• Q : Determine the man upward acceleration....
    Physics :

    To hoist himself into a tree, a 69.0 kg man ties one end of a nylon rope around his waist and throws the other end over a branch of the tree. He then pulls downward on the free end of the rope with

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the net electrostatic force....
    Physics :

    A point charge of +5Q is placed at the center of a square. When a second point charge of -Q is placed at one of the square's corners, it is observed that an electrostatic force of 3 N acts on the p

  • Q : Find the ratio of the orbit speeds....
    Physics :

    The binary star system Krell consists of two stars, Krell A and Krell B, orbiting each other, with no other ojects nearby. Find the ratio of the orbit speeds vA/vB.

  • Q : What is the tension in the cables....
    Physics :

    A 27 kg loudspeaker is suspended 3.0 m below the ceiling by two cables that are each 50 degrees from vertical. What is the tension in the cables?

  • Q : Find magnitude of electric field at one corner of square....
    Physics :

    Calculate the magnitude of the electric field at one corner of a square 1.1 m on a side if the other three corners are occupied by 3.05x10-6 C charges in N/C.

  • Q : Average induced emf in the coil....
    Physics :

    A 8.1 cm diameter wire coil is initially oriented so that its plane is perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.710 T pointing up. During the course of 0.160 s, the field is changed to one of 0.280 T

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration of a speck....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the acceleration of a speck of clay on the edge of a potter's wheel turning at 50 (revolutions per minute) if the wheel's diameter is 38 cm?

  • Q : Energy of the photoelectron....
    Physics :

    The K-shell binding energy of an electron in a lead atom is 88.0 keV and the L-shell energy is approximately 15.0 keV. A 100 keV photon ejects a K-shell electron. What is the energy of the photoelec

  • Q : Equation of continuity....
    Physics :

    A stream of water gets narrower as it falls from a faucet (try it and see). Explain this phenomenon using the equation of continuity.

  • Q : Determine constant angular deceleration....
    Physics :

    At time a grinding wheel has an angular velocity of 21.0 . It has a constant angular acceleration of 26.0 until a circuit breaker trips at time = 1.6. From then on, the wheel turns through an angle

  • Q : What is the work that needs to be done....
    Physics :

    Two points A and B lie 20 cm apart on a line extending radially from a point charge Q. If the potential at A is 150 V and the potential at B is 120 V, find the charge Q and the distance of point A

  • Q : Find the acceleration of the boy and the sled....
    Physics :

    A boy is sledding down a snow covered hill inclines at 35 degrees. The combined mass of the boy and his sled is 125 kg and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled and the snow is .267.

  • Q : Spring when the charges are in equilibrium....
    Physics :

    Two spherical point charges each carrying a charge of 40 μC are attached to the two ends of a spring of length 20 cm. If its spring constant is 120 Nm-1, what is the length of the spring when th

  • Q : What is the time taken by the proton to come back....
    Physics :

    A proton moving to the right at 6.2 × 105 ms-1 enters a region where there is an electric field of 62 kNC-1 directed to the left. Describe qualitatively the motion of the proton in this filed

  • Q : Determine tension in the string....
    Physics :

    A 5.0 kg mass on a 1m long string swings in a circle on a horizontal, frictionless tables at a steady speed of 2 m/s. how much work does the tension in the string do on the mass during one revoluti

  • Q : What was your average speed....
    Physics :

    You are driving home from school steadily at 98km/h for 140km . It then begins to rain and you slow to 64km/h . You arrive home after driving 3 hours and 30 minutes. How far is your hometown from s

  • Q : Find va the speed of planet z at aphelion....
    Physics :

    Planet Z is in elliptical orbit about the star Loki. At perihelion, the planet is moving at speed vp = 1.92x104 m/s. Find va, the speed of Planet Z at aphelion.

  • Q : Determine the period of oscillation....
    Physics :

    When a force of 19 N is applied to a spring, it elongates 0.085 m. Determine the period of oscillation of a 4.0-kg object suspended from this spring.

  • Q : Average force your toe applies briefly to the block of ice....
    Physics :

    0.65 kg block of ice is sliding by you on a very slippery floor at 3.5 m/s. As it goes by, you give it a kick perpendicular to its path. Your foot is in contact with the ice block for 0.0035 second

  • Q : Determine the wave intensities for the two values....
    Physics :

    The rms electric field of an electromagnetic wave increases from 298 to 894 N/C. (a) Determine the wave intensities for the two values of the electric field.

  • Q : Package dropped from helicopter ascending vertically....
    Physics :

    A helicopter is ascending vertically with a speed of 5.08 . At a height of 124 above the Earth, a package is dropped from a window. How much time does it take for the package to reach the ground?

  • Q : Find the minimum work needed to move the satellite outward....
    Physics :

    Find the minimum work needed to move the satellite outward and put it in circular orbit at a new height of h' = 8.95x106 m above the surface of the Earth.

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of impulse of net force....
    Physics :

    A 0.410-kg ball is dropped from rest at a point 1.75 m above the floor. The ball rebounds straight upward to a height of 0.590 m. What are the magnitude and direction of the impulse of the net forc

  • Q : What is the frequency of vibration....
    Physics :

    When a 80 man stands on the raft, it sinks 5.0 deeper into the water. When he steps off, the raft vibrates for a while. What is the frequency of vibration?

  • Q : Friction must be exerted between the skates and ice....
    Physics :

    A 61 kg speed skater with a velocity of 16 m/s comes into a curve of 18m radius. How much friction must be exerted between the skates and ice to negotiate the curve?

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