• Q : Calculate the critical angle for a glass-air surface....
    Physics :

    Calculate the critical angle for a glass-air surface if a ray of light which is incident in air on the surface is refracted through 24.5 degree when its angle of incidence is 40 degree.

  • Q : What was the roadrunners launch speed....
    Physics :

    Wiley coyote is chasing the roadrunner yet again. While running down the roadthey come to a deep gorge 21 m straight across and 110 m deep. The roadrunner launches itself across the gorge at a laun

  • Q : Determine energy stored in magnetic field within solenoid....
    Physics :

    The magnetic field inside a superconducting solenoid is 4.00 T. Determine the energy stored in the magnetic field within the solenoid.

  • Q : What is the gas pressure inside the cylinder....
    Physics :

    A 30cm diameter vertical cylinder is sealed at the top by a frictionless 22kg piston. The piston is 79cm above the bottom when the gas temperature is 315 C. The air above the piston is at 1.00 pres

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of velocity of third particle....
    Physics :

    An unstable nucleus of mass 2.4 10-26 kg, initially at rest at the origin of a coordinate system, disintegrates into three particles. One particle, having a mass of m1 = 6.8 10-27 kg, moves in the

  • Q : Initial total mechanical energy of the projectile....
    Physics :

    A 52.0-kg projectile is fired at an angle of 30.0° above the horizontal with an initial speed of 1.26 102 m/s from the top of a cliff 126 m above level ground, where the ground is taken to be y

  • Q : Problem based on race of boats....
    Physics :

    Two boats start together and race across a 44 km wide lake and back. Boat A goes across at 44 km/h and returns at 44 km/h. Boat B goes across at 22 km/h, and its crew, realizing how far behind it i

  • Q : Find maximum amount by which wavelength of incident photon....
    Physics :

    What is the maximum amount by which the wavelength of an incident photon could change when it undergoes Compton scattering from an atom or molecule with a 19 u mass? (1 u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg)?

  • Q : Determining the potential energy of the box....
    Physics :

    A box with a mass of 8kg is lifted (without acceleration) through a height of 9m, in order to place it upon the shelf of a closet. What is the increase in potential energy of the box?

  • Q : Gravitational force on the first electron....
    Physics :

    An electron is in a vacuum near Earth's surface and located at y = 0 on a vertical y axis. At what value of y should a second electron be placed such that its electrostatic force on the first elect

  • Q : Find the accelerations of the bodies....
    Physics :

    Two bodies having masses 30g and 40g are attached to the ends of a string of negliginle mass and suspended from a light frictionless pulley. Find the accelerations of the bodies and the tension in

  • Q : How much coffee has spilled out of the beaker....
    Physics :

    The coefficient of volume expansion of coffee is the same as that of water. How much coffee (in cubic meters) has spilled out of the beaker?

  • Q : Head-on inelastic collision....
    Physics :

    A 1.6-kg ball of putty moving to the right has a head-on inelastic collision with a .50-kg putty ball moving to the left. If the combined blob doesn't move just after the collision, what can you co

  • Q : Determine the component of the cannonball velocity....
    Physics :

    A cannon tilted upward at 30° fires a cannonball with a speed of 105 m/s. What is the component of the cannonball's velocity parallel to the ground?

  • Q : How far mirror be moved so that one wavelength has produced....
    Physics :

    How far must mirror M2 be moved so that one wavelength has produced one more new maxima than the other wavelength?

  • Q : Find electric field between plate and surface charge density....
    Physics :

    The parallel metal plate of a capacitor are separated by a distance of 0.5cm and are connected to a 90v battery. Find the electric field between them and the surface charge density on the plate.

  • Q : Average velocity for the entire trip....
    Physics :

    A horse canters away from its trainer in a straight line, moving 116 m away in 14.0 s. it then turns abruptly and gallops halfway back in 4.8 s. calculate: (a) its average speed? (b) its average vel

  • Q : What value of capacitance will ensure that output voltage....
    Physics :

    The capacitor to a full 22V, and the primary is supplied with 60-Hz AC. What value of capacitance will ensure that the output voltage stays within 3% of the rated 22v?

  • Q : Flux passes through the loop....
    Physics :

    A uniform 6 T magnetic field passes through the plane of a wire loop 0.37 m in diameter. What flux passes through the loop when the direction of the magnetic field is at a 16° angle to the norm

  • Q : Find the gauge pressure at a second point....
    Physics :

    At one point in a pipeline, the water's speed is 3.00 m/s and the gauge pressure is 4.00×10^4 Pa. Find the gauge pressure at a second point in the line 11.0 m lower than the first if the pipe

  • Q : How much longer is the tunnel than the train....
    Physics :

    How much longer is the tunnel than the train or vice versa as seen by an observer at rest with respect to the tunnel? in meters.

  • Q : Calculate the distance the third charged ball....
    Physics :

    Two charged balls, one with a charge of +5.0uC and the other with a charge of +2.4uC, are placed a distance d=10.0cm apart from each other and rigidly held in place. A third ball with a charge of -

  • Q : Problem based on potential energy increase or decrease....
    Physics :

    If a proton moved from a location with 5.0V potential to a location with 10.0V potential, would its potential energy increase or decrease? If an electron moved from a location with 5.0 V potential

  • Q : Which toy uses energy more quickly....
    Physics :

    Which toy uses energy more quickly? Which toy has a larger power rating? Which toy draws a greater current? Which toy has a lower resistance?

  • Q : Young modulus of the rope....
    Physics :

    A climber with a mass of 75 kg is attached to a 6.5 m rope with a cross sectional area of 3.5×10-4 m2. When the climber hangs from the rope, it stretches 3.4×10-3 m. What is the Young's

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