is kept from accelerating by a man who is pushing back on it parallel to the incline. The effective coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.40.

  • Q : How high to the nearest meter will car coast up next hill....
    Physics :

    Just as a car tops a 37 meter high hill with a speed of 79 km/h it runs out of gas and coasts from there, without friction or drag. How high, to the nearest meter, will the car coast up the next hi

  • Q : Describe how a biopsychosocial approach might provide....
    Physics :

    Jack is a second-grade student. He seems to have no interest in learning, often daydreaming in class and frequently disrupting the class by throwing objects at other students. Describe how a biopsy

  • Q : What is the radius of the resulting helical path....
    Physics :

    The electron has a velocity that has an x component of 30 km/s, a y component of 40 km/s, and a z component of zero. What is the radius of the resulting helical path?

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